Proverbs 18: 14 (NLT) says, "The human spirit can end a pathological body, but who can bear the crushed spirit?
Because we are made wonderful, our body has the ability to recover from many diseases and heal. It is attractive to see how pain heals from inside. Pain surely lasts for a short time, but one day you will not wake up, there will be no pain, scratches will be gone.
But what happens if you have a grinding spirit? How easy can it tolerate it? Specifically, in marriage, what will you do if your soul breaks?
The mentally wounded spirit can come from being mentally or mentally harmed. In marriage, my wife may suffer because my husband repeatedly insults, complains about the body, what to do to another woman who thinks it is a model wife.
I have two crushers that I still have to mention. If we have to cope with her husband 's complaint of sexual dissatisfaction, the damage to her mental and emotional happiness will last. When a woman has a child and is older, the body of the woman changes dramatically. Hormone levels may decline over time or even drastically. It seems sensible now that I seemed like an exciting and comfortable work "to feel" for sexual activity.
My husband usually does not understand these grief well. Some husbands are not careful, expecting my wife to turn on my lovemaking, like some kind of machine with an on / off switch. This is a further subject to be discussed separately from this article. However, we need to mention it in particular in relation to the impact it will have on crushing the wife's spirit.
The second mind grinding machine in marriage is adultery. Some wives go out and get out of marriage, but the focus of this topic is my wife 's interest in her husband' s affair. When her man pours his attention, pays attention and turns time into another woman, the woman becomes unstable and emerges on the surface.
Thoughts are cluttered and scattered. Emotions and feelings are raw, unpredictable, and sometimes volatile. When my husband is dishonest, I feel hurt and literally hurt. For Christian's wife, her spirit may be trampled, unrecoverable damaged and may feel rotten in the core. She has a crushed spirit.
It may seem that the jab does not stop. Soon it felt like I was knocked out and I no longer have energy or will to get up again. You may feel like your husband has inhabited all your life from you. You have a broken spirit.
But women, you are fighting inside you. In many cases, there are things you can still do to heal your frustrated spirit and save your marriage. God sends you rescue in various ways. Prayer and meditation are very useful. You should not stop praying for your husband's marriage.
In addition, it is advantageous to seek assistance from experienced experts dealing with maritime affairs. Concern of intimacy and affair is a difficult problem that many couples are insufficient to deal alone. Christian's wife who is trying to resurrect romance and save marriage!