Your eyes are in the most impressive realm of your body and your eyes are completely unique. Naturally, a wonderful way to emphasize your eyes is body piercing! Overall face piercing has become popular and acceptable, while eye piercing is a pioneering new style and way in the world of perforation and body modification of the body.
I do not want to hinder getting pierced in the area of your eyes (in fact, eye piercing is a beautiful way to enhance the function), I offer you enough information I want you to do it. I will first explain the common eyebrow piercing and then dive into the rare and dangerous earrings that can be done near the eyes.
Eyebrow piercing is a common piercing of our culture. It should be considered that only very skilled piercer drill near the inner corner of the eyebrow (closest to the nose), but since there are three main nerves in this area, the perforation of the eyebrows You can put it anywhere on your eyebrows Popular placement). Most piercings are perforated at an angle of 40 degrees, so we minimize the risk of injuring jewelry. Depending on the structure of your face, most early jewelry console of curved barbells or captive rings. Some people have multiple eyebrow pierces on one or both eyebrows. Your creativity is truly the limit.
Once pierced, these piercings can be healed in 5 to 8 weeks, but stimulation such as makeup or sweat may stimulate the puncture and prolong the healing. Eyebrows are one of the least infected earrings, but in reality there are risks, so be sure to soak with warm salt water. Please do not touch jewels with dirty hands.
Speaking of professional punctures, some people can pinpoint their eyebrows with a safety pin (or something like that), but it may be said that it is difficult. This is not entirely true. Although it is not difficult to push sharp objects into the eyebrows (there are not much tissue and muscle compared to other puncture sites), the probability of rejecting jewelery items is very high. Sometimes it can "migrate" because there are not many organizations to hold jewelry. Furthermore, heating a sharp metal object on the flame will not be chosen as disinfecting! Many bacteria are destroyed only at temperatures much higher than what flames can offer! Please do not pierce your eyebrows. It is probably infected and may be rejected, it seems awksome to place it wrong. It is worth your money to spend a few dollars for licensed professionals.
A very unique and rare piercing is Third Eye Piercing. It is very similar to Bridge Earrings (see the Nose Piercing article), but Third Eye Piercing is perforated using a surface bar or a curved barbell. These piercings are located between your eyebrows (you can go up a little between the eyebrows between the eyebrows according to the shape of the face), it is technically considered a perforation of the surface. As a result, third-person eyepieces can move or return unless they take care of them properly. These piercings seem to be wonderful, but even if you strictly adhere to accurate after-care, these piercings will be faster to re-infect. Sweat, make-up, face wash, all stimulants. This area of the face is very expressive (surprisingly imaginable surprising movements, squinting etc), the skin around this piercing moves repeatedly, delaying healing time. Everyone can not maintain this puncture, but if you know how it looks it might be worth a try. Talk with your puncture and decide what is best for you!
Anti eyebrow is still very rare but it can be quite interesting to heal properly. It is usually drilled in the eyebrow / upper cheek region under the eyes, and anti-eyebrow is also called "teardrop drilling". Because of the perforation of the surface, there is a risk of migration and rejection due to the density of the skin, tissue and muscle in this area, and this perforation may last for a long time if properly maintained . If you sweat, touch gems, or do not wear make-up, the risk of infection will be considerably lower. Please clean thoroughly carefully in the healing period (about 6 weeks).
And lastly, the last piercing in the eye area is not really advisable to anyone, but since it is there, I feel strongly to argue that. Perforation of eyelids is one of the most unusual perforations in the world. There are good reasons. To the best of my knowledge, only talented people have this piercing. Whose eyes do not serve piercing. Eyelid is a thin layer of skin designed to protect, nourish and moisturize the eyes and cornea. Perforation of eyelids is very dangerous, and 99.99% professional puncturers refuse this procedure. If perforation does not go well, blindness may occur. In order to successfully complete this procedure, it is very tricky from the perspective of the puncturer. It is not easy to place the forceps and the needle so that they miss the eyeball. The ophthalmologist spends a better part of the special ten years studied to do this, just thinking that the eyeball is missing and putting that into view.
Cleaning the eyelids is difficult even if you endanger the reputation of the puncture for some reason and persuade you to puncture your eyelids for you. The captured ring is used, eyelids swollen, crust and nose. The only way I can keep my puncture clean is my tears and saline (it closely resembles your tears). Wearing contacts will injure the wrong piercing. It will hurt your cornea - it can be awful. Most of these piercings do not last long because too much stimulant is present in our world to prevent complete and infectious healing.
The final picture of a few brave people performing this technique seems completely amazing, but it can cause irreversible and serious damage. Despite pushing the boundary of self expression completely, I can not recommend this to anyone, but if someone fails trying this pearing, it makes me feel terrible. If you are thinking of eyelid drilling - if you find a puncture who went before it (you may be willing to do it for anyone), prepare for the worst, good luck and give it to me Please send me a picture!