There should be a 911 mentality. What to do Female is should be a part of a building break down in a condominium building. in the event of such an emergency should be clearly outlined with security, management, maintenance staff and unit owners.
In a condo high rise this can mean that it enough enough time it is the state of the water is finding a way to move down wards. even the smallest water intrusion can affect many units.
Migrating water must be contained at the source. It must be extracted before it soaks into the permeable building materials, flooring and unit & # 39; s contents.
The company should be able to respond in one hour or less. The company should have solid systems and procedures. The technicians of the company should at minimum be certified in water damage restoration and aware of the standards of the industry and legislation under the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
Building staff should know how to turn off the water for it is required to turn off the water for over a hour and the course of the water continues to run and migrates down. Many pipes have additives in the water such as glycol ethers and rust inhibitors.
The contaminated water The contaminated water is the most commonly used in the winter. The professional water restorer is a must-have sanitary sewer system. The water must be collected and a generator. The restorer should also be able to be able to to the scene. The building & # 39; s survey so that a proper designed substance hazard assessment can be properly completed before removal of any water damaged building materials can remark.
Category 2 which is commonly referred to Clean Water, Category 2 which is referred to as Gray Water and Category 3 otherwise known as Black Water.
As category 1 water travels over floor coverage and through building material the classification of the water may change to Cat 2 or Cat 3.
Water from aquariums, toilet water (not beyond the trap), waterbeds, washing machines and dishwashers are all good examples of Cat 2 water.
Any groundwater or water from sewers, drains etc from beyond the trap is considered Cat 3.
As an industry instructor I am always asked the proper way of. There is no need to contact with porous and permeable items consideration. I do not mean dry to the hand, I mean dry to the moisture meter.
The primary concern for any professional water damage restorer is to get the walls, ceilings and floors dry. People with no experience in water damage are usually focused on the floor coverings being dry. There are many interesting systems There are many interesting systems available to dry structural components. Take a look at some of the tools we use at www .dryit.ca.
Unit owners and property mangers will always find a water damage a bit chaotic. As as long as the these two basics are followed - - extract the water and dry the structure immediately, secondary damage will be kept to a minimum.