Long, healthy and beautiful hair is a dream that many goals seem out of reach due to a slow grow growth rate. there are numerous products available which claim to promote the hair growth rate.
Many believe that the ability to grow extremely long hair has to do do with on average hair grows about 1/2 inch per month, genetics, either you have it or you do not. But, contrary to this belief genetics is not the sole determinant factor as to your ability to achieve your long goals.
Although genetics does not play a role in achieving hair grow faster such as the following:
1. Scalp stimulation - Add a five minute scalp massage on a daily basis, many people claim that holding your head upside down while messaging will increase the blood flow to your scalp.
2. Vitamin regimen - Vitamins providing the body with essential nutrients which are lacking in the everyday diet, a healthy diet equates to healthy hair growth and providing the hair with the nutrients it needs to grow to its & # 39; full potential. Kelp, spirulina, msm powder ( Sulfur), biotin are excellent for this. There are also several growth products that are packed with the vitamins the hair requires.
3. Moisture - Like a flower hair loves moisture (water), if the hair is dry, combat it with moisturizing shampoo and conditioners, also use some type of quality leave in treatment to help provide your hair with continuous moisture.
Four. Careful combing (manipulation) Also reduce manipulating hair as this will lead to excessive breakage.
Five. Deep Conditioning treatments - If the hair is extremely dry and / or damaged considering applying to moisturizing / protein conditioner to dry hair or better then the conditioner to stay on overnight, then proceed to wash out the conditioner in the next morning.
6. Exercise - Helps to increase the blood flow and oxygen to your entire body including the scalp, which in turn increase your growth rate.
Most importantly, you are a surely surely surely you make it. You will also find it that incorporating a healthy diet that includes plenty of vegetables and lean protein into your reg willen; you will see see results faster.
Not only will you your retaining length (because it will be strong stronger) but so will your whole body, the change in your diet will result in increased energy and overall feeling of well being.
With following these easy steps you will have your grow your hair and your scalp with the growing your hair down your back immediately, with consistent application of these tips you will soon begin to see results.