Sodium glutamate, better known as MSG, is considered a GRAS food (generally recognized as safe) by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). For this reason, foods containing MSG do not have a negative impact on health. However, the FDA has acknowledged that MSG may cause problems for certain individuals, including those with a low tolerance to asthma patients and sodium glutamate.
In addition to the FDA approval that this additive may affect the above individuals, other people think that MSG will adversely affect more people.
In fact, among scientists (Russell Blaylock, author of "Excitotoxins the Taste that Kills") between MSG consumption (especially over 3 grams) and adverse health effects,
General health problems related to increased MSG intake include:
Degradation of health condition including onset of BPH symptoms
- Headache, including migraine
- Nausea
- Dizziness / tinnitus
- Mental irregularity
- Increased body heat or excessive sweating
- Skin rash
- Depression / itch
- Increase or intone thirst
- Drowsiness or drowsiness
It also contains significant health concerns related to additives by researchers like Blaylock.
- Seizure
- Brain cell death
- Brain injury
- Allergies
- Headache
- Stroke
- Low blood sugar
- Brain tumor
- depression
Robert Rosenthal, diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, was able to follow the onset of benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) symptoms. Rosenthal discovered that foods containing MSG seem to cause painful symptoms of BPH. By avoiding these foods and other triggers, I was able to suppress the onset of his hypertrophic prostate symptoms.
Unfortunately, despite evidence such as Rosenthal and Blaylock, the FDA still has monosodium glutamate in the GRAS list. This may give the false impression that MSG is as safe as other items in its list such as salt, pepper, vinegar etc. If you suffer from any of the above adverse events, please review what you are eating, consult a doctor and consider eating MSG from a diet.