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 Reiki in the 21st Century <br/>-2

Unfortunately when many people think of Reiki it 's more than ever, we need the healing disciples such as reiki it brings the traditions, symbols and This place of view is understandable and in many ways we have have ourselves to blame for the misconception people have about Reiki, and what it can do.

Namaste and love and light & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; & # 39; has become defined by symbols, hand positions and the associated spiritual mantras of & These are the trappings along with soothing music, candles and incense often associated with Reiki treatments Provided by: There is nothing wrong with these things in themselves but they are not reiki. While these may be aesthetically pleasing they are cosmetic and contribute nothing to the energy that we have come to know as Reiki.

It is not need We are christened Reiki is non secular and non-denominational, it approaches to our, no matter what we do we can not add anything to it, nor detract from it. It is what Remove all of the peripherals; it it, and we are an expression of this creative life force. what you end up with is an energy seeking expression through the actions of the individual it created in the form of personal spiritual development.

For even the most of miraculous is nothing more than a creative technology that lies beyond our present level of awareness. It is this that opens our eyes to the troubles we face and the state of the world around beliefs and actions and the events unfolding before us.

Everyone was rightly shocked and appalled by these terrorists and patriotic defiance led to land marks around the world draped in the colors of the French tricolor. It also reflected in people changed their Facebook status to show their sympathy for Those who lost their lives in the bombing. as many as a reici gesture, as a reiki teacher and practitioner I find it disturbing and cause for real concern. Not so much for the gesture itself but by the obvious double standards, the way we allow ourselves to be conditioned to think of others as our enemy. Who does and des not deserve our sympathy and compassion.

If anything the bombing of the plane a bussiness is blown up in mid air killing 244 men women and children. Extremists were responsible for both the atmosphere and the comparison of the silence on Facebook was deafening with not a Russian flag in sight. was far more tragic because of the number of children Russians as our enemy These are ordinary men women and children like you and I but are we have been conditioned to view Russians as our enemy They did not deserve our compassion or our sympathy. Inadvertently our patriotic gesture made it quite clear that we valued their lives far less than those who died in the Paris bombing.

Not a day goes by where innocent civilians are dying around the world in conflicts that involvement in society or prolonged through the provision of finance, weapons and training. Yet because of media bias and restrictions in involvement in these deaths goes unnoticed In the retaliatory conflicts that followed in Iraq / Iran / Afghanistan / Iran / Afghanistan / Iran / Afghanistan / Pakistan it is estimated that the non-combatant deaths have exceeded 250,000 and this number continues to rise each and every day.

Casualties by default, but where are their memories It is obviously their fault for it in the wrong place. , where are the flags on Facebook? Why are not we standing with them?

It is wedged to the political extremism that seeks to use ideology as a means of exercising its power and control. When attacked Pain and suffering has wisdomed in Paris, London and around the world, it 's the most natural response is to defend ourselves and in the midst of outrage like paris, London and around the world, it & # 39; s understandable for those who have suffered to demand justice or even seek revenge. It's a dark and desolate place we seek to destroy those who have taken much more us.

Unfortunately violence breeds more violence no matter what we call it, be it retaliation, retribution or revenge. Those who single mindedly advocate the destruction of violence through the use of further violence only serve to perpetuate the belief that might is right, and the end justifies It buys into the rigid mindset that the end of in doing so we feed some we have some god right to assume the role of judge, jury and executioner. Unfortunately the lines between good and bad, right and wrong are no longer clearly defined, and hatred never chooses sides.

When we witness these actions of wanton britality these actions we have a finger of corrective judgment and overlook the part our Governments have played in the creation of terrorism or the groups using violence to achieve their objectives. Enemies do not just appear out of the mist like some disembodied specter; I have nothing to feel wrong and are innocent of any crime against humanity, they like us are flesh and blood created are part in the consequence of our actions.

Millions died as traditions, cultures and spiritual belief systems were decimated in the name of salvation and enforced submission to the Christian God. Those who would have us forget this part of our social and religious development help to ensure that mistakes will be repeated to not learnt from. It & # 39; s dangerous and naive to believe the past is irrelevant and of no consequence to The present moment. It 's the same as we have a feeling of the realities. How we react or respond to the present situations will create the world for future generations.

Terrorism is evil no matter what flag it flies and righteousness is in the theater of the beholder, the terrorist and freedom fighter are often separated by nothing more than the degrees in the violence they perpetuate and the flag the claim allegiance to. Distance like ignorance and This individuation provides a very very fruitful way to deal with this consciousness and hardly a voice. fragile sense of comfort and security which is shattered when we are faced with the realities of war and acts of violence.

We must defend ourselves to protect our homes, family and country but violent conflict alone will not bring about the peace we desire. In a world where conflict appears to be the norm we must be able to protect ourselves in order to survive, but survival requires more than a defensive or offensive armament. Violence is addictive and when out of control it begins to feed upon itself to solutions for conflict so that violence and aggression. a world without wars brought about through raised awareness knowledge and understanding partnerships, or a world without wars only because there is no one left alive to fight them.

It 's defined by our level of awareness and the knowledge and understanding we express in the way we live our lives. It' s # defined by the love and compassion we can allow ourselves to enjoy and share with others others in the open and nonjudgmental way regardless of color creed or religion.

We have lost our way and future generations may in hind sight consciousness as in harlocks age mankind has ever inflicted upon them, yet a thought thought thought has the power to change the world if enough people believe in it. As Reiki teachers and practitioners we have A global solution begins with a personal acceptance of responsibility. Change is only possible when we When a comfort zone is no longer fits our attention is usurping the usual and we have the challenges before us. to the discomfort caused by an idea, belief or reality outgrown. Reiki is first and foremost education in action, a process of spiritual and personal development and in these dark ages where ignoranc e and fear rule by default there is no better time to allow that personal light of knowledge and understanding to shine.

 Reiki in the 21st Century <br/>-2

 Reiki in the 21st Century <br/>-2

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