Everyone gets heads once in a while, but some experience them on a regular basis Sensitivity to light, nausea and / or neck pain are called migraines.
Headaches and migraines can be caused by an array of events, from everyday stressors like luck of sleep or a tough day, such as aa fall, sports game or car accident. The vascular explanation for migraine, that blood vessels constricting While nausea and aura are well-known, the cervical spine in the neck and its surrounding muscles can be the source of pain. If you experience neck pain with your headaches, you can say this answer to your pain.
While Big Pharmacy would like you to reach for an over-the-counter or prescription pain-killer to deal with your headache, it is better to identify the source of pain and find ways to resolve it for good.
Vertebral Subluxation and Headaches
Having a vertebra of the spell is not in its proper position. Having the neck wrenched such a very hard fall; having the verk brought out a number of ways: a particularly jarring event that happens to the body chronic muscle tension pulling on the spine; finally, many years of poor posture. since an injury is self-explanatory, let & # 39; s explore how muscle tension and poor posture can lead to subluxation.
The muscles that surround the spine are chronically tense, it actually distorts the spinal alignment. Poor posture can stress the spine by disabling it natural curvature, and can strain muscles by for them theme support weight You will notice that the natural inward curvature of the cervical spine, called lordosis, is reduced and the muscles from the shoulders up through the neck are dropped slightly. This stooped position is one of the most commonly witnessed examples of poor posture.
This shortening creates a pull on the structures around them - bones, ligaments, tendons and other muscles. This could gradually pull vertebrae out of alignment in the cervical spine.
Since the cervical spine houses many nerves that travel to the face and head, a cervical subluxation can cause headache and migraine.
Trigger Points and Headaches
When muscles are tensioned, or contracted, they burn energy and create waste. That waste products, including lactic acid, are irritants that need to be flushed from the muscle; the muscles must relax in order to flush out built-up waste. These pooling irritants cause the inflammation and shortening of the muscle. These points can irritate surrounding nerves and refer pain to the head.
The Dura Connection
The protective covering surrounded by the dura is called the meninges, a network of membranes that contained fluids. These fluids cushion the brain and the neck was discovered to connect with the dura at the base of the head. Creating the pull on the dura, creating headache and migraine .
77% of participants exhibited reduced lordosis of the cervical spine, and 97% showed abnormal segmental mobility, meaning the This study suggests that a vast majority of headache cases have an important link to abnormalities in the neck. see more: /www.drrisley.com/html/headmig.html.
Treatment for Neck-Related Headache
This may sound This is may happy care. It may sound like a small instruments to apply force to the spine, moving joints through and beyond their range of motion. painful, but good chiropractors work gently and with extensive knowledge of the neurological structures of the spine. Through a number a sessions, the chiropractor gradually restores alignment to the spine.
Some of the chiropractors offer free sessions to provide information about spinal anatomy and the benefits of chiropractic care, like this North Carolina-based chiropractor: http://www.sys-con.com/node/1929740. Studies supporting the effectiveness of chiropractic care in treating headaches and migraine can be found in the first link above.
Massage therapy is an excellent complement to relaxing dysfunction in one facilitates the health of the other. A massage therapist can help to work out tense muscles and trigger points, reducing the pull on vertebrae and making the chiropractor & # 39; s goal easier to achieve.
If your cervical spine is subluxated and left untreated , permanent damage may have been done to the disks and nerves of the spell. Spinal surgery is a treatment best avoided.
Do you feel a pop in your neck before the pain starts? Does it occur after sitting for a prolonged period of time? Answers to questions like these can help you to understand the cause of your pain, at which point you can work to avoid habits that trigger it.
If you have permanent damage to your body. If headaches and migraines are diminishing your quality of life, seek treatment that addresses the root of the problem.