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 Strength training - steroids - how steroids weaken you -2

What is this related to your nutrition plan? Most people reading this wish to improve their appearance and physical fitness. Most people are pursuing their goals in commercial facilities and school gyms. Unfortunately, they are the same place to find many of the people using anabolic steroids. You also have places where you get closer to buy them.

If you approach, you are promised to doubling or triple the amount of home runs, victory, progress rate, crushed records.

You will be told the same thing.

"It is perfectly safe."

"All champions do it"

"You do not have to worry about side effects, you only have to circulate the stack, so you can display it.

"I will get mine from a real doctor behind the town.

And, on, on, on ...

Is it the first image that comes to mind when thinking about a person who is cocaine dealer honest and pleasing, straight forward, before making a wrong decision? I suspect that a drug dealer has your biggest benefit in your heart, is not it?

Considering the fact that steroids are medicines, it is illegal without a prescription, and you own it may cause serious problems, I think that you agree to call the dealer Drug dealership. If you are wise, think twice about the advice these Bose have for you.

Again, as there are many reading books aimed at increasing muscle mass and physical fitness, I think it is very important to consider this.

People reading this may already know this, but others may not. One of the effects steroids have on the body is to increase the ability to synthesize proteins. In other words, your body can now build and repair muscles faster. Your body breaks proteins into amino acids and rebuilds them into the necessary proteins to repair the body.

You can see it like this. Each gram of complete protein is a brick, your body has a bunch of layers of bricks to build various sections of your body. When you train, split your body part. In fact, normal daily life will break your body. This rebuilding process is done on a night when you slept deeply. Your body naturally releases hormones including human growth hormone (HGH) to help with this reconstruction. (This is why high-performance sleep is important for peak performance)

Natural people who do not suffer from steroids and other similar androgenic substances can only utilize so many grams of protein per day. For example, my workers can only place 100 bricks a day. It does not matter how much protein is being served during meals.

Do you know .......? The term Androgenic is defined as being related to the development of male features including body hair, genital veins and muscle mass. "Androgen" is an adjective form of the noun "androgen" and is a term referring to either male hormones including testosterone and androsterone.

On the other hand, for the use of his illegal drugs, for example, 200 grams of protein can be processed per day. So not only can his workers build more bricks, but also repairs and rebuilds become faster, leading to greater profit faster. This allows "juicers" to benefit more from each workout, they can train with less intensity, but their body can be rebuilt faster, so they I will grow faster. They can also train harder than a natural athlete, return quickly and start over. Nature guys and girls need to rest for more than one day depending on the strength of the training. When trying to catch up with the juicer, the natural trainer becomes as follows. lose Do not build for muscle, excess training. This also allows the athlete to go beyond its genetic ability, allowing juice monkeys to enhance muscle and strength more than normal. At least it's one of the reasons why it's important to take it.

If I have not picked it up yet, I am not a fan of steroids. I am not a fan of those who take it, especially fans of those who sell them. Steroids are fraudsters friends. Steroid abusers, fellow players, all true fans of that sport, and most importantly, are cheating. myself.

I truly believe that every aspect of life is relevant. The experience of life is universal. By experiencing and experiencing one end version, it affects others. There is no change in sports or muscle. If life experience and lessons do not apply in other areas of your life, you will learn forever. This will become apparent once you start to live your life completely and deeply. You can quickly connect the lessons you learned to every area of ​​your life. This is one of the reasons why cheating is dangerous, patience between effort, discipline, thought, and other exercises is important. Because analogy, proverbs, fables, stories are very valuable. This is because wisdom applies to every aspect of life, even though not all lessons are universal.

If you bring weight loss and muscles and other goals to your life, you experience obstacles to setbacks and overcome. Even the information you are reading now that you truly believe will change your life to something better. A tough time will come.

For example, difficulties may arise due to your unique situation. If you do not have the essential items or tools used for the explanation, you may think that you are following the recommendations in the required way, but it may not be the case. Many people, including themselves, sometimes devote their spins to things without realizing it. I believe that it is necessary not only to obey the recommendations but also to see if it complies with the method described unless it is harmful to you or others. I think that you are doing the interpretation Once you understand that you have it, you can "customize" it. Avoid adding steps to the process until you experience it at least once and understand what you are doing.

For this, you need to increase your self-cognitive ability, verify what you are doing, and check if you are headed in the right direction. Sometimes it may take some time to figure out what is wrong, it may be really easy. You have to fight from time to time, deeply dig down " I will never give up, I want this and I am going to get it! "

This builds up the character, gives power to your self image, and strengthens the will. Steroids and magic potions promise to deceive you all things in the world. There are not many ways for you to feel better and better than you are watching what you did in your life. Me - It was not something out of hand. I know that there is a place and time, but if you fall in the buttocks and look for a person picking you up, there may not be anyone to do it. Taking steroids or other ways People who cut corners with, this weakness will be able to see the rest, that stench will penetrate others Other ups up.

That stench is the smell of cheaters, cheaters, of those who are looking for an easy way. I would not want that person next to me in the hole of a fox of life and probably neither of you would do you. Other people, especially athletes and real champions feel the same way. If you are the type of his person, See ah!

I can not say that "I did this" because I was watching a mirror or just gaining weight. I could not imagine watching the mirror and having a syringe or pill bottle next to me.

There was a time when all men and women gathered and had to eat food. They also had to run the land, plant the seeds and harvest the harvest. There is no way around it. Maybe there is a clue there, why?

I do not dislike you misunderstanding what I say. The only way is to work hard and avoid using your head. That is not what I am talking about. In fact, those who work hard in smart work are those who awake. What I am speaking is to deceive yourself from opportunities to face perseverance in the face of difficulties. There will be times when it will be up to you, come to realize that only you will raise yourself. Then, please resolve that there is nothing that you work eagerly until you can understand. Once you understand it, it tends to be much easier.

If you are currently taking steroids, please throw excrement and try again. It gets worse before it gets better, but it gets better.

If you know or know a child in school, probably a classmate, especially those participating in athletics, watch over the signs of steroid abuse.

The following are some signs of steroid use:

  • Rapid weight gain with large muscle mass
  • Aggressiveness and bad attitude
  • Jaundice / skin change
  • Body purple or red spots
  • Swelling of legs and lower limbs
  • Shaking and trembling
  • Persistent body odor
  • Severe acne, oily skin
Short-term and long-term physical use of steroids male - Anabolic steroids are derived from male hormones, but men taking male hormones may be affected as follows: short term
  • Decrease in sperm count
  • Damage to the heart
  • Impotence
  • Difficulty and pain during urination
Long term

  • Liver disease or liver cancer
  • Chest development
  • Contraction of the testicles
Female - When women use corticosteroids, some "masculinization" effects may occur.

Short term

  • Reduction of breast
  • Excessive hair growth
Long term
  • Deep voice
  • Expanded clitoris
  • Abnormal menstrual cycle
I am trying to create a nutrition plan that will help muscle packing, so after reading this please think that it is really hard for someone to provide something "source" to you. The person selling this product is a drug trade punk which is said to be imprisoned in prison, especially when selling to minors. This person is a predator. Are you really worried about getting sick or using his way of death? You are welcome. The only thing he feels wrong is money that you can no longer escape from you.

Steroids should only be used for legitimate reasons under the necessary medical supervision. A doctor who sells or prescribes a steroid to improve performance rather than an actual medical reason is a larger puncture than the above-mentioned drug dealer. The doctor pledged Hippocrates to protect your health so as not to harm your health. This man explains that he will lose his practice license and will be shipped to klink.

There are many counterfeit steroids on the market and only for use of animals, so there are many things from the third world countries and zoos. Everything you know may end up in a bottle of pills made from vials filled with horse urine or rat poison. Keep away from this shit.

Physical influence of male and female by using steroid

Continued use of anabolic steroids may cause the following effects for both males and females

Short term

  • Acne
  • Liquid retention
  • Rapid weight gain
  • Increased blood pressure and cholesterol level
  • Insomnia (sleep impossible)
  • Headache
  • Decline in sexual function
  • Increase muscle size
  • Swelling of the foot and ankle
  • Improved healing
  • Improved appetite
Long term · Blood coagulation disorder · heart attack · coagulopathy · cardiovascular, liver, reproductive organs injury · early heart attack and stroke · sexual function decline · adolescent development decline · antihypertensive behavior · hypertension or fatigue · chronic gonadotropin or HCG) · Increased chance of ligament, tendon, muscle damage · Bacterial infection, abscess, cellulitis, cellulitis, HIV / AIDS

When going to the gym, usually you know who is taking this stuff. Most people are the most difficult and insecure people in the gym. You do not want to be like these people.

Please look at the above symptoms again. If you are a man, do you want a really contracted testicle? If you are a girl, will you make your clitoris visible so that you can see with your dress? It looks really sexy on the beach. I am saying that women want them to mistake her mistake?

If you have something worth damaging your health and deceiving yourself from life, change the lessons, lessons and challenges you will understand yourself and life flaws.

Action step!

It just does not matter

Yeah, I know, it sounds fine - but I got tired of developing my breasts. And for women you are reading this, I'm sure that stupidity is far more desirable than back hair and a huge penis.

To receive education Application It!

Due to proper training, rest and nutrition planning, many beginners may gain 20 pounds of muscle or lose 20 pounds of fat within 3 months. It is also possible to triple your endurance in 2 to 3 weeks.

To do this, you need to learn how to do it and it is difficult to find it in muscle pages. In most cases miraculous muscle potions and steroid advertisements are searched using a model that claims to be a supplement that causes strange development and pigs fly away.

By adhering to the fundamentals, consistently and appropriately with courage, you develop the strength, health, personality and achieve your dream most.

© 2008 Raymond Toulany

 Strength training - steroids - how steroids weaken you -2

 Strength training - steroids - how steroids weaken you -2

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