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 Taste loss and general health condition -2

There are few people who realize it, but there is a possibility that it may result in loss of taste in a state not managed. Unfortunately, this loss of taste exacerbates the situation simply by causing loss of appetite, poor diet habits, and malnutrition. Given the importance of eating when you are suffering from a chronic illness, this can be a serious problem. This is it if another reason was needed to take care of yourself.

So, is there any possibility that medicines that can not be controlled lead to loss of taste? Poor liver and kidney disease, diabetes, anemia, thyroid gland are listed.

It is known that about two-thirds of liver disease patients suffer from taste loss as well. Scientists believe that this will occur as the body accumulates waste that prevents the taste when the liver fails. In addition, some drugs used to treat liver diseases are known to cause loss of taste.

Likewise, kidney disease causes waste accumulation and drugs used to treat it can affect taste. In addition, missing children also affect the level of zinc in the body. Zinc deficiency is known as the cause of loss of taste.

Kidney disease also feels metallic taste, ammonia breath, swelling, fatigue, itching, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, urination change, shortness of breath, dizziness or difficulty concentrating and colder than normal in the mouth. As the disease gets worse, these symptoms become more elaborate.

Half of all diabetic patients also have loss of taste. This is particularly dangerous because it makes people overly eat if you can not taste sugar. Of course it is the root of diabetes mellitus. The most likely cause in the case of diabetes is nerve injury.

Anemia can also cause taste loss. This is a disease characterized by abnormally few red blood cell counts. When vitamin B 12 deficiency is the underlying cause of anemia, it is easily treated with injections and supplements. Some of the symptoms you may be anemic include fatigue, lack of energy, thinner than usual, dizziness, foot cramps, rapid heart rate, headache and insomnia. If anemia is suspected, a simple blood test will give you the answer.

Approximately 5% of the population has hypothyroidism (hypothyroidism), and females are more frequent than men. Symptoms of the thyroid gland include abnormalities in taste, depressed mood, constipation, muscle and joint pain, hair thinning, pregnancy problems, fatigue, weight gain, slow heart rate, swollen face, cold tolerance And so on.

One of the thyroid dysesthesias is rare but difficult to deal with. This is called "dry mouth syndrome". As the name implies, it is very painful and feels as if the mouth is being shrunk. The entire mouth may be affected, such as the lips, gums, inside the knee, roof of the mouth, etc. This problem is difficult to treat, but to relieve pain, you can find some relief from ice chips and very cold water.

It is important to properly manage these medical conditions. Taking medication and taking it, you can regularly check with your doctor to prevent loss of taste. In most cases, in places where illness is uncontrollable, regaining control alleviates the problem of loss of taste. If the underlying disease becomes uncontrollable for a very long time, damage to nerves and brain will resolve spontaneously the loss of taste.

 Taste loss and general health condition -2

 Taste loss and general health condition -2

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