Have you imagined how cord blood units can handle your child's hearing impairment? According to Dr. James Baumgartner, a pediatric neurosurgeon at Florida Children & # 39; s Hospital, umbilical cord blood stem cells can be used to treat some serious conditions among children. Regarding treatment of childhood companion hearing loss, we confirmed that approved hearing impairment or loss can be treated with autologous umbilical cord blood stem cells.
Acquired hearing loss is a catastrophic condition of children who do not exist at birth but are acquired later. Half of the children suffering from the disease were genetically received but obtained half due to external factors such as excessive intake of antibiotics, recurrence of premature infants, recurrence of ear infections. And to make it worse, the severity of the condition is gradually progressing for many children.
Dr. Baumgartner explained how children speak while listening to others' voices. He said that children will take twelve months of normal hearing input to speak. During this period, the child's brain is deepening the understanding of spoken language. If the child has not been exposed to hearing input for 18 months, the chances of speech are low. If it has been deprived of sounds for more than 3.2 years, you probably will never speak. That is the reason why authorized hearing loss is considered a child's condition.
What factors lead to loss of hearing? Well, there is an organ called Corti, located in the inner ear, which is regarded as the microphone of our body. Our auditory nerve is located directly under Korche's hair cells. And its main function is to convey the signal to the brain. Loss of hair cells in the organ of the corti organ gives rise to hearing loss.
The most practical treatments for treating children's hearing loss are cochlear implants and hearing aids. However, neither of these solutions addresses the symptoms and does not provide a cure. Let's see how we can treat hearing loss acquired by stem cells. Researchers believe that umbilical cord stem cells can regenerate new hair cells with Corti organisms with potential for hearing loss.
In a study inspired by a study of 30 patients at Duke University suffering from loss of hearing, cord blood transplantation has been shown to be a treatment for hearing loss due to mucopolysaccharidoses. This discovery demonstrates that hearing loss can be easily measured. This unit is called ABR which is the number of functioning hair cells. If the transplant shows improved ABR, it suggests that functional hair cells are proliferating. In the previous trail, human umbilical cord blood stem cells were used to treat hearing loss in the mouse model, resulting in replacement of hair cells. Baumgartner says that: "There was quite a big improvement.