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 Use this homemade garlic oil recipe to drive away raccoons -2

At this time, rabies may be really annoying. The weather is better, the nighttime temperature gets higher, and the spring and summer season is the best time for raccoons activity. Everything you can do to protect your property from raccoon invasion and damage if you live near forests or woodland areas or live in an area known for annoying raccoon interference is all wise . This involves removing all food and water sources outside the house, locking in the trash cans, locking the scaldable entrance of the roof and the siding, and implementing a non-harmful strategy to not fear raccoons included.

The most effective way to scare raccoons is safe and humanitarian solutions such as automatic lighting, ultrasonic sound equipment, and of course insecticides. Purchasing wildlife repellent purchased is not recommended as it may contain dangerous dangerous chemicals for raccoons, pets, people, plants. Instead, please challenge your own raccoon from the comfort of your own kitchen. Continue reading to learn a wonderful, effective raccoon repellent prescription requiring organic ingredients such as garlic and mineral oil.

What you need:

  • 9 cloves of garlic
  • Mineral oil
  • Cayenne pepper on the ground
  • Plastic spray bottle
  • Enclosed glass container
  • water
Caution: All these ingredients can be purchased at stores and department stores. Each item is inexpensive and easy to find.

What should I do:

Fry 3 ounces of fresh garlic cloves. Probably you need 6 or 7 cloves to get 3 ounces of garlic, but always getting extra is always a good thing.

Put 3 oz of garlic in a glass container and mix with 2 tablespoons of mineral oil.

Seal the glass container and mix for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, mix the 16 ounces of water, 1 cup of cayenne pepper and 2 garlic mixture in a plastic spray bottle. Shake it well.

Wear your protective gloves (and glasses if you have it) and spray around with your solution around with solution. Also please spray on the place where you actually saw raccoons. Avoid places and places where your pet plays. Cayenne pepper may irritate eyes and nose.

Caution: Before spraying around your estate, make sure to test a small area of ​​grass and plants to make sure your solution is not harmful.

Repaint the solution every 4 days and after heavy rain. Please refrigerate the garlic mixture for higher potency.

 Use this homemade garlic oil recipe to drive away raccoons -2

 Use this homemade garlic oil recipe to drive away raccoons -2

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