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 Weak Erection Causes and Symptoms - Cure Weak Erection <br/>-2


The weakness of erection during sexual intervention can occur when the two small arms do not receive the flow of blood from the heart and the aorta. The weakness in erection is the lining of blood vessels too weak to get to the penis.

This is sensitive part of the body must be continued sex during love-making. Spinal column around the penis, fibrous tissue muscles and veins near the corpora must also in good condition to allow fullection penis to take place and its occurrence when any of these activities are disturbed.

It is normal and should not be worry, but if its more than two it is occasionally with affected millions of men in the world has. months, one can consult a specialist.

Weak Erection is an Aged Problem.

Men have openly talked about the weak assessment among themselves on the subject matter, initially They are tagged, embarrassed and feeling incomplete. Because of uncertain situations, because to discuss about the problem is better and willingness to search for better solutions in recent time.

What are the Causes of Weak Erection

The disruption of blood flow to the penis vein is a major cause of weakness of penis during sexual intervention. However, there are other causes of to weakness in erection such as suffering from diabetes for a long period of time , cardiovascular disorder, prostate cancer operations, side effects of using hard drugs, multiple sclerosis, hormonal disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, fear of guilt, low self-esteem; and also old age plays importance rule This age group seems to live in total weakness of penis due to their past activity in their early age.

Who suffers from Weakness in Erection

i. Those involve highly in use of drugs and alcoholic,

ii. Those suffering from trauma or surgery damage on the vein around the penis,

iii. Those living in depression, stress and anxiety,

iv. Those who smoke heavily with serious disorders such as High Blood Pressure, and

v. Those who lives overweight, etc.

What are the Symptoms of Weak Erection

Many men take much of stimulants for direct actions when having sexual intervention, when there is no symptoms of weakness in erection, and practice of this method for long time may cause weak assessment. Alternately, if a man notice sign in weakness of erection or organization taking longer time to achieve erection during love-making, which some stimulation drugs being applied to increase volume of ejaculation, then, specialist should be contacted immediately.

How Weak Erection Diagnosed?

Please be honest when discussing with your medical consultant so as to enable him conductance correct diagnosis.

Your doctor may want to carry out a few medical examination to rule out any in the results of conduct multiple tests for proper results to determine your blood count, liver enzymes, free testosterone in the blood and urinalysis.

Ultrasonography test should be carried out in order to ascertain the arterial circulation in the genital organs, neurological evaluation to assess nerve damage, cavernosometry to determine the penile vascular pressure in the blood flow to and fro the penis to be traced with an injected dye may be It is very necessary to conduct psychosocial examination to reveal the cause of weak erection problems.

How to Cure Weak Erection

Frequent use of stimulant during sexual intervention accounts for 35% of weakness of penis during love-making among men.

Changes in lifestyle may reverse weak erection such changes may be to stop smoking, loss of weight, exercises, reduces stress, sleeping well, attaining physical and medical seminars, group discussions, and medical examinations.

Surgeies are rare to cure weak erection, and some drug having worse side effect when used, may be recommended before using. several parts which must be in contact during sexual interference; and oral testosterone is an option to cure it, but this may cause liver damage. Weak erection is commonly young men in recent time.

Living With Weak Erection.

If you can not talk to your partner and you study, you should not talk to your partner and yourself. We can appreciate your thought and asking questions from your medical consultants. There is hope to live with Weak Erection.

 Weak Erection Causes and Symptoms - Cure Weak Erection <br/>-2

 Weak Erection Causes and Symptoms - Cure Weak Erection <br/>-2

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