Why do some women have excess body hair?
The male hormones influence the amount of hair in the body of in the "masculine" areas: face, upper back, chest etc. Male hormones exist in large quantities in men and in small amounts in women. There are many women who suffer from excess body hair (hirsutism), mainly due to the following reasons:
1. There are too many male hormones in the blood.
2. The skin is too sensitive to normal male hormone levels.
The doctor may decide to prescribe a hormonal balance treatment to women who suffer from hirsutism, especially if there are other signs in favor of hormonal abnormality (menstrual disorders, hair loss, hoarse voice etc.). will consider before starting this treatment.
What are the different hair removal techniques available these days?
There are several hair removal techniques available nowdays. Among these are:
The procedure can also result in inflammatory contamination of the skin. It is a classic technique which involves plucking the hair with the help of tweezers.
It is associated with a technique of waxing in the wax used in the procedure of contaminated by bacteria (creating folliculitis or abscesses) or viruses (molluscum contagiosum, herpes etc.)
The above two techniques are temporary and people need to be repeat them on a regular basis.
Long term or permanent hair removal technique
This technique involves the application of electricity to each of the follicile of our hair, in order to destroy their roots. There is permanently but the results may vary from one person to the other. The biggest risk is that, the skin can be severely damaged by the electric current. This method is very popular across the globe.
Laser hair removal
This technique is less painful than electrolysis and unlike the latter, this is a very gentle technique which involves the use of the laser. can treat large areas of the body (chest, back, legs etc.).