We are surrounded by modern conveniences, so even if we do not have them, we take most of them as a matter of course. From knives and forks we use computers, washing machines and even more complex machines that we offer, such as driving by car. We have developed a way of life that many people are thinking that we must have modern necessities for daily living. Which one we really needed? Or could we have made ourselves a victim of electric gargelle? Electric sharpener can not sharpen even pencil broken by battery exhaustion. I am not opposed to modern convenience. They made life easier. But survivors do not often become slaves of luxury they can not do without it. There are people who died because they lost all contemporary gears in some outdoor activities because they could not escape the spirit they lost without it. That is the fact that disillusionment and subsequent paranoia are the greatest killers among those entering survival.
History knows what will happen to those who are bound by this idea. Did you die in the trail of Oregon State, did you know that there were people who thought that they could not eat because they lost silver fork and spoons and because there were no more tools used to eat? That's true! Many other people died because they thought they were short of food and did not eat food. Many people were waiting for a supply ship as they lived in many lands, earlier than the Oregon Trail, to the establishment of the first European settlement in this land. There would have been no more casualties as to how friendly indigenous people looking to the benefits of nature and how to make and use the tools they used.
In 1989, Hurricane Hugo hit the coast of the southeastern United States and emerged inland rather than recordable hurricane. Many lives were lost, and the entire city was inconvenienced. Most people who lived in the inland area were not affected so much by hurricanes. After all, only the inhabitants along the coast had to be interested in such phenomena, or for many reasons, many people despaired. I was surprised at how many helpless people looked like. But there were people who thanked God, but their hearts did not give in to the dullness of despair and helplessness, and each other was helping each other. A tragedy like Hugo did the best of some people and pulled out the worst of the others. Unfortunately it is a crisis to show us what we sometimes made.
What about you? Are you a survivor or a potential victim? When odds are against you, what would you do? No matter what happens to a true survivor, there is no problem. He does not see what he does not have, he is desperate. He will look at what he has and tackle it. It is this quality of life that, in the face of past survival situations, it is not only to survive, but to acquire meaningful living energy. Too many people have never forgotten or learned what blessings are simply to live. Pursuit of comfort on comfort only leads to disappointment and dissatisfaction. Knowing a little bit of practice, thanks to it a little, will appreciate what you have. Whether it is a survival situation, a collapsed economy or not isolated in the wilderness, courage, decisions, etc. will be necessary. But our power is to overcome our impossible 'among us. Rise above odds and victory. You probably have far more abilities than giving yourself credit. Learn to dig deeply. We draw out from the well of spiritual power in us. You can survive!
Fundamentals of survival - Introduction
As far as possible, please plan ahead. Learn the skills you think are necessary. Test what you know under controlled circumstances and challenge yourself to see the flaws in your skills. Please prepare as much as possible. Do not wait until you have to remember that you think you were taking time to learn after you entered the situation. I can not always survive and survive like experts just by taking survival courses, reading books on survival, watching live television programs. Take the time to master your skills. I suggest you train yourself by doing something like taking a match with the camp, as well as train a fire with a bow. Try making a fire without a match during your trip. But unless you can, you will undo your game. I have your tent, but build an emergency shelter and stay there instead. If you have, use your tent. Probably set up and launch a modern camp, set up a survival camp and use it. You can take a backup if necessary. It is always safe. Please test your skills little by little. Please acquire the skills of survival. Take several classrooms with survival skills. Then, when you are ready with you, please try it out among your fellow survivors yourself. It is never deliberately endangered. Always make a backup plan and let other people know where you are and when you should return. Then the searching parties will know whether things will get worse.
You may be surprised only a little to enjoy outdoors. You will find that you do not need the entire catalog of outdoor stores on your back to enjoy yourself. In fact, I am like something that is interested in living skills. I was a member of a camp organization like a boy. They took our group to camp. I soon learned that I have more skills, less what I need.
Survival basic attitude
Are you an outdoor man? No matter how many outdoor men experience, you may get lost in the forest. There is a possibility that everyone can happen. A famous pioneer, Daniel Boone, got lost. He did not admit it. His words says, "I never lost, but I might be puzzled for a couple of days." You fall down on your canoes and boats and fall down on all your gears I will lose. what would you do? It seems to be on the news almost every day, but family, individuals and scout type groups are attacked in the wild, injured, done in the dark. Most are not prepared. Families get off the trail with a day's hike and get lost with insufficient supplies. Many people died by exposure. If we could build a fire without matches and build a simple debris shelter, there was such a simple thing as if we could save our lives. Mother nature is unforgivable, but she also is not a respected person, she also provides her resources to those who know the access method.
Many outdoor enthusiasts are probably mostly dependent on that modern gear, so they will be lost without it. Modern outdoor convenience makes recreation outdoors a lot of fun, but wise people have a backup plan. It is prudent to take a living skill course and a first aid course from an experienced teacher. There is no substitute for a practical experience to learn life skills. I teach a living skill course, but when I first tried to read a subject 's book and build a fire for bow training, I did not succeed. I was able to succeed after my experienced teacher showed me what was wrong. Things around me bowed and made fire for life saving and rescue. Although I had a reader, I wrote that from the lessons learned in my articles and books, I could bow and blow a fire. I write from experience and try to think about what I would like to say if I were a student.
Let me think some of the basics for keeping alive in the survival situation of this article. My approach in this article is more or less written from the premise that all modern equipment is lost. Under such circumstances, it is necessary to survive only what nature can provide.
Priority and basics of survival
The first thing to remember is to be calm if you enter into survival. Panic has died in many situations. Because simply do not calm yourself, you can not think clearly about the anxieties being held by just using your head. In fact, statistically, Panic is the number one killer in the survival situation. The exposure is No. 2. Bill Gingrass, a wonderful outdoor survival and novice skill instructor, came up with a good way to remind me of this. Stop and do not wander. Please sit down and calm yourself. Please do whatever you need to control the situation. If you planned ahead, if you inform someone about the trail and water you planned to travel and the time you are planning on your way home, you can send someone if it does not show up in the designated place and time I can do it. Depending on the knowledge and skills you have, you can survive! Your panic mind is not expanding the situation, but please really appreciate the situation of something. Observe and watch your pocket and look around you around what you have. Is there a pocket knife? Pocket knife is much more practical than large sheath knife and can accomplish most work. When folding the seedlings and cutting at the tension side of bending, you can lower large seedlings with a pocket knife. Do you have a dining room in your belt or survival kit? The survival kit is well thought out, it is good if you stay on your belt and can not leave you.
Most of the commercially available kits are of a type that is found in the hollow handle of the so-called "survival knife", which has been made famous especially by Rambo. The hollow knife was originally designed to contain dewatering tablets and on the back was not designed for sawing wood but cut off the opening of the fuselage of a crashing aircraft. The hollow handle, the Tang does not reach the handle enough, so you can easily break the knife. PLAN keep on living. What are your priorities? Even if that happens, you have to plan to stay for a long time, even if you are rescued soon. Unless you know where you are going, you do not need more energy you have to give and you can not supply yourself for such a trip, set up a permanent camp and you Please do not try to find the doorway.
Consider the time to sunset. Do not get caught in the darkness is not prepared. Darkness changes everything. Temperature can drop rapidly. You can not see it either. A nocturnal animal with excellent night vision comes out at night. In survival, you become another part of the food chain. Depending on how you use your brain and survival skills, you determine the height of the food chain you are remaining.
How do you decide the time to sunset? Please place your hands in front of you in the line of sight and place four fingers right under the place where the sun appears on the horizon. While counting the number of hands and fingers to the horizon, move your hand just under the place where your hand was before. Each hand is one hour, each finger is 15 minutes. This gives you an approximate estimate and will vary depending on the hand size. Before testing this method, there is a survival situation between your hand size and clock timing. Next, you can know more accurately how accurate your measure is.
Send the signal in some way as soon as possible. There are 3 shots, 3 fires, or in some cases 3 distress signals. If you decide to hike your way clearly so that searchers can easily track you. Why do not you bring a mobile phone to call 911? Please do not count on the wilderness mobile phone where there is no tower to get the signal. Sometimes you go down the road and it is hard to get much less signal in the wilderness.
The top four priority ranks in order of importance are as follows: shelter, fire, water, and bait. Why this order? Most people who died when they fall into survival, not hunger or thirst, die from exposure. Hypothermia is a condition of exposure and is an earlier condition than it can be produced when the body loses or loses heat. Hypothermia may occur at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Hypothermia when body temperature is 50 degrees occurs when it falls into the water and the body suddenly gets hot suddenly. If you fall into the water, please do not forget putting the ball in the ball and pull your knees close to your chest so that the body can adapt to the temperature of the water. Symptoms of hypothermia are palms (early), skin redness, rashes, numbness of extremities such as fingers, limbs, slowing of speech and lack of concentration. In advanced cases, there is no tremor, and that person is usually contradictory. You need to make hypothermic victims warm as soon as possible. If you are with the person in this state and you are still lucky enough to have a sleeping bag, please make contact with naked skin and put it in your sleeping bag.
Even if you somehow do not have a shelter for sleeping bags, you protect yourself from the wind with natural fragments or some kind of material and do the same. Turn on the light as soon as possible. Under such circumstances, fire actually occurs prior to the evacuation shelter and we will get shelter as soon as possible. Even if a person warms a blanket or a sleeping bag, it will not help. In this state, the human body does not store enough heat to keep warm. You need to warm that person. I need a warm liquid and heat source. The victim actually experiences frostbite and begins to blacken extremities such as toes, ears and nose, and ultimately loses the use of these body parts, following the real limbs. The body keeps the heart (heart and brain) on other body parts to keep on living.
Hypothermia is the opposite of hypothermia. Hyperthermia is when the body overheats. The dangers of heat may be underestimated. In the summer of 1980, an enthusiastic heat wave struck the United States, but about 1,700 people lost their lives from heat-related diseases. Similarly, in the summer of 2003, tens of thousands died in heat in Europe. People are exposed to high temperatures at high temperatures. People who are particularly sensitive to heat are infections, people over 65 years old, obese people. When the body's temperature control system becomes overloaded, people suffer from diseases related to heat. The body usually chills the body by sweating. However under some conditions sweating alone is not enough. In such a case, the temperature of the person rises rapidly. A very high body temperature can damage the brain and other important organs. It seems that there is a fever. Several factors influence the ability to cool the body during a very hot time. At high humidity, sweat does not evaporate quickly, so the body does not release heat immediately. Other factors that may cause hyperthermia are dehydration, alcohol use and certain drugs. Hydration is very important in hot or cold conditions.
The two common problems of hyperthermia are thermal fatigue and heat stroke. Thermal fatigue usually occurs before heat stroke. Thermal fatigue is the response of the body to excessive loss of moisture and salt contained in sweat. People suffering from heat may be sweating. The skin may be cool and damp. The pulse rate of the victim is fast and weak, breathing may be fast and shallow. If thermal fatigue is untreated, it may progress to heat stroke. Heat stroke occurs when the body can not control its temperature. The body temperature rapidly rises, the sweating mechanism breaks down, the body does not get cold. Body temperature may rise above 106 ° F within 10 to 15 minutes. Heat stroke can lead to death even if brain damage, permanent disability, or emergency treatment is not given. Symptoms of heat stroke include high body temperature (over 104 ° F), reddening of the skin, no sweating, rapid pulse, hard headache, dizziness, extreme cases nausea, confusion, seizures, unconsciousness and death . What should I do if you or someone experiences a thermal disease? First of all, I will catch it as soon as possible. Calm down the victim. Put them in shade. If possible, please soak in water. Even dipping water in clothes will be helpful. When the liquid evaporates, heat is deprived from the body. Fans them. Do not allow consumption of alcohol. I know that a particular TV program is showing drinking urine of survivors for urgent water. Urine actually dehydrates to drink alcohol and blood. It would be better to soak your clothes with alcohol or urine. The evaporation process from clothes helps to cool the body. Of course, please consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Help me. Creative in the survival situation. think. The life you save may be myself or a person close to you. Please control your situation as much as possible. Please make things out of control. Please think in advance. You can survive!