Warm months are the perfect time for outdoor tasks that preserve the value of a home, prevent costly repairs, and create a pleasant environment for summer fun, dining and relaxation.
AC Window Units
Take out of storage and place in window, or remove protective winter cover; caulk or install weather stripping where needed; install new filter
Clothes Dryer
Vacuum vent and hose to remove compacted lint.
Replace filter.
Test carbon monoxide and smoke detectors; change batteries.
AC Compressor
Clean debris and hose down; call serviceman to check coolant level, fan and motor, lubricate if needed.
Spray with hose, clean with mild soap.
Crawl Spaces
Check with flashlight for moisture and termites.
Driveway / Walks
Check for damage and repair cracks or loose bricks.
Use deck brightener (oxalic acid) to lighten dingy, gray wood; check for any exposed wood surfaces, scrub with mildew and fungus with bleach; replace splintered or warped boards; if water no longer beads on surface, waterproof using sealer with UV protector.
Inspect for mildew and treat with oxygenated bleach.
Garage Door
Test and lubricate hinges, rollers and track.
Inspect after April Showers for sagging and loose downspout connections and make necessary repairs; remove any spring seedlings or debris.
Patio / Porch
Check for cracks and loose bricks, repair; sweep cobwebs and debris from walls and ceilings and wash with soap and water; refresh wooden floors and steps with specially formulated paint.
Check screws, remove rust and paint where needed.
Screens / Storms
Remove storm windows and store; check screens for holes, repair where needed; scrub both mesh and frame with soap and water, and install.
Siding / Trim
Clean with hose, scrub any mildew or grime with oxygen bleach; check for peeling paint and repair.
Swimming Pool
Tighten diving board and slide bolts, secure bases to concrete; tighten all screws on grates, drains and handrails; check for sharp edges; repair holes in fencing, lubricates locks; check pool cover for damage, properly anchor, remove standing water regularly; keep rescue equipment near pool, repaint depth markings if needed.
Windows & Doors
Inspect weather - stripping; replace if needed to reduce AC costs; wash windows; spray silicone on patio door tracks and window sashes.
Bird Feeders / Bath
Keep filled and maintained, clean periodically to remove stale water, seed husks.
Flowers / Lawn
Weed, deadhead, and water regularly; apply summer fertilizer and bug control.
Trees / Shrubs
Trim broken branches, cut back from house to reduce damage from wind and summer storms.
Remove any growing on the house, siding, brick or mortar.