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 Refined fats and oils - delicious poison that all diabetic patients must avoid -2

In the 1930s, doctors thought that many of our degenerative diseases were caused by dysfunction of the endocrine system known as insulin-resistant diabetes. The serious confusion of the body's glycemic control system was understood to be a fundamental fundamental obstacle that appears as almost any kind of disease. There are other reasons to cause such a basic imbalance, but the design of oil and oil is very important. These fats and oils may be delicious for taste buds, but behave like poisons in the body. The destructive effects of them lead to a serious nutritional deficiency that prevents the body from coping with the consequences of metabolism caused by these poisons.

In recent years, many promotional activities have been done on good fat and bad fat. Some food manufacturers currently claim that they can protect malicious fats from products, but there are thousands of common foods, including that. I think that I believe that saturated fat is a bad thing in the oil industry. Unsaturated fats are good. This is very false information. There are many very beneficial saturated fats and unhealthy unsaturated fats are only on the market. The only difference to be made in judging the value of fat is whether they are left in a natural form or designed. You can not trust the propaganda of the oil industry that praises the amazing benefits of its own flavorful spread and low cholesterol cooking fat. Their smart advertising campaign is indifferent to promoting your health. It is aimed only to create a market for cheap junk oil such as soybean, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil.

Until the early 1930s, the manufactured foods were very unpopular, almost poorly refused by the population because of the doubt that the quality is bad enough to be safe for consumers and not sufficiently fresh. Mass production and use of automated factory machines to gain huge potential benefits was initially violently opposed to local farmers. Never, this resistance is broken, in a brave way, a new one no one ever seen. When margarine and other refined hydrogenated products were introduced into the US food market, the dairy industry strongly opposed it, but women found it more practical than the lards they used. Due to the lack of dairy products during the Second World War, margarine became a common food among citizens, and coconut oil, linseed oil, fish oil disappeared from American grocery shelves.

Campaigns for emerging food industry, popular coconut oil and other natural oils and genetically beneficial fats suddenly began to grasp the majority of the United States population caused by systematic fat for heart attacks Large-scale media spoofing campaign. Over 30 years, coconut oil has not been found anywhere in the grocery store, and recently it appeared again at health food stores. Coconut oil and other health oils were in fact replaced with cheap junk oils such as soybean oil, cottonseed oil, rapeseed oil. Coconut fat was still a popular option, but its powerful weight control effect helped to prevent the outbreak of obesity in the general population. Obesity has been a source of illness in this country and other countries since the elimination from the American diet.

If you are suffering from any type of diabetes and want to permanently restore the natural sugar regulatory mechanism of your body, it is necessary to strictly avoid artificially produced oils for a certain period of time processing Food, restaurant food, fast food etc. We sell foods, food at grocery stores.

One of the most harmful oils is the canola oil of genetically modified engines made from rapeseed. Rapeseed is not suitable for human consumption. In this renamed Canadian, refined rapeseed oil found a huge and instant market in the United States at the height of the cholesterol mania (still ongoing). It is cheap, therefore, food budgets are low and widely used by restaurants and people. The reason for its popularity is that cholesterol is very low (eating low cholesterol diet can dramatically increase cholesterol production in the liver, so it can act on the body). One of the main problems with this oil is that it should not be heated. Heating it is a production process, or standard practice in restaurants and homes. According to January 26, 1998 Omega nutrition The omega 3 essential fatty acid of canola is heated to become a non-natural trans form, the total cholesterol level rises and the HDL decreases [good] cholesterol. "

Japanese researchers found that the life of canola oil rich rats was 40% shorter. Experimental rats given canola oil developed "fatty degeneration of the heart, kidney, adrenal glands, and thyroid." Federal scientists in Canada spent a couple of years and money to reduce the risk of linking canola consumption to high blood pressure and stroke. The Ministry of Health of Canada insists that Canola does not pose any risk to humans, even though the tests are consistent with Japanese data. However, canola oil consumption correlates with the development of fibrotic lesions of the heart, lung cancer, prostate cancer, anemia, and constipation. Long chain fatty acids found in canola have been found to destroy sphingomyelin surrounding nerve cells in the brain. Other diseases and conditions related to canola's oil consumption include blindness and extensive neurological disability.

Canola oil is short-term and long-term effects may not develop 3-5 years ago, so how can the government feel relieved? Is not it strange that the FDA allowed the Canola industry to avoid long and expensive approval processes, including human medical research? Given the surprising reaction that rats ingest canola oil, is there a possibility that at least the proportion of victims of heart attacks and strokes due to the regular consumption of canola oil is at least possible? Since canola oil is contained in most of the manufactured foods, freshly baked foods, frozen foods, restaurants' foods, why people are sick everywhere, it's quite nice and it's pretty It is not so fast.

So what does the refined and manufactured oil / fat actually do to the body? One may cause gastrointestinal disturbances. The number of Americans suffering from acid reflux disease, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, constipation, colon cancer etc. exceeds the number of other diseases taken together. Fried food and other fast foods are becoming popular choices for young people between 3 and 30 years old. More and more people develop diabetes.

The high temperature used in canola refining and margarine manufacturing will damage many of the essential fatty acids that are more sensitive to thermal damage than saturated fats. Heat is known to convert many of the unsaturated double bonds to trans fatty acids. Constitution. High quality essential fatty acids contained in a part of these processed foods are necessary for human health, but they are harmful in a damaged or decayed state. In fact, there is the possibility of causing a strong immune response that may cause autoimmune diseases such as type I diabetes. However, some of this disease is only a normal reaction of the immune system to the presence of these poisons attached to the cell membrane.

For the cells to be healthy and functional, those plasma cell membranes currently known to be active players in the glucose scenario need to contain complement of the cis-type w = 3 unsaturated fatty acids is there. This allows the cell membrane to be slippery and fluid, thereby allowing glucose molecules to pass through them and enter the cell interior for energy generation. This maintains a balanced blood glucose level. By eating routinely heat treated fats (natural cold pressed oil and untreated fats), the cell membrane loses healthy fatty acids and is replaced with harmful trans fatty acids and short and medium chain saturated fatty acids. As a result, the cell membrane becomes thicker, harder, sticky, inhibits the glucose transport mechanism, and raises the blood glucose level.

The rest of the body is a serious consequence of clogging of the cell membrane. The pancreas begins pumping out excessive amounts of insulin. The liver begins to convert some of the excess sugar to adipocytes and accumulates by adipocytes. To remove the rest of the sugar, the urinary system becomes overdrive. The body falls into a state of fatigue due to lack of cell energy. The adrenal gland sends extra stress hormone into the blood, causing mood changes, anxiety, depression. Endocrine glands do not function. The pancreas will not be produced sufficiently if it is overtexted by the continuous demand of extra insulin. Weight gains slightly everyday. The heart and lungs are confused and can not supply important oxygen to all the cells in the body including the brain.

Each organ and system in the body is affected by this simple meal mistake. More than that is what we know is diabetes. It is easily avoided and reversed diseases by eating the natural diet consisting of natural and fresh food that is naturally generous for us. It is a misunderstanding that the idea of ​​making better food than nature has transformed into weapons of mass destruction.

 Refined fats and oils - delicious poison that all diabetic patients must avoid -2

 Refined fats and oils - delicious poison that all diabetic patients must avoid -2

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