Step 1 - Protect your lips.
"Food makes your medicine and medicine your food."
- Hippocrates - (400 BC)
Hippocrates provides very healthy advice in this statement, which was recorded more than 2000 years ago. As more and more evidence is gathered and studied, the conclusion is clear and obvious ... Hippocrates is right. The food we eat has the power to support our lives, prevent disease, and cure weak diseases.
But food is literally metaphorically, also our death. As a country, the United States consumes excessive processed foods and chemically changing foods and drinks every day, along with advanced industrialized countries. Frequently, food consumed by us consumes us. Some people call it "death of division plan". Others call it "suicide by diet". But whatever you call, we all have to see our diet as a first step to improve our health.
Different kinds of suitable kinds of food (fresh organic fruits, vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains) will raise and rebuild our body. The wrong kind of food (highly refined, processed, artificial, fat, contaminated food) may support life but systematically destroys our bodies.
Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal. That is "Big Show". We live in the most rich world. When our car rusted and it does not work well, I throw it away and buy another car. It is the same for home appliances and lawn mowers. As a result, we developed the idea that "everything is interchangeable or modifiable." However, that theory does not apply to the human body. If you are not Dr. Frankenstein, the functioning spare body parts are very difficult to come. When we have a serious collapse at birth, it means hospitalization, surgery and death. Therefore, please pay attention to the selection of consumable products. The vehicle you are acquiring and maintaining is the only thing you will get. The following diet-related measures will be a long way towards healthier and healthier people:
Learn to read nutrition labels of purchased food and look for the most healthy alternative in comparison shopping.
a. Please select "whole wheat" rather than "rich", "wheat", "unbleached" wheat flour.
b. Avoid foods containing flavor enhancers such as monosodium glutamate (MSG).
c. Avoid food containing chemical preservatives such as sodium nitrate.
d. Avoid foods containing artificial sweeteners such as aspartame and sucralose
e. Return foods and drinks containing artificial colors such as yellow 5 and red 40
f. Select foods with low saturated fat
g. Do not excessive in products containing polyunsaturated fats.
h. Select foods with low cholesterol
Me. Avoid products containing hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil
j. Select foods with many dietary fiber
k. Select the food indicated as "Whole Wheat" or "Whole Grain".
l. Please select "Organic" if available
2. Select an available super food. These foods are an excellent choice chosen and chosen strictly as "super" for the benefits of a healthy diet. The following is an excellent example of Super Foods:
1. Mexican Red Beans (Dry)
2. Wild blueberries
Red kidney beans
4. Pinto Beans
5. Cultivation blueberries
6. Cranberry
7. Artichoke (cooked)
8. Blackberry
9. Prune
10 raspberries
11 strawberry
12 Red delicious apple
13 Granny · Smith · Apple
14 pecans
15 cherries
16 Black plum
17 rastle potatoes (cooked)
18 black soybean (dried)
19 Red plum
20 apples of gala
Step 2 - Throw away your sorrow (with plenty of fresh and clean water)
Appropriate hydration of the body not only maintains life, improves mood, enhances joint flexibility, improves mental acuity, improves clarity of thinking, as well as proper hydration, Mainly should be done from fresh clean water. The best sources of water are well known to you and are regularly tested for pollutants. The city water source is not generally a good source. There is no bottled water source. So, what should I drink? Let's take a look at some alternatives:
1. Water filtered with lemon - There are things called "king of drinks". Hot water of fresh lemon-squeezed temperature has the following beneficial characteristics.
• Alkalises the body to release toxins at the cellular level
• Lemon is essentially preservative
• Excellent digestive properties
• Relieve heartburn and other digestive problems.
• Clean and stimulate the liver and kidneys
• Includes calcium, magnesium and potassium
• Suspected relief from asthma
• When it gets hot it relieves colds and symptoms of influenza.
• Offer Vitamin C
• Good for your skin
2. Clean, pure and clean water. Our body is necessary to survive. Most of us can live without food for weeks, but it rarely lasts for a week even without water. However, some of our available sources are better than others. The best source is to supply water tested by a reputable laboratory so as not to contain carcinogenic contaminants such as lead, mercury, radon, arsenic and so on.
a. Mountain spring water with the following characteristics is excellent:
Me. It has been tested that there is no toxin or bacteria
ii. No PET bottle
iii. PH alkaline
iv. Abundant mineral
v. An area with a shortage of population (far from major cities)
vi. Sources from non-industrialized areas or minimally industrialized areas
b. Well water
Me. Periodic testing of deep wells, pollutants
ii. No PET bottle
iii. It was tested alkaline
iv. Non-polluting source
v. From free space
vi. Filtering by appropriate filter
3. Fresh juice fruits & vegetables
a. Vitamin & nutritious abundant
b. High antioxidant properties
c. Most of it is perfect for your skin
Green tea or white tea
a. Healthy polyphenols and abundant antioxidants to protect against disease
Step 3 - Protect Yourself
Every day we are under attack, not necessarily a visible assailant. We are referring to free radical attacks. Free radicals can physically aging us beyond our age. Free radicals are molecules formed to utilize oxygen in the body. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that interact with cells in the body and harm them. Free radicals are very harmful to the body and are involved in over 100 serious health problems. These free radicals can damage cells or DNA, alter internal biochemical substances, destroy cell membranes, even kill cells.
Free radicals are created only by your normal body process, but this is inevitable. Our intention is to teach you how to take action to avoid free radicals caused by the environment. Our cells require 10,000 hits per day, and it is estimated that approximately 5,000 DNAs will be included in DNA per day. These hits are caused by daytime air, food and water pollution, ultraviolet rays from the sun. Our body can neutralize most of these free radicals, but too much free radical oxidation overwhelms the body. The result may be sickness of illness or serious illness. These diseases can affect skin, heart, lungs, brain, eyes, etc.
There are several ways to protect yourself from these molecular threats. There are several good ways:
1. Completely avoid tobacco smoke and secondhand smoke.
2. Do not expose it to UV radiation in the form of sunlight or sunlight.
3. If you are out for an hour or two hours under the sun, put sunscreen on (if it is light, it will be less).
4. Avoid smog and air pollution as much as possible. If the traffic is slow at low speed, leave the windows and vents closed.
5. Know your water source, make sure it is tested on a regular basis and use filters if pollutants are found (even if it says "within acceptable levels"), .
6. Check for hazardous substances on the label of consumer products. If possible, please change to all natural products.
7. Purchase organic products if possible. Even healthy foods and juices may be heavily contaminated by pesticides.
Are you purchasing toxic foods? Typically, food on the food chain tends to accumulate the highest concentration of contaminants. The most contaminated part of almost all animals is fat and organ meat such as liver, lung, kidney. The latter functions as a filtration system for these animals and tends to collect environmental toxins.
Carnivorous fish such as wolves and sharks, scavenger fish like catfish, shellfish like spiders and oysters also tend to accumulate high levels of toxins. Even fruits and vegetables may be contaminated with herbicides, insecticides, chemical fertilizers. According to the Environmental Working Group, the most contaminated products are currently available,
1 Peach
Two apples
3 Belpheppers
4 Celery
5 Nectarines
6 Strawberries
7 Cherry
8 Lettuce
9 Grape (import)
10 pears
11 Spinach
12 potatoes
One study found that people exposed to pesticides had an incidence of Parkinson's disease 70% higher. Farmers who experience over-exposure to pesticides tend to be at increased risk of suffering from leukemia, lymphoma, melanoma, sarcomas and other forms of cancer. It is calculated that exposure of agricultural chemicals can be reduced by 90% by excluding the 12 most contaminated fruits and vegetables from the diet.
Consider supplement
Eating an excellent diet helps to greatly eradicate the damage of free radicals. However, if your diet is not so good, supplementing good multi-vitamins and some antioxidants is a great way to help supplement meals that are not ideal.
Antioxidants are typically plant-derived elements (phytonutrients) that reduce oxidation at the cellular level within the human body and then reduce the deleterious effects of free radicals. Several dietary supplements have been proven to be more effective in this work than others. Whether the following supplements are acceptable additives for your daily nutritional intake,
Vitamin A - in the form of β-carotene of 10,000 IU daily.
Vitamin C - 250 mg 3 to 4 times / day
Vitamin E - 400 IU d-α-tocopherol daily
Selenium - 100 mcg per day
Grape Seed Extract
Resetrol - Follow the packaging instructions
Step 4 - Go
Regular exercise keeps your engine running smoothly, keeping your mind fresh and supplying the energy and vitality needed. Physical activity burns excess calories, stops pounds, strains the muscles, and fixes firmly. In many cases our activities strengthen our joints and help maintain a wider range of movement as we get older.
Just walking 30 to 40 minutes every day helps your health. Exercise has been shown to improve mood and decrease appetite. This is a good thing for those looking at our waistline. Getting aerobics (cardiac) training is essential for strengthening the heart and lungs and helps to clean up the body of accumulated toxins. It is also important to do some resistance and strength training a couple of days a week, and as it grows older, it becomes even more important. This helps to reduce age related muscle mass and bone density reduction.
Step 5 - Learn chillly
Stress is a big cheater. It is mainly disguised as mandatory worry and anxiety beyond the situation we can not control. Stress wakes up at night. It causes weight gain, which gives us a burden again. It will cause illness, press us all over and will repeat until we teach.
Learning the importance of how to relax and the proper rest is essential in our quest to be the best we can do. Please consider the following proposal.
1. Try to sleep 6 to 8 hours every night (8 times is better). Please do not control your life so that there is not enough time left to take proper sleep. While we are asleep, our bodies and minds will regenerate. Damaged cells are repaired, toxins are filtered from the bloodstream, and waste is sent to the backdoor.
2. Laugh at it. Laughter reduces stress, extends our lifespan, enhances immune function, and protects the nervous system. Laughter works at biophysical, biochemical, biological energy level. It helps move the lymph fluid and oxygenates the organ by increasing oxygen uptake.
3. To believe. People with strong religious beliefs tend to live longer and tend to live a healthier, generally less stressful life. Because they have such a strong belief, the emergency situation urges the worry and stress, the season of prayer.
4. As the song says, "Please love me" please. Love is an emotion useful to stop the flow of stress and concern. It is a big blessing just to have a shoulder to cry from time to time. It would be wonderful if someone took care of us and we could take care of it. Because marriage is not for anyone, I am not saying that I will soon get married. But you should count on special people in your life. I plan to pay nearby personal friends and dogs with a pinch.
Do not take your life seriously, as you become something, as you become someone else. You will have bad days, sometimes weeks. Actually it is necessary to learn to accept facts: "One day you have a pigeon and one day you got the statue.
In summary, you will learn to learn the right way to eat, moisture, get tired of a toxic environment, exercise on most days of the week, and relax. These five areas will help you to be healthier and healthier.