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 Alcohol - Healthy expert -2

Because many people are related to parties, relaxation and adventure, we regard alcohol as a social drink. Since the beginning of the civilization, humanity has recognized the benefits and difficulties of alcohol. Today, some alcohol is part of the daily full meal. Some evidence tends to consume more than necessary of the body because it proves that alcohol is a health benefactor when consumed moderately. Alcohol has been promoting the health benefits of alcohol as it spreads coronary heart disease and moderately irritates the circulatory system, but alcohol not only increases the risk factors of many internal organs but also many As environmental problems are exacerbated,

Alcohol consumption was part of many cultures. Prior to European colonization, the original population of the territory that would ultimately become the US was used to produce weak beer and other fermented ones. Alcohol has been used as a trading medium in the past and is often exchanged frequently for other natural resources such as animal skin and indigo. However, during the colonial era, it was used not only for alcohol for medicinal purpose but also for religious ceremonies. For example, until the 20th century, the only painkiller commonly available in Western civilization was alcohol. In addition, alcohol was applied to restore people's health and reduce the risk of certain diseases such as influenza. In addition, liquor was associated with transcendental experiences and other cultural rituals said to bring people into contact with supernatural power.

The Piote ritual is a representative example of these rituals. The Peyote ceremony is a sacrament to communicate with spiritual power and regain harmony in life. The ceremony obeys the prescribed structure. It is made up of leaders called Rodman, and we must observe certain rules and rules accurately. Finally, Roadman has various sensory stimuli [including] Cedar smoke and watering will be done to prevent participants from drifting without conscience. Indeed, the Piate ritual is commonly used within the Indian community to treat alcohol abuse.

Moderate consumption of alcohol reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. According to the US Department of Agriculture, moderate consumption is defined as not exceeding 2 daily per day for men and not more than 1 dw per day for women. Ideally, drinks are defined as 12 ounces of beer, 4 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-refractory spirits. For the cardiovascular system to function properly, the tissues that make up the bulk of the heart require frequent supply of oxygen-containing blood delivered to the heart via the artery. Cholesterol and other fatty substances accumulate in the coronary arteries and can potentially block the flow of blood. Usually, this blood coagulation state is known as a CHD (coronary heart disease) attack. Alcohol plays an important role in promoting blood circulation in the body. For example, alcohol promotes thrombus formation. In addition to cholesterol and other fatty substances that impede blood circulation, blood clotting also arises from chemicals released into the blood through the arterial wall. In addition, alcohol not only inhibits fibrin, a substance that promotes clotting, but also produces specific substances that interfere with the coagulation process. Alcohol overcomes the risk of CHD by eliminating most of the essentially contributing factors.

Furthermore, alcohol consumption may play an important role in stimulating the cardiovascular system. For example, laboratory studies have demonstrated that the use of alcohol is a positive factor in preventing arterial stenosis in mice. Human arterial stenosis occurs at the blood level of certain fatty substances that influence cholesterol deposition within the coronary arteries. In addition, alcohol can prevent clot formation in already stenosed arteries. For example, analysis of blood samples from many individuals has estimated that alcohol consumption will increase blood levels of anticoagulation factors and will define the stickiness of platelets coagulating together to form clots . Other laboratory studies have suggested that alcohol may help prevent reperfusion injury, a form of blood flow to the weakened myocardium due to oxygen deficiency. Alcohol can be considered the most important as it enhances the cardiovascular system.

In contrast, alcohol consumption has a detrimental effect. It spoils bone development. First, alcohol has some deleterious effects on the two kinds of bones contained in the human skeleton: cortical bone that forms the outer bone layer and the long bone axis of the bone and cancellous bone this Is a thin plate porous network structure [which shape the vertebral column]. Alcohol is harmful to both types of bones, despite having the most cruel effect on cancellous bone. Medically speaking, the process of skeleton growth and maturation has three general stages: growth and modeling, integration and remodeling. Higher alcohol consumption interferes with growth and modeling stages by stopping longitudinal growth rate and bone growth rate. In addition, the use of alcoholic beverages affect parathyroid hormone (a hormone regulating calcium metabolism).

Excessive consumption of alcohol has a negative effect, especially on women. Alcohol, for example, can indirectly affect bone through estrogen as such deficiency of hormone is a major contributor to osteoporosis. Over the past decade, many studies have shown a clear relationship between alcohol consumption and bone loss. Specifically, according to a survey conducted by a group of researchers in 1997, women 65 years of age or older, a serious alcohol consumer, had a higher risk of vertebral deformity compared to moderate alcohol intake . Another study examined the effect of moderate alcohol consumption on ovariectomized rats mimicking menopause. Later, the ovaries removed for the experiment showed a decrease in bone mineral density and volume compared to non-organ removed rats. This finding leads to the conclusion that moderate alcohol consumption inhibits the quality of bone so that there is no absolute health benefit in alcohol ingesting animals because osteoblasts are less.

Severe alcohol consumption can lead to the necessity of liver transplantation. As the liver is the largest organ in the body, it usually performs various tasks of digestion, absorption, and food processing. In addition, the liver accumulates vitamins, synthesizes cholesterol, controls blood fluidity, and regulates the blood coagulation mechanism. Liver disease is one of the most serious medical consequences of long-term alcohol consumption. In 1991, 25,000 Americans died mainly of liver cirrhosis, becoming the eleventh national murderer. Another study shows that about half of the deaths due to cirrhosis are due to alcohol use. Furthermore, alcohol consumption over a long period of time is the most common cause of liver disease and death, as it is the only possible treatment by liver transplantation in the United States. This is a dangerous business. In addition, the liver is very fragile, severe drinking is enough to dispose of fat in the liver, severe inflammation of the liver characterized by alcoholic hepatitis, nausea, weakness, pain, anorexia, weight loss And fever. Finally, alcoholic cirrhosis is the most advanced form of liver injury. The disease is characterized by blocking blood vessels, distorting the internal structure of the liver, and progressing scar tissue that impairs the function of the liver. Basically, liver disease hurts the ability of the body to fulfill multiple functions essential to life.

Furthermore, alcohol consumption can damage the nervous system. Since alcohol is a toxic substance, alcoholic beverages and chronic drinkers may cause changes in behavior related to mental function abnormalities and brain damage. Alcohol consumption can have a direct or indirect effect on the nervous system and it is even more dangerous to consume normally or regularly. In the past 25 years, brain images created by the latest neurological methods such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computer Tomography (CT) are generally [clear] Relationship between long-term alcohol consumption and changes in brain structure For example, MRI and CT results show brain contraction and brain lesions or tissue injury in some alcohol consumers.

In addition, alcohol has some negative effects on many other neurological processes. Moderate alcohol consumption of alcohol lowers body temperature, but severe aerobic conditions in cold weather may lead to hypothermia which lets body temperature lethal. In addition, the use of alcohol may interfere with normal sleep patterns. Light intake of alcohol can cause premature sedation of drowsiness, awakening at night, suppression of rapid eye movement (REM). Psychologically speaking, REM is a sleeping state of a dream, and when it occurs near the awake state, it often produces a viable hallucination. Another discontinuation of alcoholism is Korsokoffs syndrome (KS), a miserable memory disorder that people forgive accidents during the daytime or accident. Because KS patients are actually living in the past, due to this dramatic loss of short-term memory (also called Ordinary forgetfulness).

Not only is the user's consumption of alcohol consumed but depreciation of alcohol consumption of other users is also there. Drunk driving is one of the countries leading killers. In the past decade, drunk drivers killed 42,000 people each year. According to the Highway Safety Insurance Institute, alcohol significantly increases fatal traffic accident changes. In 1997, over 17,000 Texans died, mainly in driving accidents that got drunk. According to another survey of the same year more than 30% of operating assets are related to alcohol consumption. The most shocking thing is that teen drivers are less than 7% of the total population. However, the damage of teenage drunk drivers is over 13% of car deaths. In order to minimize driving dynamics, the zero tolerance policy in accordance with the National Highway System Designation Act of 1995 was adopted in most provinces. Fortunately, more than 17,000 lives are saved each year, as new laws are enacted.

Alcohol also causes violence. Over the past 40 years, many studies have shown a remarkable relationship between alcohol consumption and violent behavior. According to these studies, alcohol is associated with about a quarter of serious casualties and about one-half of one-half of murders. Furthermore, alcohol consumption seems to be related to sexual assault. For example, police reports show that 24% of sexual offenders and 31% of victims drink alcohol. In addition, many people have consumed alcohol moderately and responsibly, but as many people drink to drink, their behavior has been shown to cause serious problems to the surrounding people There. For example, people who drink alcoholism and frequent drinks usually have problems with friends, marriage, family life, work and finances. Statistically, 5% of drinkers report that drinking has affected finances. Furthermore, a large amount of drinking alcohol can cause a great social cost to society such as loss of productivity in the workplace and domestic violence. Family violence, in most cases, leads to divorce, accidental injury, death.

Although there is an opposite view on the influence of alcohol, there is one factor that researchers can agree on. Harmful if alcohol intake is high. From some investigators, moderate consumption of alcohol may be detrimental as it may interfere with normal function of the liver, prevent bone formation, and most likely interfere with the nervous system. Medically speaking, there is no health benefit if alcohol has no negative externalities.

In summary, some people found that there is some benefit to moderate alcohol intake, but adverse effects on actual society are not beneficial. To avoid the effects of harmful chain reactions associated with drinking, society must understand one fact. The best way to prevent something will never begin.


Alcohol and coronary heart disease.

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Alcohol is a harmful effect on bone.

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Alcohol Use and Results

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Drunk drivers should be careful.

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Epidemiology of alcohol related interpersonal violence.

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 Alcohol - Healthy expert -2

 Alcohol - Healthy expert -2

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