What is Uninsured Motorist coverage? Well, it tends to be self-explanatory to some degree. Very simply, if the at-fault driver is uninsured and damage injury and damage to you, your Uninsured Motorist coverage - known as UM - will take the There is much, much more to the rules, conditions and exclusions of the coverage.
Uninsured Motorist coverage affects two categories - one is Bodily Injury (UMBI) and the other is Property Damage (UMPD). Let 's discuss UMBI first. Your policy limits for UMBI will be the applicable limits for you and those family members review First party insuresds per your policy definitions. sustain injury in this state would be the state & # 39; s minimum required limits for BI. So, if you were in a state that had minimum limits of 15 / 30 for Bodily Injury but you had UMBI limits on your policy of 30/60, these more limits would only apply to first party insureds uninsured motorist would only have the the 15/30 - regardless of the severity of their injuries. Make sense?
Typical, if you have Collision coverage, you can not have UMPD but may you have an uninsulated motorist. ___ ___ ___ 0 opt for Collision Deductible Waiver, which will pay attention to the accident with an identifiable uninsured motorist. Same outcome. People who do not have Collision will usually take the UMPD, which may carry a stated amount as maximum will be paid out under the coverage.
"Identifiable" brings up some points of interest - requirements for UMPD to be used:
1) Your vehicle must have direct contact with the uninsured vehicle
2) The owner or the operator of the uninsulated vehicle must be identified, or
3) The other vehicle must be indented by its license plate number
If you are strictly injured and the at-fault, this is part of your UM and only applies to the bodily injury part of the coverage. party only has, say 15/30 Bodily Injury coverage (for which you are only entitled to $ 15,000), and your UMBI coverage is 50/100, there is an additional $ 35,000 available to you to satisfy your claim (the undering $ 15,000 is subtracted).
UM Coverage is simple on the one hand, conditions, and exclusions that apply. Prevent coverage is prevented to prevent the non-fault parties from financial loss when hit by an uninsured party but has safeguards to prevent abuse .