Diabetic foot ulcers occur when a portion of the skin that covers the area of the foot dies. This is caused by damaged blood vessels and indirectly nerve injury ...
- When the blood sugar level abnormally increases, it suffers from blood vessels inside the body.
- If the blood vessel can not supply sufficient oxygen and nutrients to the blood vessel, the nerve is damaged. The damaged nerve is called diabetic neuropathy, and the distribution of stocking gloves has numbness and tingling. The legs are particularly suspicious, but their condition is also seen in the hands, arms and legs. Diabetic neuropathy often leads to injuries, as diabetes people do not feel sharp objects on their feet.
In March 2017, Diabetes research and clinical practice Reported a new technique for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers with dead tissue. Researchers at Hamadan Medical Science University and some research facilities in Tehran, Iran, attempted electrical stimulation to help heal diabetic foot ulcers. In this technique, Cathode direct current, It stimulates the release of molecules that promote the growth of new blood vessels.
Thirty people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and with foot ulcers were assigned to either the electrical stimulation group or the non treatment group. By the end of 12 weeks, healing molecules were measured approximately ten times the amount seen in non-treated groups.
The most common medical problems What people experiencing type 2 diabetes is a foot related problem ...
- When walking or exercising, wear comfortable shoes. Because rubber helps absorb shock, rubber bottom shoes are often recommended compared to leather sole.
- Please wash your feet everyday and dry it carefully. If there are cuts or scratches on your feet, please apply a slight disinfectant and cover with a dry sterile bandage. If you do not heal within one or two days, please consult your doctor.
- Stretch your toes straight and touch the skin at the end of the toes. Refer to the footpad if nail or leg problems arise because the nail may collapse or cause serious problems.
- Numbness, seizure pain, pain of type of pin and needle pain on the foot is a sign of nerve damage. When type 2 diabetic patients begin to feel numbness and tingling, you can administer medication so that red blood cells (oxygen carriers) can pass through the blood vessels more quickly.
- People with type 2 diabetes also need to walk to encourage circulation. Please walk a little more after taking a break until the pain has subsided because the pain from walking becomes too big.
Ulcers in the feet need attention immediately and may be difficult to heal Do not hesitate to contact your healthcare professional who can help you.