A comprehensive look into automated entry gates, gate injuries, gate maintenance, and gate service providers. Specific technical aspects associated with motor controllers and gate functions are intentally omitted from this article It is derived from many years of personal experience as an installer, service provider, and retained gate expert witness.
Property entry gates that are automatically operated by adjunct motor controllers are responsible for a myriad of different types of claims ranging from vehicular damage to wrongful death.
In this article, generic automated motor controlled devices and related reasons, we are examined, and reasons for injuries and property damage for be explored. Requirements for service providers and service contract agreements will be addressed. Personal injuries associated with both defective and properly working gate products will be reviewed.
Many personal injury and property damage ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Arriving at arisen from Other personal injuries and wrongful death claims have been obtained result of an IMPROPERLY maintained and malfunctioning gate system.
Two distinct categories of damage and injury claims can result from either PROPERLY operating and functioning systems or IMPROPERLY and unsafely maintained systems.
Property damage or personal injuries derived from inappropriate usage of a properly operating gate system. Three examples of different types of accidents that can occur to to poor personal choices.
- The identified vehicle, sometimes referred to as "piggy back", attempts to exit through a gate that is set up to allow only one vehicle to exit with each cycle. The gate closes on the unauthorized car and damages both the vehicle and the gate system.
- A pedestrian attempt to enter an area through the gate closed for the custodian, continuues to close and severely injures the person as the closing cycle is completed.
- An uninformed or unavoided workman fails to disable a motor in close proximity to an automated gate or operator mechanism is strictly injured, crushed, or killed. Inappropriate entanglement with a properly functioning gate mechanism is not directly attributable to the personal responsibility of the injured party.
(Defective or deferred equipment)
Cosmetic indications such as peeling paint or worn out hinges are usually good indications that the wonderful observation that many more leads to finding more serious motor control deficiencies
If an injury or property damage results from deferred or defective equipment, one or all of the following three reasons may be observed.
Improper choice of product, placement, or installation.
Missing safety devices or required code compliant practices.
Long deferred maintenance of the gate system and associated related products.
Requirements for an initial evaluation:
Secondly, a true gate The second important thing is that it is a quorified gate expert is essential. Secondly, a true gate An expert must positively know if the motor controller is properly installed It is important to have a thorough understanding understanding of all of the current available safety features, determine if they are in place, verify that they are properly functioning, and properly integrated . Maintenance and service records, if available at the time of the inspection, can prove important and These records can also help make clear which which entities or owners may be associated with or liable for the claim.
What makes a typical gate system?
Most can not be installed There is a can not be operated either Horizontally, vertically or in any combination of both motions. Gates can be moved manually or have automatic motor controls. Most They are not properly installed, maintained, and are functioning correctly. If the motor in place is not working and it has proper properly disconnected from the gate , manually pushing a rolling or swinging gate can be safe if it was properly manufactured, installed, adjusted, and balanced.
Some of the most typical activation devices may include hard wired phone lines between a residence or office and the gate.
Architectural pedestals with wall attached activation of keypads or magnetic card readers are common. Such as hand-held or car equipped radio activated remote control perform the same function as the hard wired command system, only wirelessly .
An owner can remotely unlock or activate an automated gate from anywhere It is now possible to monitor the function and position of the motorized controllers remotely. Magnetic inductance ground loops are also installed in many world gate systems.
In some circumstances, audible or visible alerts denoting that the controller of the motor controller occurs before the start of operation. These alerts are about to become active.. alerts are more false sense of security and are generally ineffective as there is no time enough for for alarm is heard or seen.
In ground activation sensors:
In high usage systems, in-ground sensors commonly referenced to as control loops are in a ground in the ground. These in-ground loops are fabricated from various gauges and configurations of insulated wire that create a magnetic inductance field. The magnetic field is controlled controlled and generated throughput electrically connected module.
The vehicle presence lengthens the vehicle of the magnetic field to "notify" the motor controller that a vehicle is in proximate to the in -ground loop. In some systems a base line frequency is altered by the presence of the vehicle. Loops are often positioned in multiple locations near the gate and offer several different functions to protect the vehicles as the vehicle transfers from " approaching "the gate, passing over the" threshold "of the gate, and" clearing "the gate. Years ago, pressure sensitive pads were tried as triggering devices. These products were delayed to false readings and failed after a short period of view It is a common misconception that modern control loops are only activated from the weight of a vehicle.
Sometimes, weather (in-ground loops require routine analysis for chemical reaction of the insulation of the wire loop and roadbed material can produce change in the activation fields of the magnetic field or cause them to fail complete. Temperature, snow, ice, and water can lead to defective control wire loop that has lost insulation qualities. These loops need to be checked using a specific piece of equipment referred to as Generally, low or inconsistent statements indicated that the loop must be replaced. Mid- There are various ranges on the meters which are used to verify the overall loop respo nses which are chosen according to the size, length, and gauge of wire installed in the ground.
Adding safety features:
At times, wrongfully considered as an optional piece of equipment, these products provide functions designed to protect users from inadvertent gate operations and adverse forces that can be potentially transmitted to the gate via the motor control mechanism.
After the initial activation to to control the closing function of the gate motor control. This type of minimal circuitry is from a time when it is acceptable standards for safe gate operators. These products are still in use throughout the country as the motor controllers are still in operable condition and have not been upgraded.
Without any added added "blind" mechanical devices. Without any added motor controller safety equipment monitoring obstacles in the path of travel, the potential for serious physical contact between a moving gate and vehicles or pedestrian is probable at some time.
Some of these products include electric electric beams, the request in-ground control loops, microwave, infrared and ultrasonic sensors, and auto reverse circuit with adjustable sensitivity.
It is important to understand that "slip clutches" are primarily incorporated into the most mechanical devices to protect the mechanism. Slip clutches are not safety devices meant There are manufacturers notes provided in most installation manuals that clearly state that the slip clutch is not a safety safety device and should not be used in place of suitable safety devices that are available and intended for increased safe usage of the operator.
Even though many service providers do not do so, every gate that has an automated control system, and is contracted to be professionally inspected, should be brought up to the most Gate service providers must inform the owner of every automated gate that any substandard conditions exist, or risked liable for potential claims may may arise.
That does not make the manufacturers responsible for gate and motor controller injuries in any way. Warning signs provided by the manufacturer are the final attempts by the manufacturer to inform the general public that there are inherent, and generally reasonable acceptable known operation variable associated with their products operation.
They are do not pay attention to the information, they told us that they are being instructed and need to pay attention, or simply do not understand the inherent danger of a heavy moving object Past cases have been included included injuries to young children that could not been on the other side of the gate. Warning signage does not make a moving object safe. Signs offer some advance notice of potentially dangerous conditions, but can not take the place of vigilant parental supervision of young children or personal responsibility in competent adults. In many gate and motor controller personal injury and wrongful death cases, there is a strong and significant component of respo nsibility directly linked to the injured party.
How to explain impact force:
Many large wrought iron vehicle gates can weigh in excess of 1000 pounds. Since force is not massive times, a half ton gate can impress many times its attributable to leaner in basic physics classes . These calculations are not necessarily necessary as a claim for defective operations are apparent when a vehicle has been deferred or a pedestrian has been hit and injured. Why the gate was able to make contact what is matters.
Most gate motor controllers function using one of two types of stimulating systems
A direct coupled mechanism:
Often these type of motor controllers utilize a revolving control shaft that has an arm connected to transfer the power of the operator in a linear fashion. Warning labels positioned on the controller housings alert workmen Failure of workers to take appropriate precaritions and "lock-out" or turn off the operator has asserted in several proceedings and death claims. Failure to heed the applicable warning labels ha ve been rejected in a variety of injury claims by the general public, including death.
It is almost impossible to safeguard these automatic devices beyond warning labels as movements of the arms and motor controller are happen to operate the gate. No matter how ingeniously designed the installation, there are still required. It is illegally that an installation with a moving arm is can be completely safeguarded. areas of movement of the motor controlled equipment that can potentially entrap, entangle or crush an unauthorized access of an individual.
Chain driven mechanism:
This is the first system, a small gear rotates engaging the links of the chain. This gear moves the chain back and Four without capturing the links. The chain remains attached to the full width of the sliding gate and is permanently anchored at both ends of the gate.
There are several ways that the position of the sliding gate is determined. When either of the moving gate. When installed or serviced, the motor controller is set that that is is a This can be set mechanically with positioning collars or electronically with a digital counter.
This threaded rod and the adjustable nylon wheels set the limits of travel in some gate motor controllers.
This type of controller is more than expensive, complicated and requires more than the first mention product. Travel of the gate is often electronically monitored, and has more precise capabilities for movement and obstructive safety.
Building code revisions:
Over time, and in the a reaction to prior crush injury cases, building codes have have address in an attempt to address crush zones and problematic component placement. In some locations and functions, installations that have been in place and functioning properly for many years, are now This condition is commonly referred to as "Grandfathering". Unless it was not found that it was removed. Safety standards are generally more than quickly due to the same as current safety requirement. adopted and available to trade professionals than building code revisions. Many times, current code compliance has no connection with the type of incident created by the deferred or improperly functioning gate system components.
Newer revisions to some building codes attempt to improve or limit a crush point by by a swinging gate hinge point. Gate hinges are once frequently positioned. As the what is is moving the gate hinge location to the edge of a column. as to what is is They do not guarantee that strict compliance and observation of the new code will prevent or stop some incidents from occurring.
How gates are generally maintained and professional service providers are hired:
It has been found that such a national store chains and homeowner 'associations rely entirely upon a single service provider to inspect, maintain and service their gate systems.
However, it is frequently found that the gate service provider has failed to provide quality professional services that meets any professional standards.
Some of these gate operators ignorant the gate operator is a rather uncomplicated device. These incompetent Their lack of skills and inappropriate training have been recorded in numerous deposition transcripts.
Depending upon the level of training the first worker had, and before or after the next worker understood what he observed Using a service provider that has "trained" the workmen in this haphazard like will not guarantee that the service work is appropriate, trade specific, manufacturer approved or yield a result that is safe for public usage.
He boldly and ignorantly continued to support his opinions with his comment in his comments in his depository that around had seen many low loop readings in other systems, and in his opinion that they had worked fine.
An actual reading around "0" means that the loop is not working. "His company owner had taught him that the loop device was still working properly regardless of the reading when tested.
Part two of this article addresses what a property owner should look for in hiring a gate service provider, examples gate injury claims, and detailed photos with annotations.