Is my dog going to die? Well, if you take proper and fast action , things can look a little better. Conditions that cause blood in dog urine are as follows:
In older male dogs, a prostate gland can cause blood in dog urine due to an infection of the prostate or prostate cancer.
An infection of the uterus in females especially if she recently whelped a litter of puppies.
Kidney disease or canine renal disease.
A urinary tract infection coupled with a bladder infection and or bladder stones.
Or, he might have been held in the internal tojury and internal bleeding. This possibility exists that internal dog and was gotten into a fight. hit by a vehicle. Get your dog to the vet immediately.
Your dog could have gotten into the garbage and swallowed something sharp like a chicken bone that punctured his stomach. And this case the blood in dog urine is darker due to the digestive juices in the dogs stomach. is pitch black due to internal injury. The reason it is black is because it came from the stomach and was digested.
These rodent poisons are designed to cause internal bleeding and death to mice and rats.
Obviously, blood in dog urine has to be taken seriously, so get your dog to the vet immediately after for your dog healthy. The other causes for the blood in dog urine are really accidents.
When treated for whatever he had and changed his diet to a change natural diet diet which has eaten in the wild for hundreds of years and start giving him natural remedies to improve and protect his urinary tract system health I can heal from within.
It has been documented that bad. It has been documented that once a dog has had an infection or urinary problem the odds of it happening again a lot more so prevention should be what you strive for.
Let me just touch on the fact that that some dangerous side effects, so do your homework and consider natural treatment that is safe and effective as preached by homeopathic vets.
Antibiotics are oftentimes needed for infections especially if around in health and internal support nothing beats the nutritional value of high quality food and supplements in addition to exercise to help prevent problems from the start.