Part One
Americans are already afraid to death about cancer and their gross ignorance only problems the problem, plus, a lot has already written written on this subject, but in many writings, the content is a bit complex terminology-wise and served no beneficial purpose for the masses of the American people.
What Is Cancer?
Yes, people are ignoreant to what are cancer really is and as a result, they fear it.
In 400 BC, Hippocrates assigned the name of Cancer or a crab to a disease encountered during this era, Cancer 's Greek name was "Karkinos." In 164 AD, Galen of Rome called the disease "tumor" which derived from the word "tymbos" meaning a sepulchral mound. In Latin, it was called "tumor" which meant "to swell."
In a nutshell, this is what cancer is is. I am afraid that this disease is an anaerobic condition. physiologically-speaking.
The body of the body & # 39; s alkalinity is also very low. The cells of abnormal. This case is acting abnormally. This case is acting abnormally. This message mutant with each other. If why you hear many health specialists and experts say "is normal cells" or "abnormal cell activity." This is true! Many doctors erroneously say cancer is a prolongation of dead cells, which is not true. would be no action. Cancer does not abnormal cell activity and this abnormal cell activity is due to lack of oxygen and low alkaline level which means excessive acid level or acidosis.
And this is what cancer is the second largest killer of Americans (right behind heart disease) and Western medical experts predict that in the new millennium, one out of every two Americans will definitely die of cancer. And this is true if we do not change our ways and our lives.
Americans generally do not have hearts (heart disease) and they are eating up on the inside (cancer).
Cancer patients / sufferers begin to get thin and this is generated by some internal cells "eating up" process where certain cells start attacking other cells. Now while "eating up" is taking place in the body, a neoplasm characterized by the uncontrolled growth of anaplastic cells invade surrounding tissue which metastasizes.
Neoplasm simply means "any other words, neoplasm means" tumor "which explains why cancer patients / sufferers become beleaguered with tumors inside of the body and outside of the body.
Anaplastic referers to "anaplasia" which means "anaplasia is characteristic of malignancy." Anaplasia to "anaplasia" which means characteristically by a loss of differentiation and revision to a more.
Bumign means "not fatal or pernicious." Malignant means "highly injurious, pernicious or fatal."
Cancer is usually the cause of malignant tumors. There are common in cases of fibroids and breast tumors, fluidic waste is usually the cause.
White blood cells are white blood cells begin to outnumber the red blood cells. White blood cells always denot toxicity, imbalance, poison, and foreign invasion of that which is unnatural or that which should not be in the body Excessive white blood cell count is almost always indicative of cancer.
White blood cells have precursors known as "leukocytes," also called "leukocyte precursors." In bone marrow in the body with addition to these leukocyte precursors in addition to abnormal numbers and forms of immature white blood cells in circulation that infiltrate the lymph nodes, spleen, liver and other filtering organs, the result is a form of cancer called "leukemia."
I did not understand why this form of cancer only occurrence of Caucasians in general and Caucasians in caucasians in general and Caucasian children in particular I am told that I used to always wonder why it was predominately white children who perished from leukemia. in white people, especially white children.
The leukemia was coming from the world. I learned how to make the leukemia was a cancer found in 30% of dairy cows, it then made the the in the world to me why so many white children. They are drinking milk at home, at school, at restaurants, etc. In fact, other cultures picked up the habit of drinking cow "cows" their milk and who drank the most milk? s milk from Europeans (Caucasians).
A good movie starring Nick Nolte and Julia Roberts came out in 1994 entitled "I Love Trouble" and in this film, its climax showcases and exposures a sinister plot involving milk production from cancer cows and its relation to leukemia. Movies, though illusions, contain a lot of reality when you know what to look for. I'm serious movie-goer and watcher / screener simply because of I 'm researcher and the Rulers (of the Matrix) hide a lot of information in the movies and like they say the best place to hide something is before the eyes. This is so true!
However, since 1990s leukemia prices have risen sharply amongst African-Americans and it 's easy to understand why. All you have to do is look at the high dairy consumption of African-Americans who are lactose-intolerant bio-genetically or by nature. But because they are unwisely following the Western / European-based high dairy diet of Caucasians, they too are now dropping like flies from leukemia.
I was shocked to learn that my South - Central Los Angeles neighborhood friend, Lucius Harris (of the NBA 's New Jersey Nets), older brother named Dino, died of leukemia a few years ago. Dino was a cool dude. It You always saw Dino back in the day (early 1980s) rollin & # 39; down the street in a sharp low rider bumping his sounds (playing This music brother fell prey to a form of cancer that was foreign to African-Americans, at least 15-20 years ago.
So yes, leukemia rates are rising among African-Americans due to their consumption of dairy cow products such as ice cream, butter, cheese, sour cream, etc.
I have been warning African-Americans, especially black females / women, for a long time now to leave dairy products alone dairy is the greatest causative factor in many of the female pathologies such as uterine fibroid tumors that they suffer from. that dairy is "cow snot" and "cow poop" and have the videos in my collection to prove it.
Even though white people have traditionalally been consuming dairy products (mainly milk) for a long time, I also tell them it & # 39; s no good for their bodies either. They may have a greater tolerance for milk and dairy products than other races and cultures, but it still being negatively affects them too.
Milk does not do a body good (unless you 're a baby cow [calf]Got milk? If you do, you got nothing but PUS (MUCUS)! Almond Breeze, Rice Dream, coconut, soy and oat-based milks are better choices and alternatives for milk, at least for human consumption.
If milk helps in weight loss, then it is not easy to wear it. Why are cows so damn big? The milk should neutralize the growth hormones that are given to cows and prevent them from being so weighty.
The Dangers of Chemotherapy and Radiation
Western medicine & # 39; s approach to treating cancer is the cut, slash and burn technique which is insane and diabolical to me. You have to be out of damn mind to take or under chemotherapy
Can you say PETROLEUM? That & # 39; s right! Chemotherapy is nothing but rock fuel (petroleum) that comes straight from the Rockefeller pharmaceutical drug cartel. The Rockefellers owns the 15 largest mineral companies Is it any wonder that the Rockefellers use petroleum drugs in their medical industry and cartel that they also own, considering that they also own and dominate the petroleum industry?
The temple of the modern method of cancer treatment in the corporate United States is the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in New York where young actress Michelle Thomas (of Family Matters sitcom) was killed , oops, I mean "died."
Alfred P. Sloan was president of General Motors Corporation for a number of years. Now why would individual individuals such as the Rockefellers, Sloan and Kettering be involved in the medical industry in Can you say BIG BUSINESS?
Oh yes, cancer is big business in the United States. Launched by the father of advertising, Albert Lasker, brings in hundreds of millions of dollars per year and has been doing so for many years and still they have no cure for cancer in Western / allopathic medicine. they are not even looking for one for the money in making in keeping people sick, performing surgery, and saturating cancer victims / patients with chemotherapy and radiation.
The American people knows the American people want a miracle to knock cancer out (which will NEVER happen). The American people want this a miracle pill would allow them to keep living lavishly and frivolously while eating their beloved degenerate, denatured and devalued Standard American Diet.
No pill will ever knock out (cure) any disease. It was the thought process (mindset), diet and lifestyle (or death style) of the person that caused the pathology. And yes, consuming Various or multiple pills (drugs) plays a role in the development of pathology. Disease is multidimensional and not one dimension. Unfortunately for Western allopathic medicine, they treat disease in a one dimensional way.
They are in dying from cancer patients / sufferers are not dying from cancer. They are in effect dying from the cancer treatments - chemotherapy and radiation and the belief that they are going to die (thanks to the unwisely doctor telling the cancer patient this).
Where in the world is the logic in this?
Therefore, the human body is NOT made up of chemotherapy (petroleum). Petroleum is a foreign substance in the body and will cause the body & # 39; s defense mechanism to kick in. But in cancerous persons, their bodies are already too weak to resist and fight the foreign substance.
You are the toxic, poisonous, and injurious that you make the hair fall out. You're the one and the many side effects is that the hair on your head on face This is outright insane and absurd, but still in hundreds of thousands of poor, unjustified and ignorant individuals unwisely subject them to this insidious invasive process and to greatest doom and demise.
The other widespread insidious technique used on cancer victims, oops, I mean "patients," is RADIATION! Now you & # 39; ve really got to be out of your dam. at least not in the body of a healthy and sane person.
Radiation treatment based on the toxic element Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myalgia. Radiation is used under the ilogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going This treatment and process literally burns and cooks your flesh and have you ever smelled cooked flesh of I living human being? It STINK something terrible, people! I know from first hand experience (with my beloved father who succumbed to lung cancer in 1994).
The result is serious damage to the rectum. The result is serious damage to the rectum.
Chemotherapy and radiation treatment is modern-day voluntary TORTURE, plain and simple!
Surgery opens the body up and poses the insides of the body to oxygen which is cancer cells to spread rapidly and out of control. This is a sure-way ticket to an early and premature death, and not to mention, a very painful death.
I wentnessed this with my father back in 1994. He became a skeleton. I remember my Uncle Larry and my Cousin Dennis trying to get my father out of his bed one day and the screamed for them to put him down and just leave him alone. The pain in moving him was unbearable.
This is why many cancer victims / patients are given pain killer drugs which do absolutely no justice at all. For most, they just end up praying to God to quickly remove them from their misery.
My poor mother was also one of these individuals, succumbing to pancreatic cancer (the worst cancer you can ever have) in 1999. It was my mother & # 39; s death that served as the quintessential catalyst for me to finally get up and start promoting and selling my herbal concoctions to the public. She opted for the Western solution (torture) and paid dearly for it.
My little sister reported to me that my mother was throwing up so bad (from the chemotherapy and other drugs) that she was throwing up her bowels. I heard horror stories about my I did not want to to my hospital with cancer. I consciously chose not to visit her in the hospital during her last and dying days. I did not want to remember my mother When I was done with my father out of familiial pressure. When it was time to view my mother & # 39; s body at her funeral, before the casket was opened, I got up and walked out of the church and stood outside just looking at the Compton, California neighborhood my mother grew up in. My poor mother was reduced to skin and bones due to cancer.
So as far as surgery is involved, if you have cancer and decide on surgery, all I can say is: Kiss Me Goodnight, because very often you & # 39; re finished, through, 86ed, terminated, done, etc. etc.
Personally, I & # 39; d recommend a new and effective alternative cancer treatment, Poly MVP and hyperbaric oxygen therapy instead of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.
continues on Part 2