His report, featured in the March 23, 2010 edition of Science Daily, describing a study report with with a test group of 400 adults all of which have succumbed to liver biopsies for this test. 81% of the patients consumed high fructose corn syrup-containing beverages. Is this a coincidence, or is fructose truly damaging to the liver?
Many different lifestyle choices can result in poor health. The liver, as the body & # 39; s filter, can take quite a beating. The people in the drug study all had non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is a condition where fat accumulates Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease has symptoms like abdominal pain, fatigue, and sometimes jaundice, like many other liver diseases, but the tricky thing about it is not definite cause like alcohol, it is hard to tell what caused the condition.
These May risks are cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides in the blood, malnutrition, obesity, and ingestion of toxins and chemicals. These risk factors are all health conditions that can cause disease , lots of exercise, and leading a sedentary lifestyle. High cholesterol is also very indicative of bad food choices. This lends credence to the idea that the consumption of high fructose cordu syrup can cause buildup on the liver. an individual person does not choose fresh fruits and vegetables over processed foods will likely encounter high fructose corn syrup several times per week, if not per day.
Some of them have been proudly announced that they are no. Obviously, this has the corn refining industry up in arms. No corn syrup production hurts business. They say that that corn syrup is no different than sugar in terms of nutritional value, and that because it is made with corn it is a natural product.
One of these chemicals used is glutaralhyde - The USDA has a different opinion. They say that while some forms of high fructose corn syrup may be "natural," mostly processed with some sort of chemical, It is toxic. It is toxic. So, I have to consume a large amount of high fructose corn syrup, they are likely going to encounter plenty that is processed using chemicals - which can damage the liver.
High fructose corn syrup, like many sweeteners, is full of calories but almost devoid of nutritional value for malnutrition. So sometimes there is something to Dr. Mercola & # 39; s report. It certainly makes one want to err on the side of caution and choose a healthy lifestyle with a focus on wellness, health, and proper nutrition.