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 Detoxify your thighs -2

During the Christmas holiday at Colorado, my family and I decided to go to a local hot spring. That was what we needed to warm our bones from coldness other than one day cross-country skiing. There were people of all shapes and sizes. What I noticed almost all women and teenage girls was that cellulite appeared in her thighs. I began to pay attention to people with many cellulite and few people. The woman was immune to its influence. There was even a washbasin stomach lady player who had cellulite in their thighs. I found that this was very angry, so most women did not have cellulite. What is promoting this unsatisfactory spread in our culture, and what will you do to prevent it? Is exercise a key or higher?

What is cellulite really? How do you remove it? Several investigations on how to naturally remove these deposits have revealed that women in Europe have become healthy and have used creams to remove cellulite and "unsightly fat deposits" for at least 20 years. American doctors consider this type of fat as a problem, but do not treat it as "a disease of connective tissue" as the European medical community does.

Cellulite is a gel-like substance composed of fat toxic waste and water, which is confined in the fiber structure only on the surface of the skin. Cellulite is a problem of women, mainly because of the high percentage of adipose tissue in females and because of the elasticity of the skin is also high. The subcutaneous fat layer floats between these fibrous tissues, causing "fat blister" in the subcutaneous layer. In healthy women without cellulite, fat stays in the dermal layer. This problem occurs when blood vessels get worse and deprive the skin of an important nutrient. Second, the fat clumps together and binds to the protein. Water raises the cells due to the toxicity of adipose tissue. Water dilutes the toxic waste and creates a gel like substance that creates the appearance of orange peel of the skin. Cellulite can be said to be an inflammatory process:

1. Reduction of circulation in the region

2. Loss of capillary network

3. Retain extra liquid

4. Fat deposition is usually hormone mediated

The blood vessels change in the dermis.

Toxic waste is stored in a less vascular region of the body of adipose tissue. 6.

Seven steps to detoxify your thighs

Several doctors say cellulite is caused by damaged dehydrated skin. I believe this is one of the causes of cellulite, but that is not true. The first step to reduce cellulite is to repair damaged skin cells and connective tissue. You can do this by running these seven key steps.

1. The first step of change is to use antioxidants to eliminate free radical damage and promote microcirculation. Vitamin C and Vitamin A are the most important antioxidants for the skin. You can not grow collagen without Vitamin C. Vitamin A is one of the most important nutrients to keep skin healthy and firm.

2. The second key is to increase circulation throughout the body. Gingko biloba increases the microcirculation and therefore removes the body of the storage toxin. Dry brushing is an important addition to our detoxification regime. Dry brushing for 5 minutes every day is equivalent to 30 minutes of exercise. Please use dried vegetal brush brush by circular motion from toe to heart. It acts as a manual lymph pump to shed toxins and maintain healthy circulation. To decompose fat, please circulate essential oil like rosemary or birch. Place 20 drops each with 4 oz. Drink carrier oil such as sesame and almond oil and rub it to the buttocks, thigh, waist every day.

3. Eliminate high mucus forming foods and most dairy products, especially if they are not organic. The lymphatic system directly affects the appearance and condition of your skin. When the lymph is clogged with food that forms mucus, it can not transport the toxin, and many of these wastes will eventually be laid and confined in the skin. Cellulite is formed when stagnant lymphe filled with toxins sticks in fat accumulation and fits the skin. Non-organic dairy products contain large amounts of synthetic hormones that interfere with our sensitive hormonal system.

4. Adjust hormones with specific nutrient-rich oil. A large amount of estrogen in the body determines where fat is placed, especially on the buttocks, buttocks and thighs. Do not forget to establish your body like estrogen pregnant. It also promotes excessive moisture retention within the tissue. If the lymph system is blunt, the toxin sticks to the thigh storage bottle. Essential fatty acids also hydrate the skin by strengthening the cell wall. The oil keeps the skin fully hydrated. This is important from the fact that essential fatty acids regulate body hormones. If hormone balance is obtained, the cells will hydrate correctly. It is also easier to maintain proper weight. One of the easiest ways to do this is to rotate organic linseed oil and evening primrose oil with wax of the moon and wax. It naturally regulates estrogen and progesterone in the body. After menopause, you should use other oils. If your hormones are not really balanced, we recommend acupuncture and specific prescriptions weekly. A hormone balanced woman is usually a healthy woman.

5. It stimulates the detoxification of the liver, kidney and colon and opens the excretion route. If the vacuum cleaner is clogged with toxic debris, the vacuum cleaner will not operate. In order to make the system work more efficiently, it is necessary to wipe out the system. When constipation comes, our excretion system is "backed up". Other organs must bear "double obligation". Sometimes this happens, too many toxins submerge the system at a time and the liver must store this waste at a later date. This does this by storing waste products in fat vesicles. The liver sends it out of the body from the main organs, and there is little circulation there. These toxins remain in this place and are safe from important physical functions. French botanist Maurice Messegue conducted a thorough study on the control of women and cellulite across Europe. Only when these women abandoned foods containing insecticides and chemicals (most processed foods), they were able to reduce the amount of cellulite in their bodies. By stimulating the function of the liver using liver, kidney, milk thistle targeting lymphatic system, puff, or certain individual antidote, we can help them function more efficiently. My clinic in Austin, Texas uses prescription and nutrients specific to each patient to break down the solid waste within the cell. A common way to do this is to squeeze half of the lemon in the water three times a day in order to break down the mucus and stimulate the liver. Next, in order to stimulate the digestive process and alkalize the body it is advisable to eat organic raw apple cider vinegar (1 ounce with 8 ounces of water) before meals.

6. Stimulate your metabolism. Drinking three cups of green tea every day is one of the best ways to do this. It not only stimulates your metabolism, but also has an antioxidant load, but it has the ability to emulsify fats! The second element to improve our metabolism is to use Cayenne on lemon juice every day. Cayenne stimulates our digestion and improvement. Do not use cayenne if there are thermal symptoms such as blinking or constant thirst.

7. Regularly take the sauna and hot bath. The most important secret of cellulite detoxification is to heat up and dissolve hard deposits. Heating the body eliminates toxicity, promoting metabolism and circulation. After bathing in hot water, you need to throttle the thighs and buttocks with the thumb and the first two fingers and twist. Please make this gentle and firm. By doing this, you break down the fat and disperse it in the bloodstream. Next, move the blood and lymph using a solid stroke toward the heart. You can use a dry plant bristle brush for this part. If you can not access the sauna, the hot spring is amazing. Add essential oils like Juniper, Grapefruit, Rosemary to stimulate the liver and eliminate toxins. Other additives include Epsom salts and baking soda. Please use 2 cups of Epsom salt and 1 cup of baking soda in the bath. Epsom salt withdraws toxins in the body, and baking soda alkalizes the system. Please soak for 20 minutes until you sweat. If you get out of the bath, massage your stomach, buttocks and thighs and rest. Do this at least three times a week.

In conclusion, detoxifying one thigh is not an easy solution. Most women will agree that maintaining health needs to be part of lifestyle change. Meals filled with grains, vegetables and fruits containing a small amount of meat, fish, legumes are filled with strong and thin energy. Daily walking and yoga keep the body supple and strong, in addition to the above procedure. By incorporating all of these factors into your daily life, you will have amazing success in reducing their undesirable bulges. Our body needs correct nutrients, correct diet and proper detoxification.

 Detoxify your thighs -2

 Detoxify your thighs -2

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