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 Records management at government agencies in Sierra Leone -2


Records management systematically manages all records from the creation and receipt of records to processing, distribution, organization, storage, retrieval and final disposal. Because information is a very important resource for organizations, record management functions also include information management. Therefore, record management is also known as record and information management or RIM (Magnus, 2006).

Records management shall be organized so that the official records (correspondence files, information) have meaning and be used to define the method to be continuously used by users such as administrators, record specialists, educational institutions Can also

Importance of record management in government agencies

For example, in government agencies, the establishment of a records management program may cause the department of meteorology to play an important role both short-term and long-term. The following shows some of the importance of record management in government agencies, civil servants, companies and enterprises as a whole.

• Lost records or incorrect records due to reduced records management. Human elements are always with us, so even the best systems in the world can have wrong records. However, properly designed document management systems can gradually reduce misleading files. In many cases, mistakenly recorded records will spend a great deal of time when the clerk searches for records.

• Records management functions as evidence at the time of the dispute. It is important for conflict resolution as it can be shown as evidence in trial.

• It helps to evaluate the progress of the organization. It helps to preserve the history of the organization. Past records show the direction to the organization. It helps to find organization weaknesses and strengths. Records management provides an explanation of the progress and direction provided by the organization.

• Records management is the memory of business. It will be useful for future decision making process. Research on past records shows the future direction. It provides information to organizations whenever necessary and is useful for decision making.

• Record management can help you evaluate the progress and performance of your business. It is useful for a period of time and for another period, or for comparison between some companies.

• Records management is useful for managing and controlling important records. It protects necessary records carefully and helps to eliminate wasteful records.
• Minimize the risk of litigation. Organizations are implementing records management programs to mitigate the risks associated with litigation and potential penalties. It is the same for government agencies. The Consistency Applied Management program can reduce debt related to document disposition by providing systematic and routine dispositions during normal business processes.

• Improve accountability. Record managers introduce a system to track the actions of each record, increase accounting, and provide access reports. And

• Improve the working environment. Implementing record management program improves record composition and offsite work environment. Organized work environments can improve business perception by clients and potential employees. New employees are easily trained to manage company records when an efficient record management program is in place (Jackson, 2008).

Historical background of meteorological department in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone was the Headquarters of West African Weather Service (HQ) founded in 1923. Meteorological services were scarcely offered to the four West African countries of Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria, Gambia. The Sierra Leone meteorological department is a fragment of the UK West African weather service founded on April 27, 1961. Since its establishment, this division has been controlled by a series of directors, the current director is alfabocary - to date. The headquarters is in F18 Charlotte Street Freetown.

Weather stations provide end users who contribute to the management of Sierra Leone's economy by providing cost-effective climate and climate services by collecting, processing, archiving, and disseminating climate and climatological information and services Protecting property, protecting the environment and recovering the expenses of services so rendered will support expenditure not exceed income.

I am responsible for the following tasks / responsibilities as departments under the Ministry of Transport.

• Protection from civil safety and happiness and deterioration of the weather and destruction by natural disasters.

• Providing reliable climate data to facilitate agricultural planning and implementation, water supply systems, infrastructure and tourism project design.

• Contribute to socio-economic contributions, including the provision of end user services for national agricultural activities, marine development.

Carry out weather and climate related activities such as CDM, climate change service (CCS), deforestation and deterioration (REDD), national communication (NCS) (meteorological department, 2014) etc.

Purpose of weather station in Sierra Leone

The excessive purpose of the Meteorological Department established as the sole authority to issue weather and climate warnings and services,

• Forecasting, planning, and provision of meteorological and climatologic services that meet national socioeconomic development needs.

• Collect, process, store and distribute weather and climatological information both nationally and internationally, in accordance with WMO treaties such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and other relevant regulations and practices. United Nations Convention on Climate Change Framework Convention (UNFCC), Desertification Convention Treaty, Drought etc

• Provide a range of customer / departmental operated weather services to key sub-sectors such as aviation, water resources, agriculture, defense, marine, tourism, sports, recreation, construction.

• Recommend advice on meteorology and climatological issues to the national community and other government agencies and non-governmental agencies.

• Develop appropriate human resources to enhance the functional efficiency and efficiency of the institution.

• Reduce reliance on national budgets and generate their own revenue by charging for services offered to other customers.

• Organize and manage the atmospheric observation network at the surface and upper, accurately and effectively record weather and climatic conditions for the economic development of Sierra Leone.

• Provide weather services for search and rescue activities during disasters and relief activities and national emergencies. And

• Participate on behalf of Sierra Leone on behalf of related international organizations such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), World Weather Watch (WWW), Global Climate Observing (GCOS) ), The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the African Meteorological Research Center (ACMAD), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and other roles in climate change activities (Meteorological Bureau, 2014).

Records management method of meteorological department

Record keeping is very important for any institution. The most important decision makers, directors, or the head of the organization needs to choose the appropriate way to manage the records of the organization. There are two ways to be used significantly. This includes a centralized way and a decentralized way to manage the records.

Intensive method

A centrally managed record management method is how all the physical documents are located in one central location or office. The place is managed by the staff of the record management office. The number of employees in the record department depends on the size of the organization. In a centralized way, the end user has a sense of security that he knows that all the physical documents associated with a particular case are kept in the same place. For example, if the end user needs to browse the file, he / she needs to contact the record office staff. The file is checked out to the end user. As the complete assertion of file storage is captured, the location of the file is always known.

In a centralized way, the security level gets higher. For example, since the entry is locked, only the record personnel can access the file in the record office. This process makes the control over the physical document much more than the distributed method. For the purpose of efficiency, a unified office procedure is documented and circulated to all end users. These procedures deal with topics such as time and operation, file request and delivery time.

Dispersion method

Distributed methods are the way physical documents are placed throughout the office. It is possible that this can be found in the space of all staff offices or other office. Unlike a centrally managed method, files are only managed by the record office. The decentralized way is controlled by staff who created the file. Physical files are kept on employee's desk in a location that is not centrally managed so that everyone can access them. Therefore, the method does not require a full-time recording staff.

Employees always have access to files and are responsible for maintaining accuracy. There is a disadvantage to the method of record management managed by distributed management. For example, suppose a group of employees is working simultaneously in the same case at the same time. That employee is not responsible for managing files. The rest of the group may have problems searching for files if the organization is not fileing customs procedures. In a distributed way to manage records along the same line, there will be little or no security on the file. This can be problematic, especially when organizations deal with highly confidential cases.

However, in the meteorological department, a central way to manage department records is adopted. That is, physical or electronic or other records are centrally managed by department clerks. Although there are issues to keep records and manage, meaningless methods are fully utilized. (Meteorological Agency, 2014).

Types of records created by the weather department

The records generated by the weather station play an extremely important role in managing the department's operation. This department records past activities, phenomena and events that form the foundation of future actions. Recording is essentially both manual and electronic. An example of a manual record is as follows.

• Management records of the office.
• Personnel record.
• Financial / financial records.
• Weather data / records;
• Material records.
• Public information record.
• Conference / seminar service record. And
• General program.

Electronic Records: These electronic or mechanically readable records are formatted data that is read and processed by the computer and meets the legal definition of the record. In the meteorological department of Sierra Leone, these are records related to department stations and station stations,
• Email and messages.
• Electronic spreadsheet.
Primary data file and database.
• Readable index machine. And
What? Word processing files.

Recording user of Meteorology department of Sierra Leone

The meteorological records of Sierra Leone include the following:
• Administrator.
• Research / external users.
Human Resources Management Office (HRMO);
• Government ministries.
• International organizations such as the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). And
• Clients offering meteorological department information. For example, Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), African Young Voices (AYV), Star Television and other Sierra Leone media.

File system in Meteorological department of Sierra Leone

The record management system is a process of classifying, sorting, sorting and storing records so that they can be found and searched easily as necessary. Basic file group classification and control, document collection procedure, file preparation, sorting, indexing, maintenance and cross-reference. A well-defined and maintained filing system allows for quick access to critical information, saving time and saving company expenses. Business, school, administrative agencies, and even every day, people organize their work using the filing system. Thus, with the various types of filing systems below, the agency can efficiently implement the appropriate filing system.

Alphabetical file system

In alphabetical file system, according to the letters of the alphabet, records are organized according to the name of AZ person name, company name, subject line. There are two ways in the alphabetical filing system. It is a local alphabet filing system also called a dictionary system. In this system file, individual records are in alphabetical order. This filing system is effective when storing a small number of records. It turns out that there is a problem when an individual has many clients sharing the same name. Another way is a geographic file system. It is also known as an encyclopedia or classification system. This system is used to organize a large number of records. Group subjects under a wide variety of categories based on locations such as city, country, state etc. Categories and files in each category are arranged in alphabetical order.

Numeric file system

In the numeric filing system, numbers are assigned to each file, and the numbers are arranged in order of segmentation. Files with the same name can not have the same heading as the alphabetical system. In this system, the name is displayed in the file and works well when passing large numbers of files, so confidentiality of filtering is improved.

Terminal filing system

Also in the terminal digit filing system, the assigned file numbers are sequenced, but are filed based on the last two digits. For example. Person has submitted number 18547. First the individual goes to the file system section 47, then the section 85 section, finally looking for number one (1).

Alphanumeric file system

Alphanumeric file systems are used to organize files. For example, two letters are used to indicate a client file, followed by a number indicating the account number.

The file system of the weather department adopts alphanumeric file system. In that record we use the End Tab folder and a pocket that simply stands on the shelf and places the cabinet. There is no hanging hanging with office space. There are some challenges in the weather department, but file systems are organized and used efficiently.

Storage system record

Records should be kept in a safe place in good order. Those that contain confidential data such as staff files and personal information need to be stored in lockable units. Please do not put on the desk all night. Only records that are frequently needed should be kept in the office. Those that need to be kept for legal or other reasons should be kept in the off-site record office and those that have passed the valid period must be disposed of. However, records under 1 year will not be stored offsite.

In most cases, storage systems used in record offices adequately protect records based on record format and quantity, frequency of use, access needs, and security requirements. The main types of record storage system used are as follows.

Vertical filing cabinet

They are suitable for small filing systems, but they are not very suitable for large numbers of records and records that need to be accessed frequently. Because you have to open the withdrawal, access is slow, and it will have a big influence if there are a lot of records. Cabinets require a lot of space, withdrawal spaces are often not used for full capacity.

Book shelf

These are suitable for books and files that are kept upright, such as box files and lever arch files.

Side submission unit

These have a long drawing to store the file horizontally and to use space more efficiently than its vertical one. It is also possible to use a static unit without a drawer. The file is stored in a suspended pocket or cradle. If submission of prompts and ordering are necessary, open units are most efficient. To restrict access to files, you can use a unit with a lockable door or shutter.

Mobile shelf

If you need to keep a large number of records at hand, this is appropriate as the number of access aisles is reduced. It is the most expensive type of shelf and is very heavy. The floor must have sufficient structural capability to support these shelves.

Open shelf system

It is usually located in a large office and in the central file room, allowing quick search and replenishment. This type of horizontal file, similar to an open bookshelf, allows you to retrieve the file horizontally. In addition, it displays the folder tab which enables prompt searching completely. Also, moving the file from the vertical system to the open shelf system results in a 50% savings. This unit usually requires a professional installation. This can be negotiated with the vendor and can be included in the equipment cost. These are the most effective types of files. They also have doors and can lock them. Some people with doors have flashbacks, can be used as partitions for attractive rooms, offer the advantage of providing excellent soundproofing effects. These doors and 6 openings make easy access to 200 inch files. Those that do not have doors must provide even more file space and even though they are recognized as needing to lock them.

Record the record system of Meteorological Department of Sierra Leone

The main type of record storage system used in Sierra Leone's meteorology department is the aforementioned open shelf system that allows files to handle records to be retrieved and refilled normally in large offices and central file rooms. This type of horizontal file, similar to an open bookshelf, allows you to retrieve the file horizontally.

Records search of meteorological departments in Sierra Leone

Searching is the process of searching and deleting records or files from storage. It is also an operation to recover information on specific subjects from accumulated data. We handle standards and procedures for collected paper, electronic recording, image recording. For example, finding names and telephone numbers in a phone book or database is a common memory and search activity. Records or information can be obtained in the following three ways.

By hand: People go to storage vessels, pick up records and delete them, or write down the information requested from it.

Mechanically: Use mechanical means such as pushing the correct button to rotate the movable shelf to correct the position of the record, manually deleting the record, or recording the requested information.

Electronically: People use computer-like means to find records. Physical records do not need to be deleted from storage. The requestor will see where it is found, or the requested information will be displayed to the requestor in some way. Sometimes it appears on the screen of the database or e-mail file.

Requests for saved records can be verbally made via telephone or messenger or written notes, letters, etc. The request can be sent by a person, transmitted by a machine such as a conveyor system, or electronically transmitted by electronic mail. Records need to be retrieved from storage and passed immediately to the requester. Late to find records, users and requesters are wasting time every minute, it takes time to search filers and leads to loss of money for business (Stephens, 2009).

However, manual and mechanical procedures are commonly used for search records in the meteorological department because most of the records are in paper-based format.

Challenges facing record management of the meteorological department of Sierra Leone

The situation in Sierra Leone has not been very successful, especially in the record management and management business of the meteorological department, due to the shortage of management components. While supporting the above findings, I realized that ignoring for many years caused great damage to the meteorological sector and record keeping was not exempt. Below are some of the challenges of proper record management faced by Sierra Leone's weather station.

Insufficient funding

The problem of fund shortage in the record office of the weather department is more intensive than the other departments. This is a problem not only experienced during the colonial era but also with the record management program of today. Activities to promote other today's today's employee salary, modern storage equipment and purchase of chemicals, today's records preservation will provide adequate funding to enable the facility to achieve its objectives It is an important activity you need. For this reason, the practice of the meteorological record office suffers from inefficiency and inefficiency as unqualified personnel are thrown away.

Insufficient space and equipment

The weather station's register is too small to contain current and non current records. The equipment used is inherently bad and it is also inadequate capacity. Recording staff combine lack of funds and know-how / technology issues, so we can not access modern facilities.

Problematic properties of formatting

Most of the recording materials were still organic in nature, most of which were paper based. This means that they can aging, progress, and can worsen over time. For this reason, they require equipment to be processed and handled for the purpose of preserving them. For countries like Sierra Leone in the tropics, such a situation worsens with high humidity in the atmosphere and high temperatures throughout the year. All of these conditions combine work to promote the chemical process of the nature of the decaying record. In addition, weather conditions are not conservative in records keeping facilities in meteorological faculties, so we can not manage all weather conditions to strengthen record keeping, making the entire preservation process even more difficult.

Lack of record management law

The actions of the National Record in 1964 are outdated and no longer serve its usefulness. Record does not have a legal explanation, endorsement, or service definition. The law of the law provides authenticity. Authenticity promotes the public and the people practicing in the profession about the services being offered and provides confidence. These are very important elements lacking in record keeping facilities of the meteorological department.

Lack of understanding and appreciation

The record management program of the meteorological department has little involvement in providing and managing information that only competent staff can understand. Since this is also a culture of many other public and private sectors that generate important records on a daily basis, there is no fundamental understanding of the record life cycle and requirements of record processing behavior. They are extremely ignoring the important role that the recording office can play in order to properly manage record keeping and maintain records at both the present and half stages. Because the staff are not fully informed of the recording activities, the recording office is encouraged to engage in programs that help educate staff and other users about the requirements and content of the activities.

In summary, the record keeping of the organization is very important and can not be unduly emphasized. This is because continuity depends on the availability of useful records of past activities. In complex organizations such as meteorological departments, the amount of information is large and it is impossible to store all the information in the brain, as we have to keep records. In the Sierra Leone weather observatory, it is necessary to keep weather records such as weather forecast cast data, personnel records, visitor's books, inventory books, books and so on. Maintain the profession as a strategic position for efficient and effective management of weather systems. Indeed, it is the center of learning institution management, as it documents the planning and implementation of the appropriate service course to enable monitoring of work.

Unfortunately, Sierra Leone's situation of record keeping management, especially in meteorological office systems, has not been very successful due to lack of management components. If you put your trust in this assertion, there are some problems with the record management practice of the meteorological department as above. We pay close attention to all these problems, solve problems, and help to strengthen record management of the weather station in Sierra Leone.

 Records management at government agencies in Sierra Leone -2

 Records management at government agencies in Sierra Leone -2

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