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 Free Rental Agreement: Rental Form When You Want to Lease Your Home <br/>-2

Notice: This lease is provided as an educational example, and is not warranted as being legal in your local. Consult your attorney before using this lease.

THIS LEASE AGREEMENT, made and entered into this __________ day of __________________________________ called the Owner, and _____________________________________________________________ important called the Resident (s), who do covenant that this agreement and its stipulations attachments measure the whole understanding and supersede any preliminary negotiations or agreement and recites the entire consideration between parties.


In consideration of the covenants and agreements existence, to be kept and performed on the information given on the application for lease, which if and when found to be false or misleading will immediately terminate this lease, the Owner does possessy Lease to the Resident who does not take and hire from the County of ___________________________________ and the State of ______________________________ the street address of which is ____________________________________________________________ Together with the Personal Property located as described in the inventory attached hereto. The aforesaid promises will be used exclusively for living quarters as a private residence upon the following expression conditions and conditions, to-wit:

1. This Lease shall stay at 12:01 am on the ________________, __________ and shall continue for a period of ____________ (______) months thereafter, expiring at 11:59 pm on the______ day of _______________________, _________.
2. The Resident Hereby agreements to pay the Owner as rent for said premises the total sum of ____________________________________________ ($ _____________________________) dollars, which sum shall be payable in advance in advance in equal monthly installments of $ ________________________ in advance on the 1st day of each and every The first month of the month from the afternoon of the month, the first month of the month ___ ___ ___ 0 on the 1st day of each month. The rent payment in the form of a bank draft (check), money order, travelers check, or cash will be payable to ____________________________________________, and delivered to _____________________________________________ by mail or other means, or by direct deposit into the Owner & # 39; s bank account by the 1st of the month.
3. The Resident agreements to pay ______________________ ($ _______________) 3. If the rental is received by the owner or postmarked before or on the second, the Owner agreements to a rent cancellation of _____________________ ($ _____________) Said charges together with the unpaid rental installation will be due forthwith.
4. The Resident Hereby acknowledges that they are received by the assurances and personal property located in the order and repair. The Resident further agreements to maintain the warrants in a clean and sanitary condition, and in order to guarantee to the Owner the surrender of the awards in good order and repair, the Resident Hereby deposit with the Owner the sum of ______________________________________ ($ _________________________) dollars as a security deposit to be returned to the resident at the expiration of the term of this term Owner in such condition. Owner in the sole Judge as to whether the promises are in good order and repair at the expiration o f the terms of this Lease.
5. The resident may not increase the number of occupants of the promises, except for casual visitors, without the written consent of the Owner. The Resident may not keep any animal, bird, or pet on said promises except the following: ________________________________.
6. It is understood that the Resident is responsible for the electricity, which is responsible for the electricity, gas, sewer, water, garbage collection, telephone service, and any other utilities or services desired by the Resident. A third party utility notification form will be signed at the time utility service commences in the name of the Resident, in favor of the Owner .
7. The Resident agreements not to violate any state law, statues, or city ordinance on or about said concessions. The Resident agreements not to permit or suffer any disorderly conduct, noise, vibration, odor, or other disturbance whatever in or about said promises The resident agreements to keep the concessions in clean order and to not allow unused personal property to accumulate on the concessions or in the porch or yard that would detract from the quality of the concessions.
8. The resident agreements. The receipt of this service will be provided by the Resident to the Owner. The resident will change the air filter of the furnace every three months.
9. All repairs, alterations, or orthodontic treatment of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling of the dwelling additions to the sole expense of the resident and all such repairs, alterations, or additions shall, at the expiration of the terms of this lease, be and become the property of the Owner, Who is not under obligation to reimburse the Resident for any sums of money so expired in making repairs, alterations, or additions to the interior of said awards, offer further, that no repairs, alterations, or additions to said promises All major repairs and maintenance of the heating, plumbing, a carelessness, or intentional acts of the Resident, of which the Owner shall be the sole judge, in which which Any such and repair of more than this amount must be be made at the written permission of the ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 Owner.
10. The Owner shall not be liable for loss, injury, or damage to the personal property or person of the Resident or the Resident & # 39; s guests or visitors, caused directly or indirectly by acts of God, fire, theft, burglary, malicious acts, riots, civil commotion, the elements, defects in the building, furnishings, equipment, walks or landscaping, or by the neglect of other residents or owners of contiguous property.
11. The Owner shall keep the awards at all reasonable times during the term of this Level, alone or together, for the purpose of inspecting said property; provided, however, that the Owner shall give reasonable The Owner shall have the concessions to prospective tenants or purchasers at reasonable times during the last 30 days of the term of this Lease, and to place a "For Rent" or "For Sale" sign in an appropriate appropriate place on said premises during said 30 day period.
12. This Lease may not be assigned to the written consent of the Owner to such assignment, and no part of said awards may be sublet during the term of the Lease without the written consent of the Owner to such subletting.
13. Should said promises be destroyed or rendered uninhabitable through no act or fault of the Resident, either by Fire, Act of God, or otherwise, then this Lease may be forthwith terminated by at the Resident.
14. Any renewal or extension of this parties hereto, their successors, or assigns. Without the Resident notifies the Owner in writing or without the Owner notifies the Resident in writing at least thirty (30) days before expiration of the term of this Lease, this lease shall be be renewed as hold-over tenancy on a month-to-month basis upon the same provisions, covenants, agreements, and conditions as set forth herein (2) the rent shall be increased by the amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the monthly payment identified in paragraph 2 of this lease.
15. The vacation, or abandonment of, or eviction from said concessions, from the awards or the building upon expiration or termination of this agreement or upon the resident ' the Owner shall have the right to dispose of said property and / or possessions unconditionally without liability of the Owner.
16. Acceptance by the Owner of partial payment of rent or other waiver of any right of the Owner or affect any notice or legal proceedings other than the Owner and the Resident shall other agree in writing. Any payment of less than the total accrued rental and other charges hereunder shall be deemed a partial payment to be applied to that part of which first accrued.
17. The Resident promises and agreements that if the performance of any other condition under this Lease, that this Lease may be terminated forthwith at the election of the Owner, and the Resident will immediately surrender and In the event of such termination, it is understood and agreed that the the strawberry of the owner standing the breach of the owner stating the breach of the owner stating the breach of the owner to the end of the lease. For all expenses which may be incurred by the owner for reletting the concessions; for for remember in the concessions remain vacant for all agreement, for the reminder of the concessions; Any deficiency in the rental installments on any lease or leases of the concessions made by the Owner during the term of this agreement. Any advance rental payments and the securit y deposit ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0
18. If the Resident leaves said awards unoccupied for seven (7) consecutive days at any time while rent is due and unpaid, this shallow deemed an abandonment of said awards, and the Owner may take immediate possession and exclude the Resident without further notice , and may re-rent said concessions.
19. The failure of any one or more instances, a strict compliance of any of the obligations, covenants, and agreements here contained or the failure of any one or more instances to exercise any option, privilege No forbearance by the owner of any default hereunder shall be in any way be construed as constituting a waiver of such default by the Resident.
20. It may be necessary for the Owner or the Owner to attend to any of the Owner 's rights under this Lease or any law of this state, the Resident is liable for reasonable legal and attorney fees including court costs incurred by the owner or the owner & # 39; s agent in connection therewith, whether or not a suit is filed.
21. Rent payment and any written notice called by the terms of this Lease shall be be delivered to the relevant parties at the following addresses;
The Owner: ______________________________________________________________________
The Resident: ____________________________________________________________
22. This Lease agreement similarly to the heirs, successors, and assigns of this subject. This Lease is subject to any special conditions appearing on the reverse side, or attachment, hereof over the initials of the relevant parties and are included by that attachment.
23. If any provision (s) of this lease is held invalid, unconscionable, or unenforceable by a court containing competent jurisdiction, all the remaining provisions of this lease shall continue to full force and effect. laws of the state of ________________.
24. Water beds are not permitted.
25. The Resident will abide by Covenants as per attached copy.
26. The change of employment, the Resident & # 39; s new place of employment move more than 10 miles from the Resident & # 39; s current place of employment. The 30 day notice provision yet applies.
27. The occupancy. The 30th day the occupancy. The 30th day for the Resident & a second party for the Resident. notice provision yet applies.

Lead Warning Statement: Housing built before 1978 may be lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips, and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 Lessees must also receive a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention.
Lessor & # 39; s Disclosure
(1) Presence of lead-based paint and / or lead-based paint hazards (check (a) or or (b) below):
(a) ______ Known lead-based paint and / or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing (explain).
(b) ___ Lessor has no knowledge of lead-based paint and / or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.
(2) Records and reports available to the lessor (check (i) or (ii) below):
(a) ______ Lessor has provided the lessee with all available records and reports relating to lead-based paint and / or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents).
(b) _____ Lessor has no reports or records relating to lead-based paint and / or lead-based paint hazards in the housing.
Lessee & # 39; s Acknowledgment (initial)
(3) ________ Lessee has received copies of all information listed above.
(4) __________ Lessee has received the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.
Agent & # 39; s Acknowledgment (initial)
(5) ________ Agent has informed the lessor of the lessor 's obligations under 42 USC 4852 (d) and is aware of his / her responsibility to ensure compliance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and affixed their seals on the day and year first above written.

___________________________ Date ____________
The Resident
___________________________ Date ____________
The Resident
___________________________ Date ____________
The Owner
___________________________ Date ____________
The Owner

 Free Rental Agreement: Rental Form When You Want to Lease Your Home <br/>-2

 Free Rental Agreement: Rental Form When You Want to Lease Your Home <br/>-2

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