99 times out of a hundred it ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 hot water tank sediment. Coupled with the symptom of putrid water taste and odors may also be low sink and shower water pressures and output.
While distasteful smell of the home water supply may sometimes in the summer time is algae blooms at the waters source, it & # 39; s not that frequent an issue. Winter time seasons of course it can be almost rule out on the spot in terms of plumbing diagnostic workups. The heating and tanking replacement - yet in most cases this is both premature and a highly aggressive approach weapon warranted both in terms of costs, and actual needs .
It's simplicity as 1, 2, and 3 with minimal supplies, tools. It is simple to do that singing from the hot water tank. and expertise with little fear of damage or mistakes what so ever.
Here is a simple sequence to follow to flush the hot water tank unit:
1) For electric (non-gas) hot water heaters begin by shutting off the power from the circuit breaker. If you have a gas (natural gas / propane / butane) hot water heater shut the valve supply the gas supply
2) Next shut (turn off) It should be easy to spot. It will be a valve near the bottom entry in the water tank in most cases. Feel the pipe for cold temps as opposed to the hot water outlet as it is the wrong valve. pipe which will be hot or at least least warmer to the touch.
3) Near the bottom of the water heater you can spot a drain valve. If it is similar to to faucet. Or it may be a simple round dial with an outlet to attach a hose in the middle of it. Open the spigot and stand back to drain the effluent into a safe place where it can drain away. Either near a sink or basement drain, or sometimes the house can snake outside through a door or window. Some other older hot water units the faucet will have an outlet - it 's not meant to attach to an actual garden or utility hose. In these situations draining the water into a bucket or series of containers. Have some towels close to mop up spills. It 's good to have two or more buckets (that are small enough in height to fit under the lip of the drain faucet outlet). This way as one bucket fills, you ca It & # 39; s sort of like an old fashioned fire brigade.
Very important do not turn power or gas back on until the tanks are quite full.. Otherwise you risk great damage to the tank unit - gas or in the case of It is a professional plumbing tradespeople to begin with. I am afraid that the electric heated element in the brief second. It happens all the time with careless amateur and novice plumbers.
Secondary as you start to emptying the tank you may have to pinch open up the pressure relief valve to get flow started - not like a gas siphon. Secondly as you start to refill the reservoir again with cold water slowly open up the taps around Just remember the home slowly to allow air to escape as the water displace air in the canisters and family may have a gasp as they turn on taps and burst of noisy compressed air emanate out of the pipes. to turn off all faucets tightly once the procedure is underway or completed.
Lastly when and only when the hot water tank is good and full (you will be able to to hear the sound of rushing water into the unit itself), do you turn on power or gas to the unit to allow the heating function to come back on.
It may take some some time to fully and completely heat your home. Especially if you are dealing with cold well water, or its winter season this may take an extended time period to complete. Be patient you will be rewarded with sweet smelling and tasting water, and as well may experience faster water flow and clothes cleaning cycles, showers and baths.