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 How to Determine the Worth of Your Personal Injury Accident Claim <br/>-2

What Is My Case Worth?

What is a broken arm worth? How about the bulk of the arm for six months until surgery fixes it? What if the surgery does not work? Unfortunately, there is no science to this. In fact, here & # 39; s the crazy way that our society figures out what a broken arm is worth: we drag twelve people away from their work and their families, make them sit in uncomfortable chairs in a courtroom, force them to listen to a bunch of witnesses tell Letting a jury decide may seem crazy, but it is a system designed to be fair to all I can not think of a better way. Can you?

Because each trial will have a different in jury, more is a personal injury claim will be "worth." Of course, over 95% of cases never go to a jury. We decide how much those are worth as trying to figure out what a jury would say. what is a similar condition cases in the past, see what juries awarded in those, and make our best estimate based on every detail we know about the situation, the medical If you decide to pursue your case, you will need the do the same - which is why some people feel the need to hire a lawyer.

How much the jury likes you will will have will trial, the value is determined by the trial, the value is determined by the human beings, with all the flaws and prejudices. How a lot lot. How much they like like the person who hit you. The judge has a tremendous amount of discretion, and the judge 's rulings can affect a trial. How good What facts so much that things matter, that it & # 39; s really not possible to figure out what a case is worth until an intense investigation has been Here 's one: your case is probably worth less than you think, but more than the insurance adjuster is willing to pay. Even though a book can not tell you what your specific case is worth, we can educate you about the different kinds of "damages. "

In Oregon, there are two basic types of damages you can recover for a personal injury case: "economic damages" and "noneconomic damages. "These used to be called" general damages "and" special damages, "and you will sometimes still hear lawyers use these words. But the proper terms are economic and noneconomic damages.

"Economic damages" is the compensation you can get for any money you have lost due to the collision. Examples include:

• Money to repair your car, or the full value of the car if it was totaled

• Money to pay for medical bills

• Lost income if you were not able to work due of your injuries

• Money to pay for household services like cleaning and childcare if you were not able to do these things because of your injuries

• Money to compensate for future economic losses

"Noneconomic hazards" is often called "pain and suffering." Noneconomic damages cover such things as:


• Humiliation

• Mental suffering

• Emotional distress

• Inconvenience

• Interference with normal activities

• Damage to a person & # 39; s reputation

• Aggravation to a previous injury

There are also "punitive damages," which are meant purely to punish the wrongdoer. 60% of any punitive damages. Then your lawyer will normal take 20%, leaving you with only 20%. This is then taxable, so you may end up up with only 10% of punitive damages. I can make make to try get punitive damages, but most injured people are better off seeking only economic and noneconomic damages, which are not not taxable in personal injury cases, under Internal Revenue Code.

It belongs to your if you are in bankruptcy, or may be soon, this can have an awful effect on any recovery you may get from a personal injury case. This is general information; there are plenty of exceptions, and negotiation is often possible. If you are in bankruptcy, it is essential that you tell your bank interruptcy attorney or trustee about any possible personal injury claim. You can for committing fraud. You could forfeit any money you win, your personal injury law could have thrown out of court, A good bank interruptcy attorney can refer you to a personal injury attorney, and vice versa, and the two can work together to find the best solutions for you, the client.

 How to Determine the Worth of Your Personal Injury Accident Claim <br/>-2

 How to Determine the Worth of Your Personal Injury Accident Claim <br/>-2

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