The problem of pain treatment is a very urgent health and socio-economic problem. Pain in acute, recurrent and chronic forms spreads out in age, cultural background and sex, and adults in North America cost between 10,000 and 15,000 dollars per person per year. Estimation of the cost of pain does not include approximately 30,000 people dying of aspirin-induced stomach lesions every year in North America. 17% of people over the age of 15 suffer from chronic pain that interferes with normal daily activities. According to research, it is suggested that at least one in four adults in North America suffer from some form of pain at a certain moment. This large group of painful populations is a major driving force in the medical community for providing pharmacological treatment. Many physicians now refer to chronic pain patients as non-drug based therapies, or "complementary and alternative medicine", to reduce drug dependence, invasive procedures and / or side effects. The challenge is to enable the least invasive, toxic, difficult and expensive approach.
The ability to treat pain is highly variable and unpredictable, depending on the cause or place of pain, and whether it is acute or chronic. The pain mechanism is complex and has peripheral and central nervous system aspects. Therapy should be tailored to the details of the individual patient's pain process. Psychological problems have a very strong influence on whether pain is experienced, how pain is experienced, and whether it becomes chronic. The most effective pain management strategy requires multiple simultaneous approaches, especially for chronic pain. It is rare for a single modality to solve the problem.
In recent years a new fundamentally different approach has been increasingly studied. This involves the use of a magnetic field (MF) generated by both static (permanent) and time-varying (most commonly pulsed) magnetic field (PEMF). Various strength and frequency fields were revealed. There is no "gold standard" yet. The fields chosen will vary based on experience, trust, convenience, and cost. Regardless of the presumed pathology, it seems that there is no big advantage for any MF application because of the unpredictability of locating the cause of true underlying pain, so any approach is used empirically Being. After thousands of patients have been used around the world, it has been found that there is little risk associated with MF therapy. The main preventive measures refer to pregnancy and seizures with implanted electrical devices and certain frequency patterns in individuals who are prone to attack.
Magnetic fields affect the perception of pain in many different ways. These behaviors are direct and indirect. The direct effects of the magnetic field are neuron firing, calcium ion migration, membrane potential, endorphin levels, nitric oxide, dopamine levels, acupuncture and nerve regeneration. Cycling, muscle, edema, tissue oxygen, inflammation, healing, prostaglandin, cell metabolism and cellular energy levels have indirect advantages of magnetic field in physiological function.
Most studies on pain use a subjective measure to quantify baseline and output values. Subjective perception of pain with visual analogue scale (VAS) and pain plots is 95% and 88% specific for current pain in the neck and shoulder and thoracic vertebrae.
The measured pain intensity (PI) varies with pain relief and satisfaction with pain management. Based on the Numeric Descriptor Scale (NDS) and the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the average reduction in PI due to treatment in the emergency room was 33%. Reductions of 5%, 30%, and 57% of PI correlated with a reduction of "not", "partial / partial" and "meaningful / complete". If the initial PI score was moderate / severe pain (NDS> 5), the PI was reduced by 35% and 84% to achieve "partial / partial" and "significant / complete" respec- tive, respectively There was no doubt. Patients with less pain (NDS <または> 5) required a reduction of 25% and 29% of PI. However, pain relief seems to contribute only partly to the overall satisfaction of pain management.
Several authors are reviewing the experience of Eastern Europe and the Western Pulse Magnetic Therapy (PEMF). PEMF is widely used in many disease states and medicine fields. They were most effective in the treatment of rheumatic diseases. PEMF resulted in a significant reduction in pain, improvement in spinal cord function and a reduction in spinal cramps. PEMF has been proven to be a very powerful tool, but it needs to be considered in combination with other treatments.
Certain pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) affect bone and cartilage growth in vitro, in potential applications as arthritis therapy. PEMF stimulation is a proven therapy for delayed fracture with clinical application of possibly osteoarthritis, bone osteonecrosis, osteoporosis, and wound healing. Static magnets can alleviate temporary pain under certain circumstances.
The ability of PEMF to affect pain depends on the ability of PEMF to positively affect human physiological or anatomical systems. Studies have shown that the human nervous system is strongly influenced by therapeutic PEMF. Animal behavior and physiological responses to static and very low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields are influenced by the presence of light.
One of the most reproducible results of weak, extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field (MF) exposure is the effect on neurological pain signaling. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are designed for use as therapeutic agents for the treatment of chronic pain in humans. Recent evidence suggests that PEMF is also an effective complement to treat patients suffering from acute pain. Recent studies also suggest that magnetic field therapy including stationary equilibrium manipulation is effective in determining the etiology of chronic pain and is therefore effective in diagnosing the underlying disease condition. Static field devices with strong gradients have also been shown to have therapeutic potential. Particularly placed static magnetic field devices such as the Magnabloc device have been shown to lower neuronal action potential in vitro and alleviate spinal mediated pain in human subjects. Regardless of whether pharmaceutical or magnetic therapy is used or not, human studies, including the induction of analgesia, also need to account for the place response, which can account for 40% of the analgesic response. However, central nervous system mechanisms involved in the placebo response, or at least the location response, can be suitable targets for magnetic field induction therapy. Magnetic field manipulation of cognitive and behavioral processes has been well documented in animal behavior studies and subjective measurement studies including human subjects and may be one of the mechanisms of the use of MF in pain management.
Since the beginning of the century many electrical therapies, magnetic therapies and electromagnetic medical devices have emerged due to the wide range of trauma due to static, time-varying and / or pulsed fields, breeding of tumors and infectious diseases. For years it has been found that some of these noninvasive devices are highly effective in certain applications such as bone repair, pain relief, autoimmune and viral diseases (including HIV), and immunostimulation It has been proved. Their acceptance in the clinical setting is very slow in the medical world. The resistance of the practitioner seems to be primarily based on a variety of aspects, a wide variety of adopted vacancies from ELF to microwave, and disruption in the general understanding of the involved biomechanics. The current scientific literature shows that short-term, periodic exposure to pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) emerges as the most effective form of electromagnetic therapy.
Magnetic therapy is indicated by increased threshold of pain sensitivity and increased activation of anticoagulation system. PEMF treatment stimulates the production of opioid peptides. It activates Langerhans & Merkel cells, promotes vacuolation of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and increases the electrical capacity of muscle fibers. Long fractures not exceeding 4 to 4 years are repaired in 87% of cases of 14 to 16 hours of PEMF treatment of the day. Some of these devices are FDA approved. PEMF with 1.5 or 5 mT field strength proved useful edema and pain before and after surgery. The results of the research and experience of the PEMF discussion for the widespread introduction of PEMF therapy in clinical practice.
The treatment of bone lesions, nerve and ligament regeneration, pain and inflammation encouraged studies on the basic mechanism of action. Such studies focus on the alteration and metabolism of membrane transport activity and the influence of small changes in ion flux on stimulation of cAMP levels and mRNA and protein synthesis. A specific combination of a limited number of EMF parameters stimulates cellular activity. Departure from these specific field characteristics can produce the opposite effect. When PEMF was administered for 15 to 360 minutes, amino acid uptake increased by about 45%. Thereafter, the uptake of AIB gradually decreased, but was still significantly higher in the exposed skin after 6 hours than the control. Comparison of the effect of PEMF on induced conformational change in transmembrane energy transfer enzyme for 2 hours allows energy binding and transport of absorbed resonant PEMF energy to the transportation work.
Since 1990, I have studied the effects of EMF on animal responses to harmful environmental stimuli in Italy. Researchers have demonstrated that ELFs reduced the density of pigeons. It decreased by about 30% and decreased pain perception. The same was obtained by Canadian reappointed mice and snails with various types of MF. It has been found that 2-hour exposure of healthy persons reduces pain perception and reduces pain-related brain signals. Treatment with sinusoidal 100 Hz MF was found to be induced analgesic and therapeutic effects, supported by cell culture and evidence of biophysical effects in guinea pigs. A biochemical change was observed in the blood of the treated patient supporting the pain alleviation effect.
Several magnetic fields with different properties have been shown to reduce pain inhibition (ie analgesia) in animals of various species, including terrestrial snails, mice, pigeons, and humans. 0.5 Hz rotated MF, 60 Hz ELF magnetic field and MRI reduced analgesia induced by both exogenous opiates (ie morphine) and endogenous opioids (ie stress-induced). Reduction of stress-induced analgesia is obtained not only by exposing animals to various different magnetic fields, but also after a short stay at a near-zero magnetic field. This suggests that even with a magnetic field, even with respect to other environmental factors (ie temperature or gravity), changes in the normal state in which the species evolved may cause induced changes in physiology and behavior.
Various electromagnetic fields (EMF: microwave, pulse wave, low frequency, constant magnetic field, magnetic shield space) are applied to the head or limb for fish, birds, mouse, rat, cat, rabbit, 60 minutes, at intervals of minutes to hours, randomly sham exposed. Brain responses were studied by psychophysiological, behavioral, electrophysiological and histological methods and compared to responses caused by "standard" stimuli (light and sound). Perennial studies showed nonspecific initial response (NSIR) of the brain to various EMFs. EMF-induced changes in brain function were considered "regulatory" and revealed a higher probability of sensory response to EMF exposure than mock exposure. The sensory response was weak pain, tickling, pressure, etc mediated by the sensory system of the body. The reaction may have been caused by local anesthesia in the exposed area. The EEG reaction is an enhancement of low frequency rhythm, particularly noticeable by mechanical or radiation brain damage. Cell analysis showed that all types of cells (neurons, glia, vascular wall cells) reacted to EMF and astroglial cells were the most sensitive. The function of astrocytes is known to be related to retardation of memory processes and activity in the EEG.
Chronic pain often involves or results in a reduction in circulation or perfusion to affected tissues such as Cardina angina or intermittent claudication. PEMF has been shown to improve circulation. Skin infrared radiation increases due to immediate vasodilatation by low frequency fields and increased cerebral blood flow in animals. Muscle tone and pain syndrome due to neuralgia also improved.
Another group with more than 20 years of experience using magnetic or electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the treatment of approximately 1,500 patients with trauma, musculoskeletal disorders, circulatory system and nervous system problems. They used various magnetic devices manufactured in Eastern Europe, including static magnetic field (SMF), sine wave or PEMF ultra low frequency field (ELF EMF) and very high frequency (EMF) spanning magnetic field strength of 1-40 mT . Treatment for 20 to 30 minutes a day, 5 to 8 hours a day, 3 to 4 weeks. Treatment had the benefit of anti-pain, anti-edema, anti-inflammation, macro and micro-circulation. The outcome of treatment depended not only on the parameters of the field but also on the individual sensitivity of the organism.
PEMF may vary greatly in frequency, waveform, harmonics and duty cycle. In very low frequency PEMF, the most effective results were found in clinical use.
In North America the back pain is endemic. Lumbar arthritis is a very common cause of back pain. PEMF of 35 to 40 mT treats low back pain well for 20 minutes every day for 20 to 25 days. This was shown in 220 patients and 60 controls. Pain relief or elimination, improved rehabilitation and improvement of secondary neurological symptoms. Continuous use in treatment episodes is most effective at about 90 to 95% of the time. Control patients showed only a 30% improvement.
Chronic low back pain was treated for 2 to 12 years, and PEMF which failed other treatments was also improved. PEMF is used at the site of pain and related trigger points in patients between 41 and 82 years old, as seen in hemiplegia and double-blind studies for 20 to 45 minutes. The electric field intensity was 5 to 15 G in the frequency range of 7 Hz to 4 kHz. Pain exclusion was measured by a visual analogue scale (VAS) scale. No pain up to VAS values 0, 10, the greatest pain is recorded before and after each treatment session. Some patients maintain a pain-free state in 6 months after treatment. They return to work they could not do. Short-term effects are believed to be due to a decrease in cortisol and noradrenaline and an increase in serotonin, endorphin and enkephalin. Longer-term effects may be due to biochemical and neuronal effects of the peripheral nervous system, CNS, the pain where the correction of the pain message occurs and the pain is not simply masked as in medical cases.
The advantage of using PEMF can last considerably longer than usage time. In rats, a single exposure results in pain relief both immediately after treatment and 24 hours after treatment. Analgesic effects are also observed on days 7 and 14 of repeated treatment and on days 7 and 14 after the last treatment.
Even at 2 weeks after treatment, in 10% to 15 times alone every other day in 80% of pelvic inflammatory disease patients, 89% of back pain patients, 40% of endometriosis patients, and 80% of postoperative pain patients High frequency PEMF who underwent treatment, 83% have fewer abdominal pain of unknown cause.
Post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN) is often medically resistant and is a very common and painful condition responsive to pulsed magnetic field (PEMF) and whole body AC magnetic field (ACMF) stimulation. PEMF therapy was 20 to 30 minutes daily for 19 treatments over 34 days and ACMF therapy was 30 minutes daily for 38 treatments over 85 days. PEMF was a 4-16 Hz and 0.6-T samarium / cobalt magnet system surrounded by a spiral coil pad and had a pulse of up to 0.1 T at 8 Hz. Pad was pasted to pain / paresthesia area. The ACMF treatment bed consists of nineteen electrodes including a pair of coils generating 0.08 T sine wave pulses. Three electrodes were applied to the head region, three to the stomach region, four to the spine region, six to the upper limb, and three to the lower limb. Both treatments continued until symptoms improved or adverse side effects occurred. Pain was assessed with 10 points VAS scale and 5 point scale paresthesia. Outcome was also evaluated clinically with infrared thermography and Doppler ultrasonography, and blood flow was assessed. PEMF therapy was effective at 80%. Pain did not worsen further. ACMF therapy was effective at 73%. The average pain score after initial treatment was better for PEMF versus ACMF.
The use of PEMF is rapidly increasing, extending from initial application to hard tissue to soft tissue. EMF in current orthopedic clinical practice is used to treat delay fractures and non-fracture fractures, spinal cuff tendonitis, spinal fusion tendonitis and avascular necrosis, all of which can be very painful is there. The clinically relevant response to PEMF is not necessarily immediate in general, and in the case of non-tissue fractures requires daily treatment for several months. The PEMF signal induces a maximum electric field in the mV / cm range at frequencies below 5 kHz. Pulse radio frequency field (PRF) consists of bursts of sinusoids in the shortwave band, typically in the 14-30 MHz range. PRF induces an electric field in the range of V / cm. The PRF signal has a higher electric field strength than the PEMF. The PRF signal has a low frequency burst that is approximately equal in size to the PEMF. This means that the PRF signal has a wider bandwidth. PRF application is ideal for relieving pain and edema. Although tissue infections associated with most trauma and chronic injuries are essential to the healing process, the body frequently overreacts and the resulting edema causes cure and pain retardation. For soft tissue and musculoskeletal injuries and post-surgery, post-trauma and chronic wounds, the reduction of edema is therefore a major therapeutic goal to accelerate healing and related pain. A double-blind clinical trial has been reported for chronic wound repair, acute ankle sprain, and acute whiplash injury. PRF accelerated the reduction of edema 5 times in acute ankle sprain. The response to MF is during treatment of acute injury or just after treatment. The response of bone repair is considerably slow. Voltage changes induced by PRF at the binding site of the macromolecule affect the ionic binding kinetics and result in regulation of the biochemical cascade associated with the inflammatory stage of tissue repair.
Treatment of persistent neck pain studied in a double blind, placebo controlled study reduced pain and improved mobility with a low power, short wave 27 Hz diathermy system. Cervical pain persisted for more than 8 weeks and did not respond to at least one course of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. On the soft neck collar was a miniaturized pulsed short wave Diathermy generator installed. Each unit was powered by two 9 V batteries and had a frequency of 27 MHz. Treatment was 3 to 6 weeks, 8 hours a day, analgesics could be used as needed, non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs could also be used. Within 3 weeks of treatment 75% of patients improved range of exercise and pain.
PEMF applied to the thigh for at least 2 weeks is an effective short-term treatment of migraine. With longer exposures it is possible to drastically reduce headache activity. PEMF using a 27.12 MHz signal in the internal femoro-femoral artery region for 1 hour / day, 5 days / week, 2 weeks reduces headache. One month after the course of treatment, 73% of patients report headache activity decreasing, while only half of those receiving placebo treatment reported. Another two weeks of treatment after a month follow up will result in an additional 88% reduction in headache activity. If there is no additional treatment after the first course, 72% still shows benefit. Placebo patients receive active treatment after reporting, and headache improvement is further improved.
Repetitive magnetic stimulation (rMS) has been found to reduce musculoskeletal pain. Specific diagnoses include traumatic abnormal tendon on the scapula, tennis elbow, ulnar compression syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, meniscal bone injury, traumatic amputation of the median nerve, sustained muscle spasm of the upper and lower hips, inner hamstring tendonitis, Patellofemoroarthritis, heel osteochondral defect and posterior tibial tendonitis. The patient received rMS for 40 minutes. rMS was applied. 8,000 pulses of magnetic stimulation were applied in a 40-minute session. VAS evaluated the severity of pain. Mean pain intensity is lower than 59% when sham treated and 14% lower. Patients with amputation neuroma and patellar arthritis did not benefit anything. Patients with upper spinal cramps, rotator cuff lesions and osteochondral heel bone lesions had pain decreased by more than 85% even after one rMS session. Pain relief lasts for several days. Neither pain was getting worse.
The results obtained so far with PEMF treatment in animal models and clinical human studies suggest that this type of treatment can reduce edema but occurs only during the treatment period. Application of PRF for 20 to 30 minutes significantly reduces edema lasting for several hours. PRF affects the overflow of the sympathetic nerve to induce vasoconstriction and promote edema from the vascular component to the extravascular component from the vascular component. The passage of current through the tissue displaces the negatively charged plasma proteins typically found in the stroma of the traumatized tissue. This increased mobility may accelerate protein uptake by lymphatic capillaries due to increased lymph flow, an established mechanism of extracellular fluid uptake. Each pathology stage in injury may require different PRF parameters for optimal effect. PRF promotes healing of soft tissue damage by reducing edema and increasing hematoma resorption rate.
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects about 40 million people in the United States. Knee's OA is a major cause of disability in the elderly. Medical management is often ineffective and causes additional side-effect risks. QRS has been used in Europe for about 20 years. QRS significantly improved knee function and walking ability for 6 weeks twice a day for 8 minutes. Pain, general condition and health condition were also improved. Drug use decreased, plasma fibrinogen was reduced by 14%, C reactive protein by 35%, and blood sedimentation rate by 19%. QRS has also been found to be effective in degenerative arthritis, pain syndrome and inflammatory joint disorders. Sleep disorders often contribute to increased cognition of pain. QRS has also been found to improve sleep. 68% reported good / very good results. Even if the follow-up period is one year, 85% argue that it is effective in relieving pain. The dosage decreased from 39% in 8 weeks to 88% after 8 weeks.
PEMF was performed for 15 minutes in 15 treatment sessions, resulting in improvement in hip arthritis pain in 86% of patients. Pain-free average mobility was significantly improved.
Sudeck-Leriche syndrome (posterior reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD)) after trauma is very painless and can not be treated highly. A 30 minute PEMF session of 50 Hz for 10 minutes, followed by addition of 10 sessions at 100 Hz, and physical therapy and medication, reduced edema and pain in 10 days without further improvement in 20 days.
Patients suffering from headache were treated with PEMF for 5 years after acupuncture and drug inaction. The systemically applied PEMF was 15 days 20 min / day and was very effective against migraine, tension and neck headache in 1 month after treatment. They reduced the frequency or intensity of headaches by at least 50% and reduced the use of analgesics. In clusters and post-traumatic headache, poor results were observed. Patients with neuropathic pain syndrome (NPS) benefit from pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) treatment. Patients had severe left sciatic and lower back pain, neuralgia of the chest wall associated with removal of the tumor from the left thoracic cavity, classical sacral distribution and left sciatica of the left sciatica and left sciatica. All patients were taking oral medicine and received repeated injections of local anesthetics and steroids but the results were poor. The patient was treated with 300 kHz PRF. Treatment was applied to the left L5 dorsal root ganglion (DRG) for 2 minutes, to the spinal cord root of T2-T4 dermal spinal cord and left L5 DRG and S1 root and left L5 DRG, respectively. All patients alleviated serious pain.
350 patients with chronic pain treated with PEMF were followed for 2 to 60 months. They showed better results in patients suffering from postherpetic pain and neck and low back pain at the same time.
Chronic pain is often mediated by abnormally functioning small neuronal networks involved in self-fertilized neurogenic inflammation. High intensity pulsed magnetic stimulation (HIPMS) can non-invasively depolarize neurons and promote recovery after injury.
Patients with low back pain after trauma or postoperative, reflex sympathetic dystrophy, peripheral neuropathy, thoracic outlet syndrome and endometriosis showed pain relief. Using a custom made magnetic stimulator up to 10 times, a 10 minute exposure to 1.17 T at a rate of 45 pulses / minute, randomized to maximum pain area for 6 treatments and 4 sham treatments at random . Pain was evaluated at VAS. After four HIPMS treatments, one patient had no pain. All patients reported pain relief. Pain relief ranged from 0.4 to 5.2 vs. 0 to 0.5 in the case of sham treatment. The average amount of pain relief per treatment for 10 minutes was 1.86 for HIPMS and 0.19 for sham treatment. Maximum pain relief occurred 3 hours after treatment. Two patients had complete pain relief and three had partial pain relief lasting 4 months. Other subjects experienced pain relief and persisted for 8-72 hours. The effect of HIPMS on pain is probably mediated by eddy currents induced in the exposed tissues.
Chronic musculoskeletal pain treated once a day for 3 days with MF. EMF is an alternative to standard therapy in the elimination and / or maintenance of chronic musculoskeletal pain.
In a double-blind clinical trial, we evaluated the effectiveness of low intensity ultra low frequency PEMF to treat knee pain of osteoarthritis. Treatment was 8 6-minute sessions over 2 weeks. Each patient recorded pain on a 10 point scale before and after each treatment session. Patients did not use analgesics or other pain treatments. The active treatment group decreased pain by 46%, while the placebo group decreased by 8% on average.調査終了後2週間で、痛みは49%減少し、プレースグループは9%減少した。
弱い交流磁場は、人間の痛みの知覚および痛みに関連するEEGの変化に影響を及ぼす。プラセボ対照二重盲検クロスオーバー設計における0.2〜0.7G ELF磁場への2時間の曝露は、疼痛関連脳波レベルの有意な低下を引き起こした。
腰部神経根症または鞭打ち症候群の疼痛患者には、2週間にわたって1日2回適用されるPEMFがあり、その鎮痛薬が決定した。 PEMF群で8日間、対照群では12日目に放射性神経痛の鎮痛が起こった。頭痛の痛みはPEMF群で半減し、首・肩・腕の痛み対コントロールの1/3以下をコントロールした。
慢性的な腰痛は、生涯中の米国人口の約15%に、就労日数9300万人、年間50億ドル以上の費用に影響します。永久磁気療法は、慢性的な筋肉腰痛を軽減するのに有用なツールとなり得る。患者は、21日間、実際のまたは偽の可撓性永久磁石パッドで治療された。診断には、ヘルニア椎間板、脊椎症、神経根障害、坐骨神経痛、関節炎が含まれた。疼痛応答は、5ポイントのVASスケールを用いて測定した。 The experimental group had a significant mean reduction in pain of 1.83 points, while the control group had a mean reduction in pain of 0.333 points (P>0.006). Pain relief varied was experienced as early as 10 minutes to 14 days.
A report of a series of 240 patients treated with PEMFs in a conservative orthopedic practice found decreased pain, increased functionality and ability to take pressure, disappearance of swelling and pathological skin coloration, removal of need for orthopedic devices and decreased reaction to changes in the weather. Treatments were daily for an hour long. Conditions treated were: rheumatic illnesses, delayed healing process in bones and pseudo-arthritis, some with infections, fractures, aseptic necrosis, loosened protheses, venous and arterial circulation, reflex symapatheic dystrophy all stages, osteochondritis dissecans, osteomyelitis and sprains and strains and bruises. Their success rate approached 80%. Many cases had X-ray improvement. They observed reformation of cartilage/bone tissue in one case of destructive cyst of the the hip joint, including reformation of the joint margin. About 60% of loosened hip protheses subjective relief occurred and ability to walk without a cane. X-rays frequently showed a seam of absorption which continued after magnetic field therapy was over. One case of Perthes' disease had complete reformation of the articular head of the hip.