After reading the success stories and experiences of others, I came to the conclusion that there is a specific physiological indicator to be aware of when you exercise your penis. These indicators may appear in the form of positive, negative, neutral signs. In this article I would like to focus on the physiological indicators to be aware of when exercising to increase the size of the penis.
1) You should notice that your relaxed boy appears more and literally "hangs" throughout the day. If you exercise to increase the size of the penis, you will see improvement immediately. But after a day your members will relax more and shrink to normal size. The longer and longer your relaxing penis is, the more improvement is indicated.
2) Very positive indication is that you seem to see an increase in the amount of erections in the morning and at night. I understand the fact that most men awaken most mornings. But this is a positive sign. If you are increasing erection it indicates that the practice you are doing in your penis is working!
3) Your erection should be much more difficult. Not only increases the size of the penis, but also many exercises concentrate on power and stamina. This is an integral part of your work. That's because it's meaningless to have extensive manhood if it can not do the job you intended!
4) One of the best physiological indicators of exercising your penis is that it is much easier to achieve anection. Even if you can not stand your masculinity upright, there is no embarrassing moment. Literally, I can thank for the demand.
5) I guess the most obvious indicator that the exercise your penis is getting is an increase from the size of normal penis. You need to run a good routine, you need to start noticing the first growth within the first month. It may be a very small profit, but it is a positive step towards the right direction.
6) When exercising to increase the size of the penis, you feel far more horny and should be sexually excited. The problem suffering when many men believe that the penis is too small is that they are far from sexual encounters and can be almost "cold". If you continue to exercise your penis, you will feel much more refreshing!