What is the broken soul? Your soul will be broken when you are inside and it will not suit you who is outside.
Your broken soul, about yourself, how you feel your truthful, deep, honest beliefs, your philosophy about life; your original ideas and sincere thoughts, emotions, emotions and what Feeling whether it is right or wrong. Your soul is your soul when no one is watching. A place where no one else can see. Your external person includes your body, verbally written words, customs, actions, and actions.
How can a person break the soul?
Every time you lie to yourself, defend your sense of fairness, compassion, and honesty. Do not obey your dreams and do not take advantage of your gifts and talents to hurt anyone you consciously love or unconsciously isolate the spiritual connection between your body and your soul . If you believe in one thing and act in the opposite direction, you will become an empty ship, shell, substanceless person. Your body is alive, but it is hollow and vacant because of its lack of completeness and meaning. Many of today's young celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears, Nicole Ritchie, and the second half Anna Nicole Smith may be breaking the soul. These young, rich and physically beautiful women are prosperous in their appearance, but their actions and actions do not demonstrate inner peace.
We live in a culture that tells us when something is hurting our bodies. We can fix it with psychotropics, weight loss or cosmetic surgery. Other parts of society tells us that we need to join the organized religious community. These proposals are not wrong depending on personal character and emotional needs. To learn that each person takes an honest attitude within himself to judge whether he is doing his or her full power with his own ability to promote health, wealth, peace, love and happiness in his life It is essential.
The only way to reattach your soul to your body is to put together your thoughts, words and actions together.
Is the broken soul similar to the broken heart?
If the heart repeats a broken pattern, a broken heart may cause a broken soul. For example, in order to analyze why you are attracted to a certain type of men, please choose the same type of man without seeing inside yourself. But a broken soul will not usually lead to a bruised heart, as it is impossible for you to care about others deeply when you really know about yourself, do not love or care.
Example of a broken soul
Scenario A Fidelity
1. Beliefs, personal moral norms between justice and justice, honest emotions / feelings
You believe in faithfulness. You want to be a relationship with trustworthy people.
2. Words, things you talk to others in verbal or written form.
You swear that you are faithful. You tell your companion that you are faithful.
3. Behavior, behavior, habits - what you do
You trick your companion.
Education of scenario B
1. Beliefs, personal moral norms between justice and justice, honest emotions / feelings
I think education is important. You always want to practice the law.
2. Words, things you talk to others in verbal or written form.
You tell everyone that you are returning to school to earn your degree.
3. Behavior, behavior, habits - what you do
You watch TV and play with friends in the evening. You picked up the application once, but never did it.
Scenario C Follow your dream
1. Beliefs, personal moral norms between justice and justice, honest emotions / feelings
I feel happiest when you sing, dance and participate in all kinds of performances. You love music in every cell of the mind, heart and body. People tell you that you have talent and talent as a singer.
2. Words, things you talk to others in verbal or written form.
In order to impress your parents, teachers, and other people, you tell them to become doctors that you go to university.
3. Behavior, behavior, habits - what you do
You are registered with the pre / medi program. You try to ignore your stomach pain, headache, and the deep misery you feel. We rationalize misfortune by doctor making money and telling yourself that your family is proud of you.
Scenario D Applicable to me
1. Beliefs, personal moral norms between justice and justice, honest emotions / feelings
You love to write.
2. Words, things you talk to others in verbal or written form.
You will tell anyone the book you intend to write someday.
3. Behavior, behavior, habits - what you do
I am tired when I get home from work and I am tired from the daily demands of caring for my family, so I will not write it.
Scenario E Applicable to myself
1. Beliefs, personal moral norms between justice and justice, honest emotions / feelings
You want to lose weight to improve your health.
2. Words, things you talk to others in verbal or written form.
You tell everyone that you are on a diet.
3. Behavior, behavior, habits - what you do
You do not exercise. You make an unhealthy food choice.
Scenario F With faith
1. Beliefs, personal moral norms between justice and justice, honest emotions / feelings
In your heart and mind, you believe in superiority over God or greater power than yourself. I feel that your deepest dreams, desires, hopes, and needs will emerge in your life.
2. Words, things you talk to others in verbal or written form.
You tell everyone about your amazing beliefs, trust, and beliefs about God or higher powers. You tell others to believe with faith.
3. Behavior, behavior, habits - what you do
You worry about sleeping every night as you are worried about how your invoice will be paid and provided for your family. You are not looking for new jobs or starting your own business. People say that "the economy is bad."
Honestly appreciate what you truly annoy you and honestly can do it now from this moment to change your life, and you will begin to heal your soul. It is guaranteed.
The sign of a broken soul 10
You have problems with drinking and drug abuse.
2. You have been depressed for more than 6 weeks.
You do not feel the enjoyment of life.
You are sexually, physically and psychologically abusive.
You are actively involved in crime and misconduct.
You reproduce suicide thinking
7. There is an eating disorder
You are abusing someone physically, psychologically or sexually.
You do not do anything productive over time.
10. You constantly complain about yourself or hating your life.
Technique to heal a broken soul
1. Validate yourself. It starts exactly where you are. Please call on yourself beautifully. Start your business. Please do not request external verification from either.
2. Go on a journey of self-exploration. What is your favorite color, food, songs, movies, days of the week, holidays? What you love is a clue to the mystery of who you are. What you love is an internal one that creates an external image of who you are.
3. Please forgive everyone and everyone. Without exception.
4. Practice random actions of kindness. Please put a change in the expired parking meter. Pay someone's breakfast, dinner, or lunch without revealing themselves. Put the toilet paper in the public toilet for the next person. Please blow away someone's snow and leaves without knowing who did it. Leave hints on other tables. Find a unique way to smile on others' face. Their smile makes you smile.
Whether you accept your apology is not a problem. This gives you the opportunity to heal when you are ready.
Please forgive past mistakes.
6. Write a letter of forgiveness to you. Please read your self-forgiveness letter to yourself every night until you can leave. You can not forgive yourself until you are ready to empathize yourself emotionally.
7. It takes 6 months to make one change. Do not try to change too much about yourself at once. This is overwhelming. If you try to quit smoking you will not lose 50 pounds and you can find a cure for cancer. Please stabilize it slowly.
Look at redemption of Shawshank, pursue of happiness, or other movies that will give you hope.
Find things you absolutely love, think once a day throughout the day.