L & Oreal Professional Majirel Permanent cream hair color is a hair color that brings out excellent long-term color results. Magiler Permanent hair color is designed to be highly resistant to sunlight and water exposure. It gives extra conditioning and uniform hair coloring. Created using Incell ™ and IONNENE G technology, this hair color is representative and deals with hair from the core to the surface. IONNENE G is an ideal ingredient to prevent damage from permanent coloration. It is applied to damaged hair, it restores hair fiber and strengthens it from the inside, and it provides brilliant color with excellent durability against discoloration. On the other hand, Incell (TM) is a ceramide that provides all the advantages of natural ceramides. It adheres to the cuticle on the inside of the hair and strengthens the natural cohesion.
This hair color guarantees 100% gray coverage with rich and deep dark color, so it is most favored by professional people. It follows a systematic application method and provides lightening and darkening of colors up to 3 tones.
How to use Majirel?
The mixing ratio of Majirel is 1: 1.5. 75 ml L & # 39; OréalProfessional Cream Oxidant 1 tube of Majirel including 20 or 30 volume developers and Majirel Mix up to 1/4 tube. The mixture must be left for at least 20 minutes before use.
Neutralization technique (blue, green, Mauve):
For gray hair up to 50%, mix 1/4 tube of Majirel Mix. The gray hair should be applied between 50% and 100%, with the selected color shade being applied with the basic color corresponding to the roots. For the hair length and its edges, after mixing with the max 1/4 tube of the Majirel mix, apply the selected shades. If necessary, please use 20 or 30 L & # 39; Oreal Professional Cream Oxidant.
Reinforcement technology (copper, copper red, red, yellow):
Apply the desired color after mixing with a 1/4 tube of Majirel mix in order to obtain a strong coloration for gray 0% to 50% hair. For gray, you need to increase the proportion of Majirel mix used between 50% and 100%. You need to use 1/2 tube of Majirel mix with 20 or 30 volume developers.
For special color effects:
You can use the Majirel mix individually to get intense colored highlights on pre-illuminated hair.
For all special effects, mix 1/2 tube (or 1/4 low strength tube) of Majirel Mix with 1.3 oz. Majicrème 20 or 30 developers
Precautions to be taken:
• Follow all instructions on the package.
• Perform anti-allergy test on the skin before use to confirm that the product is not allergic
• When mixing and applying hair color, be sure to wear disposable gloves
General procedure of application
• For 100% coverage, use a brush to apply color uniformly from bottom to end of the strand.
• In the case of initial application, start 1 inch coloration from the scalp to the core. Leave the color for 15 minutes. Once hair grows, reapply growth and leave color for 35 minutes
• For reapplication, apply to dry hair and leave for 35 minutes. Make sure you emulsify the color with warm water.
• For moderate fading, mix several drops of hot water and hair color, apply to hair and leave it for 15 to 20 minutes.
• To maximize the fade, mix the selected shades with a 2 - 3 inch cream ribbon and apply it in a warmer shade.