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 50 Ways To Love Your Liver <br/>-2

If you love If you love It's love our bodies that little bit more. As Detox Empress of the Multiverse, I know how important it is to give your liver a break. At almost 400 pages, it & # 39; s full of detox plans, detox helpers, raw detox recipes and testimonials.

Here are your fifty tips:

1) Never get jealous. If someone has something you want, then visualize you have either it or something better. You & # 39; ll very often get it and then your liver will be happier.

His answer? Massive raw food abundance, of course. 2) Eat your food raw whenever possible, and at least 50% of the time. Max Gerson claims all the C word diseases are a disease of the liver.

3) Do castor oil packs. It 's simple and very effective way to give love to your liver. All you need is castor oil, some old rags and a hottie bottie.

4) Laugh. It & # 39; s a high vibrational technique that change you on a cellular level, for the better.

5) Juice cleavers (also known as goosegrass or sticky willy). It's a to toy sake. It's a to toy herogerows, and is perfect for picking right now. wild pesto ingredient.

6) Do a gall bladder / liver cleanse. Find comprehensive directions on the Internet I felt like a shiny new person afterwards. .

7) Eat garlic and onions. Their sulphur helps detox the liver.

8) Make a weak lemon drink when you wake up. Squeeze one lemon into a litre of warm water. Drink over fifteen minutes, then wait about thirty minutes before eating.

9) Eat beetroot or drink its juice. It is not dying, it & # 39; s beetroot!

10) Eat cruciferous veggies. They help your liver detox by stimulating enzyme production.

11) Cut down on cooked saturated fats. They do not help your liver or the rest of your body. 25-30% of westerners have a fatty liver. Yum.

12) Cut down alcohol consumption. Try to drink no more than two days a week, and then be moderate. That means no binge drinking, but you would not do that that you?

13) Take milk thistle. It & # 39; s a great liver supplement, protecting it from damage as well as helping with detox.

14) Less caffeine, please. My next door neighbor uses herbal coffee (barley), adds some raw chocolate and a couple of fresh mint leaves from the garden, and then bring me a cup of it I 've been making chaga tea like coffee. It increased your natural killer cells by 300% and tastes like ... COFFEE!

15) Take zeolite. One of the most remarkable products ever.

16) Cut down on sugar consumption. If you want to eat something sweet, make sure it & # 39; s bound up in a whole food form or have refined sugar very very occasionally. Please do not give your children sweets, that really is spoiling them.

17) Eat artichokes. They can double your bile production which removes toxins.

18) Eat bitter leaves at or after every meal. They help stimulate bile flow.

19) Eat apples. Their pectin binds onto heavy metals and helps them excreted. This puts less load on your liver.

20) Eat walnuts. They contain the amino acid arginine, which helps rid the liver of ammonia.

21) Juice the spring thistles that are around at the moment. They 'll do the same job as artichokes and milk thistle.

22) Drink green tea, if it does not make your teeth feel like nails on a blackboard. It contains antioxidants called catechins which prevent build up of liver fat and do something interesting related the word.

23) Stay away from fried foods. Seems obvious but I wanted to write it.

24) Season your food with lemon, apple cider vinegar, onion, garlic etc. Never use table salt, especially if you & # 39; re a slug or snail.

25) Stay at a healthy weight. If you are overweight, your liver will be suffering. It can only do so much.

26) Eat more fresh ripe and raw wild or organic foods A high fiber diet keeps the liver healthy.

27) Do not take paracetamol. If you need a painkiller, there are safer on the side more than this liver destroyer. Never give it to a child, either. I wonder why it & # 39; s still legal!

28) Take MSM. Half a teaspoon a day for a month, then double it for the rest of your life. It 's liver love at its best.

29) Take enzymes with every meal to help digest your food. Take a break every few weeks, though.

30) Make sure you get all your vitamins and minerals, as a deficiency in some of them can inhibit your liver from detoxing. Take care with your B vitamins, iron, magnesium and sulphate.

31) Stand in a forward bend for a while. It will massage your liver.

32) Dandelion root and leaves are great for the liver. Current spring ones are great in salads or juiced.

33) Try dandelion coffee. It & # 39; s good on your liver and tasty, too!

34) Get that your trampoline or rebounder and move your body! Play with a child on a trampoline, it makes you laugh and get fit all at once. Now that & # 39; s health multi-tasking at its best. Regular aerobic exercise reduces faty liver of the non-alcoholic variety.

35) If you have any type of hepatitis, look at vitamin C megadosing. Reports state you can cure it before the week & # 39; s out. You can find the protocols on the Internet.

36) If you do not have hepatitis, you can still benefit from taking lots of vitamin C. 5 g (5000 mg) a day can help flush fat from your liver.

If you do not have your own emotional issues. If you do not want your say something to someone, say it. Or write a letter, read it out loud to yourself and then burn it. Anything left unsaid, or unexpressed will eat you up.

38) Eat lecithin. I recommend about a dessertspoon a day, sprinkled on food or in a smoothie for normal health. Times that by 3-5 if you are using it to empty cholesterol (treat gallstones).

39) Avoid all high GI and GL foods, they cause fatty liver and insulin resistance, type two diabetes. No, that & # 39; s not what you want, is it? Out with the white rice, potatoes, bread and pasta. In with wholefoods. Well, I & # 39; ve only been saying that for 26 years ...

40) The liver is our second largest organ, next to the skin. Squeaky clean your skin will start symptoms. Clean out your liver and get special glowy skin as a great side effect.

41) Poor properly so the liver does not get poisoned by a colon that & # 39; s not emptied out. Get your feet on a stool so you 're done a good squatting position and stay there until you' the best poo ever.

42) Drink about five liters of water a day, but never more than half a liter in one go.

43) If you are angry, check out liver therapy. It could stop you exploding.

44) If you have arthritis, then your liver is too full. Alkalise yourself, do enemas and forgive everyone. Let it go. Go on, Doctor & # 39; s orders.

45) Do a coffee enema. It smells great, you get a thrill and your bile gets dumped. What a clean out.

It easily heats up and causes inflammation. Look for special ayurvedic herbs to bring you back back into balance.

47) If you eat meat, make it organic. You do not want all those non-organic toxins being stored and processed in your precious liver.

48) Massage your liver by touching your feet. With the liver reflex points on the outer edge of the right sole. Give it a good old rub thenever you have a minute.

49) Eat coconut oil instead of other fat, where possible. It does not digest in the liver and reduces the strain on it.

It will listen and respond in the end. It always does, especially if you have someone to make love.. Sometimes the Universe does not give you the partner you want to play hardly. When you really know what you want. Get a clear mind and a clear liver will follow.

Bliss U

 50 Ways To Love Your Liver <br/>-2

 50 Ways To Love Your Liver <br/>-2

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