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 Stress management is simple and easy ... just follow Cliff Koon. -2

Stress management is a hot topic. Stress-related diseases and suffering are always high in the US and are increasing every year. Cliff Kuhn 's work, a powerful natural remedy, is creating the main cause behind stress symptoms that are not healthy and solutions for easy and healthy stress management.

Astronomer - mathematician Ptolemy (Ptolemy, 85-165) devised the theory of planetary motion that put the earth in the center of the universe. The sun, the moon, the planet are turning around the earth in the universe of Ptolemy. This notice was accepted for about 1 500 years. For a moment more detail about this ...

Shelly was blessed with a need for stress management, she was dissatisfied many times. Immediately after she became my patient, I can help induce uncontrollable stress levels in her life, as Shelly was forcing himself as the center of the universe just like Ptolemy's theory It was. We started regimen from Shelly 's appropriate stress management, reintroduction of joy and happiness, and Fun Factor prescription to restore her life to a balanced state.

Shelly's problem was common. Everyday I have more and more people suffering from unhealthy stress levels. Stress-related diseases and suffering are always high in the United States, whether in myriad symptoms related to stress, insomnia, weight gain, mood changes, hair loss, care, agitation, or other symptoms, every year It has increased. Fortunately, my work with powerful naturopathic humor has not created a main cause behind your unhealthy stress symptoms and a solution for easy and healthy stress management.

My medical practice including decades of work with chronically and unfortunately diseased patients has unequivocally identified the cause of the severity of pain stress symptoms. Seriousness means excessive meaning, meaning seriously taking yourself too seriously. It means to be responsible for something beyond your power, such as the result and result of your effort. Therefore, I will position myself mistakenly as "the center of the universe". The seriousness causes a pressure that is too great to make effective stress management taught in this article impossible.

An antidote to your seriousness, and the foundation for healthy stress management is a natural remedy for humor. The incredible power of humor is used to gain the greatest impact by my unique Fun Factor prescription. Based on my fun commandments in harmony with an incredible patient, my Fun Factor prescription brings a positive change to your health and personal success and will soon whisper to people . What? "

In this article, I will explain how to apply my Fun Factor prescription directly to your stress. You will be surprised every day as how light and happy you are to put the next fun commandment to work in your life. You are trying to discover that natural humor therapy creates perfect stress management and ends your painful stress symptoms.

Fine factor stress management formula

Step 1: Laugh by yourself

My first stress control fun commandment is to laugh yourself. This commandment is not about humiliation or self-hatred, but it is the ultimate of self-esteem, thank you for your "perfect imperfection" and teach you to find your frail and calm pastime. There is lots of fun that greatly contributes to stress management when becoming stressful.

There is the first fun thing about your stress: you can not live without it, but it is too bad for your health. Like many of the essential things in life, a certain level of stress is necessary to survive, but too much stress is needed. For example, we will die unless we drink more than a few days. Immersing us in water will die sooner.

It is said that we can die from boredom. I think there is no scientific evidence of that theory, but one thing is certain. Stress relieves boredom. The tedious end may actually have considered a form of stress relief. Funny paradox, no doubt!

Without stress, we might not eat. Hunger is a type of stress that the body needs to remind us that we need food. Stress makes the adrenal glands function. Athletes will not do their best without stress - induced adrenaline. All activities cause constant stress. Then, it is inactive. In fact, in order to be completely stress-free, it is not recommended as a stress management technique, it must be dead!

The idea that stress is a murderer is exaggerated and there is humor. There is a possibility that too much stress becomes a murderer. What we need to protect is to resist excessive stress in our lives. Fortunately we have the best stress management mechanism possible: the ability to laugh with humor's natural remedies and ourselves. It is far superior and safe than Valium. It is our company's built-in stress management system.

As you learn to laugh yourself, you will be like an athlete. Whatever you enjoy mileage and marathon, you can demonstrate the best performance. In fact, since too much seriousness can tighten the muscles through negative tension, you can even laugh yourself and improve performance. This pleasant commandment works wonderfully at many levels.

Step 2: Motivate yourself by enjoying

Step 2 of my Fun Factor stress management ceremony is one of my latest Fun Commandments. Encouraging rather than fear is an important step that allows for a commitment to laugh with yourself to fully affect your healthy stress management.

This brings us to the only true choice in life. Are you inspired by fear and pleasure? One option is everything we have for health, health, and aptitude - fear and pleasure. It all ends with that. It is your responsibility to choose one.

The question is, which is responsible choice? Which is a powerful medicine, giving you health, encouraging greater success, and supporting you over time? Humor's natural medicine gives us an answer.

There is no doubt that both fear and pleasure are powerful stimulants for short-term action. So the problem is one of sustainability. Is fear and pleasure the best for maintaining our excellence over time? Which is a powerful alternative medicine that you can learn to use for your greatest health, health, and health? (By the way, that is a little question)

Let's meet a bear where men eat!

The fear of being alive motivates us to run as fast as possible when we are chased by bears. There is little fun in that experience. It is purely frightening, but the energy it provides brings out the possibilities to sustain the life of that moment to the maximum. For now, in such life threatening situations, fear seems to be an efficient and productive choice. Stress is full, but it quickly liberates us of the threat!

But let's do it further. I survived from encountering bears from my wilderness, I will return to my house in the urban environment. The next morning, as I depart for work, I run desperately for a car, jump right away and lock the door.

When I get to work, I compete in the building. Before I got to work, I moved the lunch that put the luggage on the desk to the standard of light. I insist that all doors are locked and fixed. When asked why, "I am sure I got mine through my wilderness experience on the weekend.

I think there was a bit of a reaction and I think you are right. You can say that stress relieves my anxiety, but my anxiety is based on a lie that persists in my fear! It is not strictly the greatest of stress management technology.

Three major dangers of our "run a beare" stress management technology

1. We live everyday as if it were an emergency. As if a bear were chasing us. This is disappointing for three reasons.

2. We now know that such constant "awe" and encouragement destroys our copy mechanism over time. It is impossible to collapse behaviors based on fear or keep it burned out.

3. Only stress increases in all stress management techniques, so absolutely the best choice is this! That natural humor therapy reduces the effectiveness of Jilche.

More fatal errors will occur. I think that avoiding what we fear is the same as enjoying things. Pleasure harmonizes with avoidance of fear.
The lack of one thing does not indicate its opposite existence

If this sounds stupid, let me say it in a more familiar term accepted in a place where your health is concerned. With rare exceptions, in our society, we agreed that health is synonymous with no symptoms. Do you truly believe that your health certainly does not have your symptoms? My Fun Factor prescription teaches not only the lack of symptoms that are not synonymous with health, but also that it does not need to fall again due to that lie.

You do not need to rectify second-rate health! Using powerful natural humor drugs, you can eliminate serious problems. The debilitating effect.

Therefore, the problem can be balanced. Fear of balance fun. The ultimate question is, "Are you fearless?", "Is your fun balancing with your fear? If it is 100% certain that answering" yes "to the following question It is possible that you should "stop right now" and take the last step of "fine factor" stress management and make sure your life is healthy.

Step 3: Please tell me the truth

Fun Factor The final step in stress management is to have a fun commandment, the truth. This commandment reflects self-integrity over "cash registration" honesty. To acquire the habit of telling the truth is that humor will have a strong positive effect on your stress. Stress management becomes a second nature when you are honest every day as you can apply steps 1 and 2 to your life quickly, easily and easily.

For our purposes, communicating the truth is focused on knowing when your stress level is rising. As noted in the second step, routine activity usually results in baseline level stress, which is usually relaxed by routine routine (eg, when experiencing starvation stress). The third step of my Fun Factor stress management ceremony teaches that we recognize the signs of unhealthy stress and take immediate corrective action.

The simple stress management techniques applied when your self-integrity is showing a rise in stress level are as follows.

1. Let's start the holiday by singing in the shower at the top of your voice. Let's make your own song that incorporates the idea that you are undertaking on the glorious day that great things happen to you. Can not you sing? good! Can not you rhyme? who cares? The words are only for you. This is not a contest. Unless you are in Placido Domingo, as an off key as you need to do.

The important thing is loud (your inner ear must listen to it), it is bright and persuasive. Subconscious believe what it says. Starting your day by telling you that it will be a wonderful day will be over halfway through the accurate results. Think of your song as a stress relief game played before you get a chance to stress that ugly head, not songs.

2. Are you going to work alone on the same boring route every day? Let's make a game playing by watching the window of your car, bus, or train. For example, how many dogs can you see on the road to work?

Please guess before you see how close you are before you leave. Please reward you whenever you guess correctly within a certain number. Driver: Please limit yourself to a dog (or green elephant) seen through the windshield. This game does not work on the subway. There is no green elephant in the subway.

3. Are you doing your daily job? What is boring? Does it cause stress symptoms like striking your fingers or knocking your toes? Perhaps you need to introduce fun things on your working day.

For example, if your job is to make the same widget everyday, can you do something different to give different things to monotonous work? For example, can you arrange new widgets relative to other widgets and make patterns together or spell your lover's name? How many hours are you? Can you make it safe and with the same excellent quality for the next hour or more? Please make a game to get rid of stress from your work. It will be fun like work.

4. Smile. Do you feel stressed? Smile. It's simple, so even young children can do it easily. Just because of the kick, how many times do you count a smile in an hour? say nothing? Afterwards, this stress relief game is even easier for you and is more important than those who always smile. (It is no wonder you do not feel the same level of stress as you are doing!)

Your smile does not need to be a broad smile that suggests that you need to phone the man with a white coat to the people around you. But it must be more than a mental smile. Your facial muscles should recognize that they are smiling.

It is also possible to paste a smile on your face without a reason other than you want to smile. After a while, your subconscious mind will be succeeded, your mood will brighten up, smile will come easy and naturally.

It is best to think that you can give you a genuine smile if possible. That's why I can talk if I want to. Every one of us, though depressed, lives something to celebrate.

5. We recognize that stress is an option. We can accept it and endure it, which may hurt our body. We can avoid it, but it is a difficult choice. Especially when it means to stop the only work we know, especially in harsh employment markets. That choice may easily produce stress pressure. Or we can deal with it and fight it back.

It is not as hard as it might sound, if you make up your mind to use my Fun Factor prescription for all of you. It does not necessarily mean laughing, joking and acting idiots. You can spend happily without making a joke at a time.

Tickling games with children and grandchildren can be fun and bring a passionate scream of joy from them and you. You can enjoy touch football and darts and horsesho of lawn with less energy. To others, walking, interacting with friends, feeling admiration for the beauty around us, chasing my hobbies. Especially when you are crazy especially.

Attitude is everything

The important point is to recognize it when stress symptoms occur, to recognize the cause, and to use my Fun Factor formula for healthy stress management. It is the best natural stress reliever known to be fun, so it makes sense to incorporate my fine factor stress management formula in your daily life.

But do not obsess with it. Please remove stress and do not feel stress. Be satisfied to get rid of some of your stresses and be satisfied with it to function as a healthier, happier and more productive humor. Ultimately, perfectionism brings about stress.

By the way, Shelly has learned to take himself more lightly now. She hardly suffers from stress symptoms. The paradox she loves does not accept herself too seriously and indeed she can fulfill her responsibilities seriously than before! Humor naturopathy supercharged with my Fun Factor prescription allowed Shelly to easily and easily manage their own stress and enjoy the life envy others.

As Polish astronomer Nicholas Copernicus denied the Ptolemy earth-centered universe in the 16th century, humorous natural remedies disprove that you need to suffer being in the center of your universe. Get rid of yourselves from the pressure and stress of everything everything turns around you ... Let's use my Fun Factor stress management ceremony and the rest of my fun commandments today!

 Stress management is simple and easy ... just follow Cliff Koon. -2

 Stress management is simple and easy ... just follow Cliff Koon. -2

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