Retrograde Ejaculation or ejaculating backwards or Dry Ejaculation may be defined as the persistent inability to ejaculate forwards through the penis as is normal and to ejaculate backwards and into the urinary bladder.
When there is retrograde ejaculation this mechanism fails to function properly need the ejaculate to take the line of least resistance and move back into the bladder.
Causes of Retrograde Ejaculation: Anything that interferes with the closing of the valve at the bladder neck at the point of ejaculation will cause Retrograde Ejaculation. In the main there may be surgical or medical factors at play in this situation.
Surgery to the prostate gland and its nerve as such as TURP, prostectomy or bladder surgery, may cause retrograde ejaculation.
Medical conditions like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or spinal cord injury can interfere with the nerve supply to the bladder neck and cause Retrograde Ejaculation or Dry Climax.
Certain medications used to treat high blood pressure or benign prostate hypertrophy can cause this condition as indeed can certain anti-depressants like those in the MAOI and SSRI group of antidepressants.
Where retrograde ejaculation can cause considering difficulty is in the area of fertility and reproduction. Today however, using trans-rectal electrostimulation of the prostate grand, healthy sperm can be retrieved for later use in AI and ICSI procedures.
The answer is of course yes. It is never. I am afraid that I have never ejected it. possible retrograde ejaculation would be a very uncertain form of contraception at the best of times.
Depending on the underlying cause, some retrograde ejaculation improver in time of its own accord. This is especially so when it has been caused by transitive nerve damage during TURPS or even formal prostectomy. another prostate without prolonging the prostate without damaging the nerve supply to the urinary valve.
Also you are contemplating surgery to this all my hard questions. Ask your surgeson how good is he or she at preserving the nerve supply to the urinary valve at the bottom of the bladder. It is amazing how such academic exercises can sharpen a surgeons skills.
Finally there is not present in the present state of knowledge if the retrograde ejaculation has been caused by neurological damage as for example diabetes or MS. However, it has been my experience that these men learn to live with the condition and live with it quite happily.