You should repair it as soon as you can, because the damage could worsen and possibly grow mold the more time goes by.
RV Roof Repair Step-BY-Step Guide: Did you buy your camper new? You may have warranty coverage on you roof!
What & # 39; s Needed: All-purpose cleaner, Scotch Brite pad, heavy duty scissors and a roll of Eterna Bond.
In general I would avoid any caulking or tar products. The seals do not last as long and they & # 39; re really hard to remove once applied.
Step # 1: Search for small holes in the roof. If there are no holes, the water is probably entering through a Attempt to get the RV, hose down the roof with a garden hose, while you have a friend inside inside the RV looking at the ceiling for water coming through. Applying soap on the area will assist in making air bubbles more prevalent.
Step # 2: Then rid of any debris and clean the spot that need fixing very well with an all purpose cleaner and scotch brite pad.
Step # 3: Roll out a section of the damaged spot. Line up the Eterna Bond over the damaged area, fold back the end and peel back the plastic on the underside, apply pressure and rub the top of the EnernaBond If the damaged spot wider than the width of the EnernaBond tape, you can use an additional piece. The Enerna Bond adhesive is designed to stick to its self, so overlap as many pieces as needed.
Congratulations, you have successfully repaired your RV roof!
If you want to prevent RV roof leaks in the future:
- Hanging out on the roof of the RV is a great time, but it quickly deteriorates the life span of the RV & # 39; s roof.
The list RV roof cleaning product out there is islessless, but the RV & # 39; s roof if you do not clean it it regularly. a small amount of bleach or all purpose cleaner mixed well with water will work great.
- Re-coat the RV roof every two years. There is a few products for re-coating your RV & # 39; s roof. Many will products recommend to re-coat every year, but it & # 39; s not necessary, every two years is perfectly fine. A great affordable option is Camco RV Pro-Tec Rubber Roof Care System.