Since the beginning of a mechanized society, whiplash injuries have been drawing attention. With the introduction of locomotives and travel on the train, medical personnel complained of headaches, neck pain, back pain, blurred vision. All of these patients were passenger car passengers who were hit suddenly from behind by another rail car while they were connected. In the 19th century, this phenomenon is called "railway spinal column"
The symptoms of this same group came to be called "whipping" which explains the mechanism of injury associated with the rear-end collision. The rear slow crash occurs on our street every day and the driver and passengers of these cars experience the symptoms of whiplash. In the crash survey, it is shown that the acceleration is actually about twice the acceleration of the car after colliding from behind. This fact explains how injuries occur without obvious damage to the vehicle. This condition continues to worsen, as automobile manufacturers manufacture vehicles to withstand collisions of up to ten miles per hour without visible damage.
This phenomenon causes great health problems because nearly 10% of the adult population is affected by about 6 million collisions each year, this case incurs half injuries. Fortunately, in these accidents there is the possibility of injuries You can recover with proper treatment by trained professionals.
Typical rear end crash
While someone stops at your intersection waiting for green light, when you crash on your rear fender, you care about your own business. Other drivers are talking on their mobile phones and do not stop on time as they hit the car. After the first shock, you look at the rear view mirror and face the person who struck you and see if your car is damaged. Although neither car has any damage, we will exchange insurance information and call the police officer reporting the accident. After arriving at the site, the patrol officer reported that other drivers neglected appropriate attention and said that no injuries were reported and there was no apparent damage.
The above scenario occurs many times in big cities everyday and more than 2 million accidents are reported every year throughout the country. Many things have not been reported, as people are in a hurry and they are not aware that these accidents cause actual damage to the ligaments of the neck and cervical spine. Symptoms of pain are usually delayed and can be started in a few days, or a few weeks later. To confirm severe spinal cord injury, people with pain symptoms are sent to the hospital and released.
In the next few paragraphs, you learn how injuries occur in slow accidents without adequately damaging your car.
The details presented are based on actual surveys and collision tests recorded with high speed camera and technical equipment connected to the driver. We are monitoring ongoing research being conducted by the spinal center research center of San Diego, an organization specializing in flapping and the resulting trauma. A crash test is done every year to train doctors.
Why did you get hurt?
Most rear accidents occur at 20 mph per hour, so how are you at risk? The reason is very simple. Detroit makes a car made to withstand crash tests seen on TV. Part of the design is to allow the bumper to withstand 12 mph crash at low speed, but the threshold of injury proved by research is only 5 mph. This means that if your car is stopped for traffic and propelled at a speed of only 5 mph by another car it is enough energy to cause a whipping injury.
This accident occurs for as short as 300 milliseconds or less than 1/3 sec. The response of your torso and head can be described by the following four sentences:
(1) The initial stage begins with the torso returning to the back and the cervical and thoracic vertebrae being corrected. As his spine is straightened his head rises several inches and the brake foot pressure is probably relaxed.
(2) At this point in the sequence, the vehicle is at peak acceleration 1.5 to 2 times the acceleration of the vehicle. The head has not yet begun to move forward, and continues to retreat, sagging may occur in the harness of the shoulder. The head descends on the headrest, causing tension and shear in the neck, possibly possibly bending injury.
(3) In the third stage, the head and neck are peak accelerations, and the vehicle acceleration is stopped. The braking pressure is probably reapplied to highlight the deceleration phase and increase the possibility of bending injury.
(4) In the final stage, complete bending occurs to the restraint system, and the occupant receives high neck tension, twisting and compression. This is the most explosive stage of flogging.
Factors influencing severity of injury
Relative size of the vehicle behind you: Large vehicles like trucks are very dangerous even at very low speeds. Avoid in front of bigger vehicles and keep safe distance between vehicles.
Inappropriate headrest: Most drivers do not know the proper use of headrests. If the headrest is too low, the head may easily overcome the headrest, causing more serious injury. Adjust the restraint to the head or adjust it slightly.
Consciousness: If we can support ourselves before the impact, the driver can reduce the impact of whiplash. Studies have shown that long-term disability is 15 times more for unknown drivers. Push yourself back to the seat and support yourself!
Studies have shown that women are injured twice as frequently as men at low back collisions. Women have a long-term disability of 10% or more than men, and generally have a more chronic course.
Head position: Motorists who spin their heads at the moment of shock are adversely affected as other ligaments may be torn during flapping injuries. Please look straight at the head towards the headrest.
height: In general, low-profile drivers are better protected by the backrest and headrest, so the risk is lower than for tall drivers.
age: Research indicates that children are at lower risk than adults. The report varies between 2/3 and 1/16 of the risk. Elderly people need longer healing time than usual, but research is not definitive.
Muse and information
More myths and misunderstanding than facts If you are involved in legal proceedings for some reason, most people will interpret the facts to suit their needs and appeal to commonsense interpretations that are not based on research or actual facts.
"No Crush, No Cash" One myth is that injuries to the driver must involve vehicle damage. It has been shown that crash damage does not correlate with severity of injury, and this has been confirmed by out test. The car bumper is made to withstand a 12 mph crash.
Delay in onset of symptoms is badly reflected Defense lawyers argue that there is a delay in seeking assistance which means that complaints are being created for profit. The following points summarize the study on this problem.
- Delay in onset of symptoms is most common
- The highest intensity of pain is seen 72 hours after injury
- Shoulders problems occur in half of the victim within a few months
- 50% of intervertebral disc projections show symptoms within 6 weeks
- Post concussion syndrome may manifest itself in weeks to weeks after injury
- Signs of the second symptom can occur after several months
result Despite overwhelming evidence, the doctor may believe that flogging voluntarily disappears within 6 to 12 weeks. One survey asking orthopedic surgeons, neurologists, neurosurgeons and family physicians about opinions on flapping concluded that 25% of the total group thought the prolonged symptoms were psychogenic . This is the best proof that the chiropractor is best equipped to cope with the whiplash phenomenon.
Scope of injury seen in whiplash
- Dizziness and urological disorders
- Cervical spinal ligament injury
- Post trauma stress disorder
- Visual distortion
- Brain injury
- Hand palm failure
- Spinal cord injury: rim lesion, internal disc disruption, intervertebral disc protrusion, hematoma, scar formation, sepsis injury
Why is ventilatory care?
DC is the most experienced The chiropractor is most experienced in treating these cases and provides the widest range of care. Ongoing research in the field of flapping is done almost exclusively by chiropractic experts.
DC has full diagnostic function Chiropractic can order effective imaging studies, laboratory tests and screening diagnostic tests so that you can become an effective case manager. We work with many experts in this area to develop appropriate diagnosis and treatment.
DC offers modalities for both spinal care and physical therapy The chiropractor provides not only spinal control, but also deep tissue therapy and physical therapy intervention.
DC provides home care, nutrition, exercise instruction as advice of daily life The chiropractor provides all the advice for instructing patients how to handle injuries and how to manage their own health.
Complete forensic medicine cooperation Chiropractic will provide assistance in the form of communication open channels, timely and well written reports and expert testimonies, if necessary.