This is a thought experiment, it is a blue question for intelligent thinkers, other intentions should not be violated. At first glance, most military experts, citizens, and political leaders will say, but the question to win this title is true. Hell no! And it is their final answer, is it the best possible answer? After all, let's explain why this question is not too crazy and why there are some flaws in the paradigm shift of the thought process surrounding such questions.
The following are four reasons for sharing this type of advanced weapons technology with other countries. Militia, both enemies and ally may be good ideas:
1.) If our enemies are all using smart weapons, secondary damage will be less, innocent life will be few for no reason.
2) The loss of loss of the critical infrastructure that must be restored after the conflict is over in order to return stability to the militarily once considered areas. Battlefield space.
3. Terrorist organizations, innocent nations, and other enemies are obliged to rely on chemistry, living things and nuclear weapons when they are not needed.
4) This is because politically and militarily by the state, inadvertently expensive military hardware - a $ 10 billion fighter aircraft, a waste of huge resources and money on over a billion dollar aircraft carriers, Enable to achieve goal.
We already know why this is not a good idea and we rarely need to state such reasons, but let's do it anyway.
1.) A fraudulent country can use this technology to target our government leadership, military leaders or key figures.
2) These technologies give way to other innovative developments that follow the same way of thinking, enemies will leak this technology that they do not currently have and will create more ominous weapons.
3.) Why will you help your enemies against your side?
4.) Our allies can not purchase these weapons systems from defense contractors and therefore refund to compensate for trade disadvantages.
Does the negative merit associated with the transfer of trade secrets complement the aggressiveness of future war with few victims with less loss of human lives? In addition, enemies and quasi-allies have never stolen secrets or intellectual property of these innovations already through computer cyber tactics because they can not keep secrets that can be fraudulent nations.
Well this is all I'm happy so far so that you can think again.