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 Some common foot problems -2

Our feet are probably abused more than any part of our body and receive minimal care. Most people spend more time and money than watching their feet than worrying about their faces. Sometimes, however, legs revolt and remind us of their existence. The result is awkward and painful. Inappropriately attached shoes are a common cause of foot problems. Other causes are the result of medical problems such as other places in the body, for example, poor circulation, diabetes, or nerve damage. However, most foot problems are at least helped unless you are careful in choosing the right fit shoes.

Most people's legs are arched between heels and toes. But those who do not have feet are flat and have no legs. It is called arch that falls this state. Most of us are born with flat feet and will not develop the arch until they are between 5 and 6 years old. However, some people never develop an arch. Other people 's feet flatten out with age due to the growth of the ligament. Many people with collapsed arches do not have foot problems, but others feel pain and tired feet. They may also experience these symptoms on their feet. For those with pain, the arch support is custom designed for shoes and often wears these to relieve pain. You can also exercise the ligaments and muscles of your feet.

Another condition that causes foot pain is Morton Neuroma. Bones that represent the middle arches of your feet are called metatarsals. When two of these rub together, it stimulates the nerve. Tumors develop in the compressed nerve. As a result, severe pain, numbness, burning sensation, cramping feeling occur at the feet. All of these symptoms appear between the toes and the sphere of the foot. Conservative treatments include pads for applying pressure, padding large shoes, corticosteroid injection. If these are not effective, surgery is necessary. Surgery is generally successful, but nervous tissue sometimes returns and grows, and another neuroma forms.

The foot ulcers are the pain that appears on the foot. Common causes of foot ulcers are nerve damage, constant pressure on the area of ​​the foot where the ulcer develops, inappropriately attached shoes, and circulation failure. Patients with diabetes are more susceptible to foot ulcers due to poor circulation. People who develop foot ulcers need to see their doctor. Foot ulcer treatment generally does not involve surgery. However, the ulcer of the foot that has been left untreated is infected, and its condition may cause gangrene.

This condition is known as plantar fasciitis when inflammation occurs in the base of the heel and the fibrous tissue under the foot. This often causes strong pain in the heel of the foot and the sole just before the heel. Bending on only one makes the pain get worse.

Pain is the most intense after sleep and other rest periods. Conservative treatment includes wearing foam pads on shoes, wearing heel cups, or wearing shoe cushions. If these treatments are ineffective, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed to alleviate pain and swelling. I also recommend stretching exercises. If none of these treatments is effective, the doctor recommends a corticosteroid injection.

 Some common foot problems -2

 Some common foot problems -2

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