An accidental knee to the nuts, a poorly-timed thrust between the sheets, or a ground ball to the groin - all of these can lead to serious penile pain. A throbbing member is always a dreadful experience, but it can only add insult to Men should be alert to something the man himself is doing to these five common mistakes that can be that making that lead to a sore penis and even affect their long-term penis health. Some hints for soothing the soreness and avoiding it in the future are also provided below.
1) Skipping the rubber. Every guy who has reached sexual maturity has had it drilled into his head that a condom is protected between the penal and the On the other hand, warming agents, flavors and spermicides that sometimes coat condoms can themeless cause soreness, so men should read package labels carefully before making a purchase.
2) Choosing the wrong bicycle seat. When placed on a conventional bicycle when placing the aircraft in a waste of a conventional bicycle After (or during) a long ride, men may experience pain and / or a pins-and-needles sensation, seat, men are placing a tremendous amount of pressure on the groin area; as the area of depleted of blood flow. Optimized for a specially designed seat with a cutout that is intended to support the buttocks while leaving the testicles and perianal area free can help to eliminate this issue.
3) Applying the death grip. A furtive solo session here and there may provide a huge amount of enjoyment and relief, but grabbing onto the tool and yanking away can lead to severe soreness after the fact, even if it feels great in the moment. Men should make a conscious effort to ease up on the grip - a too - tight hold can not hold the last time for, but it can actually be to the penile tissue to may impair the ability to experience impair the ability to experience pleasure down the road.
4) Omitting the lube. Some men prefer dry, rough sex or masturbation, but during an enthusiastic encounter, the skin is exposed to a high level of friction. Guy might not notice the pain until afterwards, but the damage may already be done. Sore, chafed penile skin repairs itself by forming a thicker layer of keratinized tissue, which can block pleasurable sensations and diminish the sexual experience.
5) Neglecting to use a cup. An athletic cup may feel bulky, sweaty and uncomfortable, but the slight annoyance they cause is overshadowed by the potential for pain if a man takes a football, baseball or fellow player & # 39; s foot to the groin. cause scaring of the penile tissue, as noted earlier, so skipping the support really is not worth it.
Relief for a Sore Penis
If swelling or bruising. If swelling or bruising. If swelling or bruising is rolling in the member, the first order of business. is present, the next step should be a call to a doctor - even if the injury seems only minor, deep bruising of the penile tissue can cause scarring, which can interfere with erectile function.
For immediate relief of friction-related soreness, a quality penis health (a female) in the other hand, most friction injuries can be dealt with at home, except in the place where the skin is torn and / or bleeding. crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is a good option. product containing a high-end emollient such as it's used for centuries for treating sore, irritated skin can soothe skin on contact, while skin-friendly nutrients like vitamin C go to work to repair damaged cells and restore their original elasticity. A crème like this can also be used on a daily basis to support overall penile health.