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 The Benefits of Ormus For Sprouting Or Home Gardening <br/>-2

Kevin: What about for home garden application or even sprouting application?

Barry: Works great in both of those. Sprouts are quicker ready - ready quicker and last longer on the shelf.

Kevin: Hmm. And how much, break down the equation of three gallons for an acre, what are we talking about for sprouts?

Barry: Oh, you put a drop in.

Kevin: Yeah ..

Barry: It & # 39; s hard to get less than a drop.

Kevin: Yeah. Now what & # 39; s available for someone who does not want to play around with lye?

Barry: There product certified as organic and they are certified as organic and they & # 39; ve even been certified for use for animals as mineral supplements for animals and It is definitely non-toxic. So, that & # 39; s - they & # 39; s the most recently.

There's a bit of difficulty. You can find it on it and take a picture of plants that have been planed with it at [http://www.rhinoed.org] You and I can give contact information for if you want to order it and other ormus producers make various various forms of this stuff, but probably not at the scale that a large farm would do.

Kevin: Yeah, but maybe someone who just wants to put it in in their garden at home.

Barry: Oh, Yeah. On my website there are a whole bunch of sources for ormus listed.

Kevin: Jim, as he got shocked as he put his hand in this puddle of water, I & # 39; m wondering what way we ingest this ormus , right?

Barry: Yeah.

Kevin: And then we have static electricity or get shocked or something like that. Would that have the same reaction in a person?

Barry: Well, here 's the problem with my story about how I got involved. Just are not very likely to happen to anyone else. Some ormus producers have reported that when they & # 39; re working with thousands of gallons of this stuff, they & # 39; sa product called Spark of Life water that is made by Ancient Transformation Technologies and it will shock you.

Kevin: Really?

Barry: Yeah, and it will shock you and recharges itself. In fact, In fact, I & # 39; ve got video of twenty-nine people getting shocked at one time in a circle holding hands. Once person put their finger in the water and the other one held the bottle.

Kevin: Really?

Barry: And the bottle & # 39; s an insulated bottle. So we think it & # 39; s not exactly the same as ordinary electricity.

Kevin: Wow.

Barry: Yeah.

Kevin: It 's just that amazing to think that well, obviously, we & # 39; s kind of been talking about what & # 39; s in the water to make it charge like that.

And we think that may it also means that there is more energy in the spinning unit and that extra energy is stored Be that happened when the shock happened. But that stored energy is then again converted to electricity, or other form of energy.

Kevin: Is that a possibility or does not take too much volume?

Barry: One problem with solar power and that power is that it & # 39; s seasonal or day and night or depends on or there & # 39; s wind going on or not.

Kevin: Sure.

Barry: If you put a dam on a river, you & # 39; re damaging the ecosystem of that river supply. You if you put a little a little turbine in the river, you & # 39; re not doing as much damage. You & # 39 We are able to store it. We are able to store energy more efficiently than being stored behind a dam, for example, to use it at times of drought, or If we stored it, that would be a great benefit. Right now, battery storage technology is pretty pathetic.

Kevin: Yeah.

Barry: Now this is bringing up a storage unit using or storage as a storage unit. Or this is bringing up another point that is ormus can differ from other ormus in how much energy We do not know why that is for sure, but it is not as it energetic. seems to be the case.

Kevin: If you 're getting sea water from different pollutants, what affects does that have on the ormus?

Barry: It can make make the ormus unusable at some point in some cases I would not use it for people if you 've got polluted water, but probably would have been pretty good for plants.

Kevin: Yeah.

Barry: As long as the pollutants are diseases and organic pollutants rather than mercury or something like that.

Kevin: Yeah.

Barry: The pair of scientists in New York State are there communicator, there is a communicator, there 's a news are Hop and Hu and Did I say that right? In the mind pixel.

Kevin: Okay.

Barry: Google that phrase "spin is the mind pixel" and find links to their paper on the web.

Kevin: So, explain "spin is the mind pixel."

Barry: It is the coherent communication system. Now, we think what & # 39; s going on and they do not need to agree with this, but many ormus researchers think that this coherent spin of the ormus element inside these water molecules or whatever sort of works These instantaneous communicators, instantaneous quantum coherent cell phones in every cell in the body that cell phone in every cell in the body that the nerves are just the hard-wired back-up system. It is not up to the cell next door Do not call them. , they can talk to the cell in your big toe and when that happens amazing things work as a result. sa picture of a cat named Tut. Tut grow a new tail after losing it, something cut it off in a windstorm or something and great a new tail just from consumi ng various forms of ormus.

Kevin: And the beard too.

Barry: Yep. Copper ormus season to help restore hair color. When it comes to better communication .. When the communication between the cells is also better communication with this non-physical template of the DNA, that Peter You are the speed of the social networking. You are improving the speed of the medium that carries sound; let say a couple and you shout and the echo comes back a minute later; but if you & # 39; re say sea level, or let & # 39; s; So, you 'll shout a minute later, you & # 39; ll hear somebody say the same thing. Shout "I love you," and a minute later somebody says "I love you" and think that somebody up there loves you or "I hate you," and a minute lat We think think somebody up there hates you. ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 we are increasingly in the medium that carries our thoughts and we think by increasing the density of that medium, that the echo can come back quicker.

I think that "I'm feeling" I hate you. "I hate you." I hate you. "I hate you. , "well, somebody up there hates me, but if you say" I hate you "comes right back, it & # 39; s overlapping. Oh, I said that. That & # 39; s not somebody else that said that, that & 39; s me. When our thoughts overlap with the consequences of our thoughts, we become aware - more aware - that we & # 39; re putting it out, that whatever in response to the thoughts that we have You think something positive then something negative It thinks something positive then something negative , the manifestation happens quickly. And we think that this may also be part of why Tut grow a tail, why plants that are dead before do so much better, why a quarter of a million chickens did so much better. All of these things would make sense before the internal, the internal communication system was improved and connection to the non-physical template was improved.

Kevin: Well, why do not you tell us a little bit about what you can find out more information? That & # 39; s some great stuff.

Barry: Well, I basically teach people about ormus. I do this on my web site, http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/index.htm. And I also do it online with a rather large number of local and global ormus discussion Most people are talking with other people who have made it or are using it or have had some experiences with it and discuss what's going on with it. So if a person is interested in getting together with other people in your area for your country in Italy, for France, for Sweden and Norway and different forums in Europe and several forums in Australia. I have do lectures and workshops teaching people how to make ormus, teaching people what it is and how it works, basically around the world. And I do a bit of experimentation myself. I 've developed some methods of making ormus that are somewhat easier than previous methods David Hudson & # 39; s method or Jim & # 39; s method is the ozone.

Kevin: That & # 39; s great and during your sessions you show people how to make it and apply it?

Barry: Oh, yeah.

Kevin: That & # 39; s cool.

Barry: I do an actual demo of the method I description with precipitating white precipitate from sea water.

 The Benefits of Ormus For Sprouting Or Home Gardening <br/>-2

 The Benefits of Ormus For Sprouting Or Home Gardening <br/>-2

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