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 The best way to prevent sun damage -2

Fashion, fly and skin
When Coco Chanel casually tanned at the French Riviera in the 1920's, she raised a fashion boom and continues to this day. Before Chanel, sunburned skin was regarded as well-respected and socially respected, not aristocratic fair and thin skin. Suddenly, young, wealthy and poor people had the competitiveness to get the deepest sunburns, as long as they can tolerate themselves under the sun, as long as they can endure.

More recently, of course, we believe that medical concerns have arisen in connection with the outbreak of sunburn. Not a symbol of health and vitality, sunburned skin, without exception, hurt the skin. Also, the greater the degree of exposure to the sun's rays, the greater the damage (more dangerous). Nikko contains two kinds of radiation that harm human skin. Ultraviolet radiation B & # 39; radiation (UVB) is a very short wave, literally & # 39; food & drink skin collagen and elastin - responsible for the maintenance of tissue, tense, firm appearance. In addition, by damaging the capillary of the skin, erythema of the skin (an immediate sign that the skin has been damaged) is generated. In addition, UVB radiation damages skin DNA, resulting in increased production of melanin (melanin formation), a darkening pigment. This may result in the appearance of dark clusters and rodents.

Ultraviolet A (UVA) is a long wavelength and stimulates melanin producing cells of the skin (melanocytes) and releases pigment (this is not the same as melanogenesis, it is already bound to melanocytes normally already present Melanin to do). The released melanin is then oxidized to cause sunburn coloration. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin than UVB, thereby accelerating the aging process and appears to produce wrinkles, drying and uneven skin tones. UVA is thought to cause fewer cancers than UVB, but it is closely related to malignant melanoma, one of the most aggressive and dangerous skin cancers known in the medical science ( UVB is associated with cancers such as basal cell carcinoma, which is more treatable).

Skin repair by vitamin A
Thankfully, for the many people who have suffered at least sun damage until now, nothing is lost. There are several measures to help reverse the old damage and prevent new harm. Arizona State and Texas university college researchers team recently took vitamin A 50,000 IU daily (about 15 mg) everyday, apparently reversed the skin injury of 129 patients who had serious sun damage to the forearm I understand. In a previous study, the same investigator discovered that among the 2,297 patients who took part in this study, the dose of vitamin A, which is 25,000 IU less, resented a 32% reduction in squamous cell carcinoma . We investigated the effects of 50,000 IU and 75,000 IU of vitamin A on 129 randomized participants in 12 months based on the hypothesis that increasing the dosage of vitamin A would further improve the preventive effect of chemotherapy .

Biopsy of the forearm tissue was examined before and after the study period. The results were significant: the patients who received placebo showed only a 25% reduction in skin damage, while the group taking 25,000 IU of vitamin A showed a 62% decrease. This proportion increased to 81% and 79% respectively in the group taking 50,000 IU and 75 000 IU. None of the patients taking an increased dose showed signs of vitamin A toxicity.

Vitamin A, an antioxidant substance contained in foods such as fish and eggs, is known to prevent or reverse cancer changes in some way, and it has been confirmed that relatively high doses are effective and safe Year to restore the effects of carcinogenicity on the skin of sunlight. However, this study does not take into account the effect of long-term ingestion of vitamin A at high doses, and the doctor measures bone density before administering a treatment that recommends careful evaluation of long-term toxicity risk . Those who are considering increasing the intake of vitamin A must first receive medical guidance (for example, if a pregnant mother takes vitamin A of 10,000 IU or more a day Should, the effect of high dose antioxidants, dry skin and liver damage).

Other Remedies and Prevention Strategies
However, in many cases it will have a significant impact on high expenditures, but other measures are also possible. One process at the bottom of the expenditure spectrum is chemical exfoliation. This involves removing the surface layer of the dried dead skin with a carefully calibrated acidic solution, which closes the pores and helps make the skin look younger. Treatment should not be done more frequently than once a month, each cost about $ 200.

For more sophisticated (and expensive) treatment, Plasma Skin Resurfacing ($ 1500 per treatment), Radio Frequency treatment (up to $ 2000 for maximum treatment) aimed at warming the skin with gas and reducing wrinkle and skin discoloration / Session) Use Fraxel Lasers (max. $ 1500 per session) to reduce skin sagging and heat the underlying skin with the aim of reducing pigment production and increasing collagen. These treatments need to be carefully considered before going to bed. It seems to produce various results that depend to some extent on the degree of solar damage, and it can protect you from the injury of the sun.

Nonetheless, although it is not technically sophisticated, at home, you can practice useful measures, such as slowing the pace of injury by regularly using exfoliating agents and skin repair creams. Developing the practice of using a broad spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis to block both UVA and UVB is particularly important to prevent further injuries and it is important to develop antioxidants such as green tea, vitamin C, idebenone and the like To consume,

 The best way to prevent sun damage -2

 The best way to prevent sun damage -2

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