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 Why Is Suicide Misunderstood? <br/>-2

When I am declaring quite vociferously that I am hurting so bad inside that I can not relate to life I am a wimp, selfish , inconsiderate and causes irreparable damage to others. What I have been saying for a long time is - HELP!

A few weeks ago there was an article in the Sunday paper titled & # 39; Fintan took his broken and the worst part I did not know it was going to be in the paper. What a shock of horrors rang through when both a sister and a friend called me to say the article was in the Sunday Independent.

I was trembling with unbelieving weakness I wanna see what I was wanna die through a few newsagents late at night seeking that days copy of the Sunday Independent. Since then I have been figuring or rather aiming to figure out why a sibling would write and publish such an irresponsible article.

Why a newspaper would publish such an article boggles the mind but unfortunately, is society or rather segments of society are so absorbed in the ministrations of their own lives that they are blatantly oblivious to suffering , pain and torments that within and around any serious malady.

We know that countless others with varying degrees of sicknesses as well as those suffering economic, relationship or even turbulence in myriad formats who have the potential to terminate their own lives.

Jesus said & # 39; God is God (Jesus said) I am afraid that this disappointment is a spiritual thing. yet to focus on death as a terminal conclusion to life. Yes death is the terminal conclusion; but to a life unlived.

Society believes it is detached from all other Divine manifestations in earth, wind, fire, water and This detachment is caused spiritual quagmire. Life is not about striving to attain financial or material gains primarily. It is about attaining them secondly through aligning with Divine Source primarily.

We have carefully chosen to listen to authority figures in politics, business, religions, etc. out of pure insanity. There is nothing sane in our behavior when we follow people who promote disharmony for the sake of perceived acquisitions at the expense of the many.

What is accusatory finger pointing reminds us of is necessity to always maintain equilibrium through self-esteem awareness. Classes in self-esteem enhanced with meditation are a definite prerequisite in every segment of society because of repetitive barraging to our senses.

If today I decided to it, it is a result of my detachment from that. I have had enough of all the incessant bulology or the abuses / incest / physical and mental torture that has tortured me since early childhood and my vulnerability to cope because of this inner turmoil.

Who knows the torments that rifle our equilibrium? Who is living in the shoes of another or the skin or feeling the invisible tremors that ravage our sanity? Who is so confident that their arrogance contradicts their perception confidence through the depraved vacancy which prevails love, compassion and acceptance from blooming?

Forgiveness and acceptance are essential ingredients in all invisible warm rainbow cloud of love and begin to appreciate how to digest each of us is and how sensitive we are to stimul which may shadow and destroy even the perceived strongest person.

So today if I take my own life will my sibling write another article how two brothers damaged life irreparably or will she / he / they grow growth through love compassion and acceptance?

I ask each of us to love each other and may forgiveness pave the way from growth which will transcend the brutality which company materialism in all its formats .

May we embrace true spirituality knowing every aspect of life is a manifestation of Divine in earth wind fire water and spirit so we shall love Divine Presence, God, Yahweh, Jehovah or whatever title is applicable. Namaste!

 Why Is Suicide Misunderstood? <br/>-2

 Why Is Suicide Misunderstood? <br/>-2

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