The world is increasingly polluted everyday. Pollution is increasingly emphasized as the biggest reason other than smoking as a cause of pulmonary disease. When breathing with contaminated air, inhale toxic pollutants into the deep lungs and consider damage to the entire airways. These contaminants can induce and exacerbate existing diseases.
Lung disease caused by contamination
Asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer and emphysema are chronic diseases directly associated with toxins in the air. These contaminants interfere with the developmental process of the lungs and in the future there is a very high risk of becoming a precursor of pulmonary disease. These debilitating diseases and chronic diseases are lifelong curses and gradually worsen over a period of time, often accompanied by frequent seizures in the acute phase. Changes in smoking, pollution, weather may cause problems to worsen.
Diagnosis and management of COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a term that can include a wide range of problems such as bronchitis, asthma, emphysema and other related disorders. Common factors are the narrowing of the pulmonary route and the long-term respiratory expiratory cycle.
Signs and symptoms of COPD are general body weakness, shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, chest formation, decreased respiratory sound, leg edema and claudication. There is activity intolerance due to failure of oxygen supply due to demand value. There is a general weakness, malnutrition is a problem. The patient can not exert effort and a caregiver is necessary.
Like many lifestyle-related diseases, COPD can manage most of it by changing habits and lifestyles.
• The first step is to stop smoking and reduce exposure to air pollutants.
• It is important to avoid external triggering. Wear a mask when moving in a contaminated place or a place with many dust.
• It is essential to contact a pneumonitis specialist and take medicine religiously.
• Because COPD is associated with general debility and malnutrition, it is important to ingest and exercise adequately to maintain health.
• Oxygen therapy is a good choice as lungs are often hungry and regenerated with pure oxygen.
COPD is the root cause of depression and anxiety. Morbid depression may worsen the disease, so regular counseling and comfort are necessary.
These precautions help to deal with lung care. Medical intervention is important when acute symptoms are diagnosed.