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 Detox, toxins, liver - unleash the mystery of detox -2

Does anyone know what the detox is?

Several people are, but there are many misunderstandings.

Just because things come out of your body, you are not detoxifying

There are laxatives in so many so-called detox products. It suffers from diarrhea, it develops diarrhea, causes constipation, suppresses movement of the intestines and is not detoxed any more than vomiting and bleeding are detoxified. (I'm very sorry, please understand this.

Soap explosives, facial cleansing etc.

Marketing tricks. That's all.

Detoxify the shampoo.

Shampoo removes chlorine completely from swimming hair, completely peeling product hair. Things like a floor stripper. It is a good thing to build up products from your hair. But you have not detoxed anything. You do not need to detoxify your hair. If you leave your scalp, your hair will be a dead tissue.

Detox is a slang

The word detox is a short word for detoxification. Our body has a path of detoxification naturally. Detox and detoxification have verbs that will come.

So do you detoxify the way?

In the liver. The natural detoxification route of our body is in the liver.

This is not an alternative health concept. Please refer to the p450 system of physiology book (or posted on Wikipedia). That is there.

These routes can be done quite easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except for genetic abnormalities and some liver diseases.

Where alternative health care industries compromise, everyone gets confused

The idea of ​​detoxification came from now:

The pathway for detoxification of our liver can only be done too much - it is a chemical route and there are limits to what they can like chemical routes.

Many people come into the body more toxins than the liver can handle. Over the past several hundred years, the use of pollution, the use of chemicals and medicines on and within chemicals, the use of medicines and the stress level (the high stress level also causes our body to produce toxins) has greatly increased.

Since this increase was pretty fast (virtually nothing in the evolution for hundreds of years virtually nothing), our system has not consistently evolved.

In other words, the amount of toxins entering our body has increased dramatically, but the ability to resolve our toxicity was not that large.

Then things will be backed up. (I am not having constipation here) I think waiting to enter the liver to be treated, thinking as a line of toxins. I'll be waiting and waiting.

Is toxin impatient? Are you waiting for a problem?

Yes, it is. That's right.

When they wait, they damage tissues and cells.

They generate free radicals and promote aging and wrinkles.

They are often accumulated in tissues, organs, glands, muscles, adipocytes. They generally do not work as they are sitting in our organization.

Everything is equal, all livers are not equal

Some people have a liver that detoxifies much more effectively than others. This is just genetics.

Some things slow the liver detoxification pathway

For example. Sugar, alcohol, junk food, skipping meals, fasting (yes, fasting), stress, adequate vitamins and minerals.

Several things are to speed up the detoxification pathway of the liver and / or make them function properly

For example. Fruits, vegetables, exercise, relaxation techniques, specific herbs, specific supplements.

At some point, I will tell you what to detox Is In contrast to it Absent What?

here you are:

Detox uses all combinations of herbs, supplements, diet, lifestyle habits to maximize the efficiency of the natural detoxification pathway of the liver, in the sense of alternative medicine,

(1) Obtain a backlog of treated toxins.

(2) allowing the body to extract a portion of the toxin from the tissue and process them.

Once processed, the toxin can be safely eliminated through the kidney and intestine.

 Detox, toxins, liver - unleash the mystery of detox -2

 Detox, toxins, liver - unleash the mystery of detox -2

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