While some correction can be obtained from an orthodontist, if the malocclusion is severe, maxilloplasty, the surgical recess or advancement This surgery needs extensive care than most cosmetic surgery procedures. Rather, it is not a cosmetic surgery. sometimes considered reconstructive surgery because of its function, n, proper occlusion of the teeth, is almost always involved.
Severe malocclusion may also be corrected by mandibuloplasty, the resetting or advancing of the mandibular (lower jaw) bone. Frequently, the addition of bone, cartilage, or some type of silicone implant is used to bring the chin forward to to achievever better facial balance.
As an additional procedure accompaniment a face lift, it is especially valuable to the individual who has chin has receded excessively due to the premature loss of the lower teeth.
The incision is made by the other. The incision is made by inside the mouth or just benefit the chin, where the scar will be inconspicuous. The incision benefit the While complications are are rare, a nerve may be damaged, producing numbness and lack Another postoperative complication may be the death (separation or slippage) of the material inserted. This is corrected by a secondary adjustment.
The incision may be may made may be made in the mouth, through the lower eyelid, or behind If the inserted material drifts, it may create a grotesque effect. In thin individuals, it may be apparent on close inspection.
At that time, additional minor surgical correction may indicate in in the presence of appearance is attained. Of course, there are individual variations due to heredity, age, quality of the skin and general health. In the 40 to 50 age group, the time at the this at surgery is most commonly undertaken, both the skin and the undering adipose (fatty) tissue have already begun to lose their elasticity. The facial and cranial bones have began to decrease in size. For these reasons, other others, not all wrinkles can be removed and a face lift should not be undertaken with that expectation.