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 Hepatitis Treatment <br/>-2

In order to find the best hepatitis treatment it is important to have the liver in different ways. The liver is the largest organ in the body that It is located in the upper right side of the abdomen under the cover of the ropes and is made up of many of them hexagonal structures called liver lobules.

The liver produces the bile that breaks down from the two sources: from the portal vein, and from the intestine loaded with nutrients for the liver to process; and one-third from the hepatic artery.

It's an artery to supply it with oxygenated it with oxygenated the plasma. It has the largest and most complex bloody supply of any organ in the body. blood and hepatic veins to take blood back to the heart.

It is bile from water, electrolytes as sodium, potassium, chloride, proteins, organic salts, such as bilirubin and lipids. If too much cholesterol is produced in the blood vessels the condition is called atherosclerosis. If it increases in the bile it may produce gallstones.

Bile dissolves these vitamins so they may be properly absorbed.

The liver metabolizes carbohydrates, proteins and fat for energy, assimilate and store vitamins, manufacture bile to aid in the liver nutrients from the intestines, it metabolizes, stores, and sentiments digestion and absorption of fats; and filter and destroy toxins.

This liver converts a large amount of glycogen, which is an energy storage chemical made from glucose. This molecule can be converted to glucose for release The liver in this process maintains a reliably constant concentration of glucose in the blood.

These immune cells protected against infections are immune cells are found in the liver: lymphocytes, plasma cells, macrophages, fibroblasts, dendritic cells and polymorphonuclear leucocytes. or toxins.

The liver cell also produces enzymes and these include ALT (alanine aminotransferasa, AST (aspartate aminotransferasa), GGT (aspartate aminotransferasa, GGT (gamma-glutamyl transferasa) and alkaline phosphate. Enzymes escape into the blood that & through the liver.

This cause swelling, know as edema. Albumin is another solution synthesized by the liver and is secreted to maintain the volume of blood in arteries and veins.

Bilirubin: when the liver fails to eliminate bilirubin from the blood turn, the condition is called jaundice. Other symptoms include urine darkness, and the color of the bowel movement lightens.

The liver also damaged these clotting factors are affected and plasma levels drops. If liver failure occurs it can produce hemorrhage requiring plasma and blood transfusions.

The different types of viral hepatitis viruses and they are different from each other in different ways and differ in each way of replication and transmission. The main ones that need attention are hepatitis A, B and C. The main ones that need attention are attempted a hepatitis A, B and C by blood, intravenous drug use, or sexual intercourse.

Inflammation and damage to the liver results information of scar tissue called Fibrosis.

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that causes inflammation, injury, and scarring of the liver called cirrhosis. Chronic infected patients are at risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The hepatitis B is found in blood, semen and vaginal secretions. Rarely, a patient may develop liver failure from severe acute hepatitis B. The remaining 5 to 10 percent does not clear the infection and they developed carriers or developed chronic hepatitis and risk progression to cirrhosis or liver cancer.

There are two types of chronic infection for hepatitis B. The chronic infection of the patient with chronic hepatitis B. The chronic carriers could have the infected infection from their infected mother during pregnancy and can develop liver cancer in the future Today, there are about 70 million chronic carriers in the world and this about 1.25 million in the US. These carriers often remain asymptomatic for one or two decades before the onset of liver diseases.

From mother to infant at the time of infection. 75 to 85 percent of cases, from the transmission from mother to baby can be removed by administering Immune Is important to stress that 95% of persons who are infected with hepatitis B before the age of 5 become chronically infected because of their immature immune systems.

Hepatitis B spreads through blood inoculation such as transfusions of blood or blood products, intravenous drug use, hemodialysis, or accidental needle stick. It also spread by sexual contact, both heterosexual and homosexual, and can easily transmitted from mother to infant at delivery .

This condition has different stages and may divide in four phases: The first one is inflammation and the production of immune cells called lymphocytes. These Immune cells in their attempt to to eliminate Hepatitis B virus release ___ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The last and four stage is cirrhosis and is produced when the liver is affected by to damage in the architecture and blood flow of the liver.

Chronic hepatitis causes cirrhosis, a condition in which the liver is destroyed. This nodules affects the normal structure of the liver and Prevention of the normal flow of blood through the liver. scarring and distortion of the hepatocytes and connective tissue that form each hexagonal lobule can prevent the flow of blood through the liver.

As the liver becomes unexpectedly injured when it happens, it creates resistance to this blood flow and the blood may return to the spleen. As blood backs up in the spleen, the spleen enlarges and the cells for blood. The blood tenders to make the difficulty for blood from the portal vein and hepatic. become immobilize and are destroyed, resulting in a decrease in platelets, red cells, and white cells.

Discover a natural product that can restore liver structure and function by promoting tissue regeneration of the liver and repairing the liver damages caused by viruses.

 Hepatitis Treatment <br/>-2

 Hepatitis Treatment <br/>-2

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