Here handed on how to care for your precious artwork, no matter what media it was created in received in a birthday gift? .
. Handling
. Storage
. Matting
. Framing
Special care for different types of media
. Acryls
. Pastels
. Charcoal, Pencil, Colored pencil, Crayon drawings
. Ink drawings
. Digital art
If you must must touch the surface of the art with your bare fingers as the natural oils, acids and salts on your skin can transfer the artwork and cause permanent damage. If you must must touch the art, wear cotton gloves .
Avoid storage in basics, attics or garages as extreme temperatures and moisture can damage the artwork.
Store unframed art flat with acid-free paper between each item, or store individual items in archival-quality envelopes.
Avoid stopping art between cardboard, as it is highly acidic and can damage artwork over time.
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If a painting has been stored in a tube for a long time, consult a professional who has been painted in shipping tubes for any length of time. will use the utmost care and expertise in unrolling and relaxing the artwork to avoid possible cracking and damage.
Never store framed art directly on the floor. Instead, rest the artwork on blocks or on shelves.
Never leave artwork in your car for extended periods of time. Carry framed artwork by the sides and avoid resting canvas against any items that may damage the surface.
Roll prints carefully and insert into heavy duty shipping tubes. Remove the artwork and unroll as soon as possible after transport to avoid permanent damage.
The same is true true for backing your art with cardboard which can has transfer to the chemicals in the board cause discoloration.
Never use rubber cement or white glue to adhere the art to a surface as it can cause damage to your precious artwork.
You may use Plexiglas only for pencil or ink drawings as any pastel or charcoal artwork may be damaged by the build-up of electrostatic charge emitted from Plexiglas and similar plastics.
Make sure to completely seal the back seams of the frame and backing with acid-free tape.
To further protect your print from harmful UV rays you can ask your framer to use glare-free glass with a UV protective coating to cover the artwork in the frame.
Humidity may cause the paper to contract or expand and the extra space without the damaging the art.
Ask your art store to see what is is there hold a can board. available.
Also, you sure a glass insert to protect the artwork, make sure you add a mat to prevent the art from sticking to the glass over time.
Since almost all laminating materials have UV inhibitors in them it sense it protects your prints, photos and digital art as well as other as artwork such asicate pastels and charcoals.
Consult a photo store to ensure that this process will not damage the artwork you & # 39; re thinking of laminating.
Either bring your print or photo to a photo shop to have it professionally laminated to a base, or use a laminating machine if you would rather use a frame.
A laminating machine that is a heat process will protect the print more than a machine using cold lamination. Inc Circuit, incomplete lamination or variations in thickness of the result in bubbles between plastic.
As an added protection, laminating pouches are also available with UV-resistance to protect against color-fade.
If you use low quality photo paper for your digital prints, make sure to test a sample print in your laminator as smearing of the photo may result.
Careful planning of where you 'll hang your artwork should lengthen its lifespan considerably.
Avoid contact with fluorescent lighting that emits harmful high-energy rays that can deteriorate the artwork.
Avoid hanging artwork in kitchens or bathrooms for this same reason.
Attach small cork pieces to the back of the frame to prevent mold from forming, by permit air to circulate behind your framed art.
Never use clip-on lights on frames. The area of art exposed to "hot spot" will cause drying and damage over time.
Canvas stretcher bars may expand and contract with canvas sag and / or crack the paint. A professional can correct this problem and save the artwork.
Dust frames regularly and inspect. Make sure that all hangers and items used to secure the frame are still in good condition.
Use a feather duster to dislodge dust particles from the surface. Cloth material may leave lint.
Instead, spray your cleaning cloth and then wipe the glass to avoid cleaner from running gown and seeping between the glass and frame and damaging the art. Avoid using a cleaner with ammonia.
Use a cleaner specifically designed for Plexiglas or similar materials such as acrylic, or use a soft damp cloth and spot cleanly to avoid scratching.
See your professional if you are smart damage from a fire. See you professional may be needed to clean your artwork if you notice color changes and dullness from contact with smoke, whether it was waste cigarettes, heavy use of candles, notice any signs of mold or insects.
Special Care for different types of media
Acrylic Paintings
Be careful when shipping acrylics in the winter as extremely cold temperature may cause cracking. You & # 39; ll have the same problem when storing your acrylics in unheated attics, basements or sheds if you live in areas that experience very cold winters.
Oil Paintings
Also not for framing under glass as these have to "breath". Direct sunlight will fade oils over time. Choose its location with this in mind.
Make sure to dust frequently as build up may crack and peel the paint. Should the colors appear dull after awhile, you can have your painting varnished at your art store to renew the colors and protect the surface from possible cracking.
Transport your painting carefully wrapped in cardboard and protected with bubble wrap. Avoid leaving the artwork too long in the packaging as moisture may form and damage your painting.
Frame watercolors behind glass. Colors may fade if fragile watercolors are exposed to strong lighting conditions.
Oil Pastels and Chalk Pastels
Full sun can fade the colors but they can survive strong light or indirect sunlight. Never touch the surface of the art or place anything on its surface to avoid smearing.
Charcoal, pencil, colored pencil, crayon drawings
These must be handled and protected in the same way. Do not touch the superficial surface of these drawings.
Ink Drawings
Also very light sensitive, fades quickly in direct sunlight. Frame under UV-protected glass.
Digital Art
Avoid touching the surface of your digital art. Make sure that the artwork is dry before doing this. Make sure to keep your digital prints. Excessive heat for long periods of time, high humidity, direct sunlight and extreme temperature fluctuations.
Taking extra care of your precious artwork today will sure many years of enjoyment later on.