For some women, morning sickness is a bother that will resolve it earlier in the second trimester. But, for other women, it sickness is a worsening condition which can only be treated by morning sickness medication.
The best way to know which one one you have need one morning sickness medication. Study the drugs the best you can make it any you should choose is to know everything possible about each drug.
Do you have to make the best decision for you and your baby - not the nosy neighbor who thinks that you are a terrible person if you do not go herbal for everything!
Let 's take a look at the medications that are available to pregnant women:
Over-the-Counter Help
I found several places where Unisom was suggested to help ease morning sickness. Here & # 39; s the low-down on it:
Doxylamine Succinate (Unisom) - It is a sedating antihistamine used as a short-term sedative. A form of this combination was used up until the 80 's under the name Bendectin.
Safety in Pregnancy - generally considered safe in pregnancy but use at your own risk.
Possible Side Effects - dry mouth; if overdosed, can cause insomnia, dilated pupils, hallucinations, seizures
Dosage Form - pill
Bendectin Note: These complications were being raised to these alleged links to congenital limb defects. These complaints were never proven.
It took a medicine to to take 1 tablespoon of caffeine free cola.
Safety in Pregnancy - considered safe during pregnancy
Possible Side Effects - phosphoric acid has been shown to decrease bone density and weakened the teeth. Many people ingest large quantities of phosphoric acid through soda.
Dosage Form - syrup
Otherwise, the potential risk of taking the drugs is greater than the morning fatigue itself.
Here are some of the options you might might be offered:
Metoclopramide (Reglan) Reglan strengthens the muscle of the lower esophageal sphincter (right where your muscles to relax, happiness your muscles to relax, indu your stomach to empty more slowly. Reg elan also interacts with the centers in your brain that trigger nausea.
Safety in Pregnancy But the same source said that nursing mothers should avoid Reglan.
Possible Side Effects - restlessness, fatigue, insomnia, anxiety, depression, sedation, neurological side effects that mimic Parkinson & # 39; s disease.
Dosage Form - Tablet or syrup
Ondansetron (Zofran) - blocks the action of chemicals in your body that trigger nausea, specifically by reducing the activity of the vagus nerve.
Safety in Pregnancy - are not expected to be harmful to an unborn baby. They are not sure if it passes to the baby through breast milk, so do not take this if you are nursing.
Possible Side Effects - blurred vision or vision loss, slow heart rate, trouble breathing, anxiety, agitation, shivering, feeling like you may be pass out, urinating less or not at all, can impair your thinking and reaction time so you can not drive while taking it.
Dosage Form - IV or pill
Prochlorperazine (Compazine) It is a neuroleptic which means "nerve-seizing" and it has a semi-paralytic effect on the brain and the nervous system. The effects of the dose, depending on how it is administered, only last days from the research I was able to find.
Safety in Pregnancy - this drug does not safe during pregnancy even though in rat studies it produced increased fetal mortality, minor behavioral changes, cleft palate, among other observations.
Possible Side Effects - uncontrollable body or face movements, seizures or seizure-like symptoms, can cause neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), is a blood reactant and can cause circulatory damage when used as a push IV in the emergency room.
Dosage Form - liquid, tablet, cream, suppository, injection
Promethazine (Pheneregan) - operates as an antihistamine and an antiemetic. It has a strong sedative effect and is prescribed for insomnia.
Safety in Pregnancy - crosses the placenta, not enough human data, seess to cause cardiovascular defects with 1 st trimester exposure, can cause respiratory depression and platelet dysfunction in the baby when used in
Possible Side Effects - confusion, drowsiness, dry mouth, constipation, chest discomfort or pressure, restless legs, irritability, seizures, NMS
Dosage Form - IV
Trimethobenzamide (Tigan) - it is unknown exactly how this drug work but it is thought to effect the lower half of the brainstem which receives input from blood - borne drugs and communicates with the vomiting center of the brain.
Safety in Pregnancy - limited human data available but appears to cause congenital anomalies, though this is unproven. May increase the chance of miscarriage.
Possible Side Effects - seizure, body spasms, depression, shakiness, skin rash, sore throat or fever, tiredness, vomiting. Worst Pills.org lists this as a "do not use" drug because they feel there is not enough proof as to its effectiveness.
Dosage Form - capsules, injection, suppositories
A very severe case of morning sickness might ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 be more dangerous for your little one than the possible side effects of some of these medications.
I try to take the herbal road whenever possible, but sometimes extreme circumstances call for fore.